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Blackberry's avatar

Non-smokers: What is something smokers do that annoy you?

Asked by Blackberry (34367points) June 27th, 2011

Oh yeah, I’m asking one of these questions, too.
I’m annoyed at smokers flicking their butts out of the window, especially when it hits my windshield.

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42 Answers

sliceswiththings's avatar

I’m annoyed when they take breaks from work to smoke, when we non-smokers don’t take breaks.

picante's avatar

I’m annoyed and very anxious when a smoker lets the ash get longer, longer, longer—the anticipation of it falling is awful.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

When you’re walking behind them and they blow smoke into your face.

MilkyWay's avatar

When they think smoking is cool.
Seriously, it isn’t.

syz's avatar

What’s not to be annoying? Extra breaks, littering, the stink….

erichw1504's avatar


laureth's avatar

…besides smoking?

jonsblond's avatar

I really hate finding cigarette butts scattered about a playground, park or beach. Any area known for its natural beauty or an area where children play. When I was a smoker, I at least had the decency of stomping on my butt and putting it my pocket until I could dispose of it properly. It isn’t that hard to do. just takes 30 seconds

ucme's avatar

When they raise the cancer stick to their mouths, those who almost cover their entire face with splayed out fingers…yeah I seen it happen ;¬}

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I’m with jonsblond. The butts all over the place are disgusting. All though, the time I walked up the street and saw a guy picking through the garbage can for butts with a little left to smoke was also pretty rude.

FutureMemory's avatar

I don’t care for my air being poisoned. Call me selfish.

erichw1504's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe “The butts all over the place are disgusting”

That’s not what your mom said last night.

Facade's avatar

Act like it’s completely OK to smoke cigarettes

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@erichw1504 Hey I just pimp her out. I don’t put words in her mouth.

InTheZone's avatar

Smoke in the vicinity of children or elderly people whose health might be compromised.

wundayatta's avatar

I’m annoyed when they smoke right outside buildings and I have to walk through those noxious smells to get anywhere.

ragingloli's avatar

Besides the smoking itself, the littering.
@Adirondackwannabe not words, iykwim… :P

Aster's avatar

Its worse than “annoying” when they take a drag and I imagine them dying or at least getting lung disease. It’s depressing.

crisw's avatar

I am annoyed that they smoke at all where other people have to breathe it. Why anyone thinks they have any right to spew poisons into my air is beyond me.

I am annoyed that they get aggressive when asked not to smoke.

I am annoyed that they toss their filthy trash on the ground.

I am annoyed that they repeatedly burn down vast areas of my state.

I am annoyed that some of them are friends and family members who up and die on me because of their toxic habit.

I hate smoking.

FutureMemory's avatar

Y’all want to hear a hilarious joke I heard the other day?

“Smoker’s rights”.


SquirrelEStuff's avatar

It sucks being a passenger in the car with smokers, especially in the winter. Most justify it by putting the window down, which really sucks when its 15 degrees out.

YARNLADY's avatar

Polluting the air, and driving up health care costs.

crisw's avatar


“Most justify it by putting the window down”

Oh yeah, that too. Waiting at a stoplight next to some cretin dangling a cigarette out the window so the smoke gets sucked into my car. And then, of course, they throw the smouldering butt on the side of the road to start a fire…

Even worse- when I am stopped on my bike at a light and get the smoke treatment.

Smokers- keep your damned smoke TO YOURSELVES!

marinelife's avatar

When they can’t smell the horrible smell caused by their smoking.

SuperMouse's avatar

Count me among those who cannot stand it when smokers view the world as their ashtray.

MissAusten's avatar

Inconsiderate smokers bother me. We have a family member who drives me crazy, the way she smokes around my kids. She smokes those really long cigarettes, and she’ll have one dangling out of her mouth and then lean over to tie my kid’s shoes or something. Or, she’ll clearly be able to see the smoke wafting into someone’s face and not move. This is always outside. She does abstain from smoking indoors when the kids are around. If one of us says something, no matter how politely, she gets very upset and offended. Once I asked her to smoke less often in the car because I wasn’t feeling well, and she literally did not speak to me for days. She will light up anywhere it is allowed, regardless of the people around her. Yes, she leaves butts all over the place. She will even use the planters by our front door as ashtrays even though my husband has asked her many times not to do that. I’m getting all annoyed now just thinking about it!

So yeah, that kind of smoker really bothers me.

Aethelflaed's avatar

Using the garden or potted plants instead of the trash can to dispose of their butts, because walking the extra 3 feet to the trash can is too hard.

Blowing it in my face (usually accidentally, but still).

Chain smoking inside. I have a few friends who allow it, and I hate that I have to wash all my clothes and air out my purse the second I get home just because I wanted to hang out with friends. I’d be much more cool with your habit if you didn’t inflict it onto me.

athenasgriffin's avatar

I hate it when a smoker goes outside to smoke, but doesn’t wait for the smell to dissipate and brings it back inside with him or her.

FutureMemory's avatar

@athenasgriffin Agree 100000%! That is the absolute worst.

crisw's avatar


Yeah, or the person is wearing a heavy coat that just reeks chokingly of the stuff.

laureth's avatar

Oh yeah. Christmas gifts.

My mom, a heavy (2–3 pack a day) smoker, once bought me a nice down pillow for a holiday gift. In order to keep it from “smelling like smoke,” she had it delivered only a week before Christmas and kept it in a not-very-used storage room, still wrapped in its original packaging and plastic. When I took it to my (non-smoking) home, unwrapped it, and put it in a case on my bed, it still, somehow, reeked of smoke.

jonsblond's avatar

@laureth You reminded me of something. My mom (2–3 pack a day also) kept a baby shower gift for my son’s pre-school teacher at her house for me. I can’t remember why I kept it there, I think she picked it up from the store for me. When I brought it home to wrap it, the cute little baby outfit reeked of cigarette smoke. I couldn’t wash it because it had the tags on it, so I reluctantly wrapped it and hoped for the best. I didn’t have time to go buy something new. I was so embarrassed to give that present to the teacher. :/

AshlynM's avatar

Smoking in public places is extremely irritating. Why do you need to bring your filthy habit out in public? That’s something you should do in the privacy of your own home, not bring it to where others can get sick from it. Secondhand smoke is just as bad as firsthand.

Also, when there’s a mix of cigarettes and ashes in the ashtray that’s left on tables in restaurants. I usually just move it to another table, out of my general area.

MilkyWay's avatar

^ This is exactly why public smoking is banned here.

Kardamom's avatar

When they throw their cigarettes out of the window of their car or drop them on the sidewalk or street (instead of using an ashtray).

When they smoke in non-smoking areas (disregarding the fact that they are in a non-smoking area)

When they can’t control their smoking to the point that they smoke in bed, fall asleep and burn down not only their apartment, but the neighboring aparment killing a toddler and a baby.

When they are so addicted to smoking that they make up stories and excuses about how smoking is not harmful and isn’t likely to cause them to develop cancer or heart disease, even though at least one of our mutual friends, who was/is a heavy smoker had a heart attack in his mid-forties and a few of our friends, old and young, male and female have died of lung cancer. Three people in the last 2 years.

When they can’t/don’t realize how badly they smell (breath, body and clothing)

When they don’t care/realize that their disgusting smokers breath is left on the speaker part of our shared telephone at work.

When they take longer lunches and breaks, because even though they’ve finished their coffee and/or their lunch and gone potty, they still need to smoke, even though the rest of us have gone back to work.

People that smoke around children, me and my family, elderly people with medical problems or physical weaknesses (meaning all of them) animals, where food is being prepared or inside of a building, or outside in a high fire danger area.

When they smoke and drive and don’t pay attention to what is happening on the road around them.

When they chain smoke at home, then agree not to smoke while they are vacationing at your home, but bring their smoky smelling suitcase, clothing, purse and selves into your home and make all of your funiture in your guest room and bathroom smell like cigarettes.

When they are extremelly addicted and also empoverished, but they choose to buy cigarettes instead of some fresh vegetables or fruit or milk for their children. Basically, when people put their indultence of cigarettes above the health of other people.

When they create a situation for their children or their parents, in which the children or the parents of the smokers live in fear, every day, that their respective parent or child will die, early and needlessly.

crisw's avatar

I wonder if any of Fluther’s smokers are reading this thread… If they are, I hope they learn from it rather than getting defensive. Maybe it will be a good motivation for someone to quit, seeing just how loathsome so many other people think the habit is.

Kardamom's avatar

I think I may have inadvertently coined a new word ^ indultence when I meant indulgence. But now, I’m thinking that the new word seems even better, like a cross between being an adult and indulgence. What do y’all think?

Akua's avatar

Cigerette Smoke. Polluting my air, getting in my hair and clothes and littering the streets and parks. A disgusting foul habit that only reminds me of how weak people really are to need such a nasty habit as a crutch. My mother didn’t come and visit me for years and I only lived a couple of hours away. Why? Because the Greyhound Bus didn’t allow smoking and she didn’t think she could last the 3 hour ride without a smoke. When I had my children she only visited me once all together because you can’t smoke in a hospital. Then she was diagnosed with Esophogeal Cancer from the cigerettes. Imagine how surprised I was to see cancer patients still hooked up to their IV bags standing outside the hospital SMOKING!!!! And who was standing next to them? The doctors! My mom’s husband would come and visit her in the hospital wreaking of smoke. Even seeing what it had done to her didn’t persuade him to stop. What the hell is wrong with people?!?!
I am very outspoken when I see someone smoking in the street. If your walking near me and I see your about to light up, I will politely ask you to please wait until I am out of the way and then I run ahead of them. I don’t allow people who smoke to come to my house because they smell. I work in a public school and I kid you not I have a co-worker who will light up a cigerette right on the school steps even though their is a law that says you can’t smoke within 25–50 feet of the school because a lot of children have asthma. This woman has no teeth in her head and comes in the school smelling like an ashtray every morning and she works directly in the classroom with the children. Everytime I see her I twist up my nose and mention how bad she smells. I cringe everytime I see someone on the street smoking. If you want to kill yourself that’s fine but don’t take me with you.

VenusFanelli's avatar

Blowing smoke onto non-smokers is a biggie. Second hand smoke kills painfully. Dropping ashes everywhere. Putting burning butts just anywhere.

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