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mazingerz88's avatar

If Death gives you the choice of game where if you beat him, he spares your life for 10 more years, which game would you pick?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29376points) June 27th, 2011

I guess that’s it. Please hurry, Death is here with me and he awaits my choice. I need good ideas from Fluther. Thanks!

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56 Answers

KateTheGreat's avatar

Monopoly. Even if I lose, I have the possibility of living forever.

The game lasts for AGES.

zenvelo's avatar

Cribbage. Part chance, a lot of skill.

Some_Ghost's avatar

Super Ghouls and Ghosts.

I’ve had a lot of free time you know, what with being a ghost and not really having anything to do.

You just try me at that game, fellow.

You just try me.

everephebe's avatar

Calvinball or croquet (and I would totally cheat) or this thing called ring hockey.

The_Idler's avatar


Even if you lose, those five days would feel like ten years =P

fundevogel's avatar

Foosball. Ol’ Scratch doesn’t stand a chance.

poisonedantidote's avatar

- Chess… When I inevitably lose, I at least go out looking like I had smarts.

- See who can go the longest without killing someone?

Vunessuh's avatar

Volleyball. Bring it, bitch.

The_Idler's avatar

No wait, I got it!


It’s even punny…

fundevogel's avatar

@KatetheGreat Are you sure you wouldn’t prefer Risk?

mazingerz88's avatar

@Some_Ghost Heh, clearly there will be a few questions here once in a while that obviously do not fit you and one you will never do justice in answering. Hence, just in the slightest case you forgot, you’re dead. : )

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Golf. I will KHA.

TexasDude's avatar

Timesplitters: Future Perfect on the Playstation 2. I freaking rock at that game.

WestRiverrat's avatar

Hearts of Iron, on the slowest speed. It will take about 10 years to finish the game.

_zen_'s avatar


I kick your ass, death. Bring it on.

AmWiser's avatar


mazingerz88's avatar

Arm wrestling. I think I would have the advantage of also having muscles not just bare bones.

Cruiser's avatar

Horseshoes and hand grenades…I will let him choose!

mazingerz88's avatar

Ok, this might work. I’ll challenge him to an Iron Chef cooking contest style and the main ingredient is bone marrow! Maybe that will throw him off a bit?

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Another vote for croquet, but it has to be in my parents’ yard. It is one devilish court. @everephebe You are invited to join, and I will be your wingman.

@KatetheGreat That answer was brilliant.

KateTheGreat's avatar

@Pied_Pfeffer Thanks, dear!

@fundevogel Quite sure. Monopoly is my best game. I can play for hours.

obvek's avatar

Russian roulette. What else?

Some_Ghost's avatar

@mazingerz88 Wut choo talkin bout foo? Death owes me a bloody rematch, ol’ chap!

…he ain’t showin’ up. Spineless worm. Hiding in that big hood of his and all.

chyna's avatar

Horseshoes, I’ll kick his ass!

aprilsimnel's avatar


Last I heard, my score was still in the top 3 on the Tetris game at the student union at my college. Don’t ask me how long ago I was at college.

AmWiser's avatar

@aprilsimnel, how long ago was that/what year? :D

mazingerz88's avatar

@aprilsimnel Hopefully, the top scorer did not already lose to the Death dude. Lol.

bob_'s avatar

Giving Monica Bellucci multiple orgasms.

mazingerz88's avatar

@bob_ May the best boner win! Lol.

King_Pariah's avatar

If what @bob_ says counts as a game, I want in, and I don’t care if I get sloppy seconds or thirds or whatnot. lol

Vunessuh's avatar

^ Yeah, um…I want in, too.

mazingerz88's avatar

Cutting the US deficit. He’ll use his scythe to cut taxes while I raise them! And I’ll win…right? Right? Heh.

King_Pariah's avatar

@bob_ first cum first serve, race ya!

mazingerz88's avatar

Who can fart more in a minute. I might actually win that one considering he has no bunghole!

chewhorse's avatar

Your talking about house odds and death holds the winning hand.. I would suppose any game that your good at would suffice because in relation to.. FOREVER! Ten more years is nothing, I’m sure he could wait.. no problem.. Now, if you toss in say, eternal life.. I’d say something he knows little about.. What would that be? Hey, it’s your eternity that’s at stake.. Do some investigation.. Ask his cronies, I’m almost positive at least one out of the crowd holds a grudge and would know his limitations..

Coloma's avatar


Saddle up death, lets see how well you ride in that hooded black cape with your 8 foot scythe.

No way death can beat me on the trail.

Besides, I’ll give him a green horse, death takes a dump in the dust. lol

aprilsimnel's avatar


He wouldn’t have the fine motor skills to expertly grip or manipulate the tweezers because he has no muscles or tendons! Go, me!

Coloma's avatar



Well..he should try to play operation on horseback. Double screw death. haha

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Canasta. Yes, for real.

Joker94's avatar

Staring contest.

Jellie's avatar

Simon says! He’d be so confused.

Meego's avatar

‘Space Invaders’ bring me home.

MissAnthrope's avatar

Pictionary, which I am freakishly good at.

If nothing else, hell, I’ve played Pictionary with Death.

jrpowell's avatar

Street Fighter II. I won a tournament in Vegas at Circus Circus playing it. I’m freakishly good at it.

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

Scissors Paper Rock. It is the only way to decide anything! (Okay, best of 3? Cheat! First to 5?).

ucme's avatar

Keepy uppy with a football (soccer) I can go for hours, feel the fury Mister Reaper!!

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Choice #1 Chess
Choice #2 Dominoes
Choice #3 Scrabble

Stinley's avatar

Charades. Once Death has let go of that scythe to make the TV screen mime, I’ll grab it and Death will be MINE. MuhaHaHaaaa

cockswain's avatar

Wow, I was going to say Street Fighter 2, but I see @johnpowell has too. I have won no tournaments, just played endless hours with stoner roommates. But I’m better than Satan.

Berserker's avatar

Street Fighter Alpha 3. Bring it, muffuga.

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