When they throw their cigarettes out of the window of their car or drop them on the sidewalk or street (instead of using an ashtray).
When they smoke in non-smoking areas (disregarding the fact that they are in a non-smoking area)
When they can’t control their smoking to the point that they smoke in bed, fall asleep and burn down not only their apartment, but the neighboring aparment killing a toddler and a baby.
When they are so addicted to smoking that they make up stories and excuses about how smoking is not harmful and isn’t likely to cause them to develop cancer or heart disease, even though at least one of our mutual friends, who was/is a heavy smoker had a heart attack in his mid-forties and a few of our friends, old and young, male and female have died of lung cancer. Three people in the last 2 years.
When they can’t/don’t realize how badly they smell (breath, body and clothing)
When they don’t care/realize that their disgusting smokers breath is left on the speaker part of our shared telephone at work.
When they take longer lunches and breaks, because even though they’ve finished their coffee and/or their lunch and gone potty, they still need to smoke, even though the rest of us have gone back to work.
People that smoke around children, me and my family, elderly people with medical problems or physical weaknesses (meaning all of them) animals, where food is being prepared or inside of a building, or outside in a high fire danger area.
When they smoke and drive and don’t pay attention to what is happening on the road around them.
When they chain smoke at home, then agree not to smoke while they are vacationing at your home, but bring their smoky smelling suitcase, clothing, purse and selves into your home and make all of your funiture in your guest room and bathroom smell like cigarettes.
When they are extremelly addicted and also empoverished, but they choose to buy cigarettes instead of some fresh vegetables or fruit or milk for their children. Basically, when people put their indultence of cigarettes above the health of other people.
When they create a situation for their children or their parents, in which the children or the parents of the smokers live in fear, every day, that their respective parent or child will die, early and needlessly.