Meta Question

FutureMemory's avatar

Have you ever caused someone to leave Fluther?

Asked by FutureMemory (24763points) June 28th, 2011

I’m not asking for names.

I am curious though if you have ever had an argument/exchange with someone that may have caused them to quit the site? If so, how do you feel about it? Do you wish you could get them to reconsider their decision and return to us? Or, are you glad they’re no longer around?

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44 Answers

FutureMemory's avatar

A few months ago a member was ‘impressed’ with one of my female avatars, and sent me this PM:

Ohh boy. You have a wicked body….hello, hi, damnnnnn!!!! Can we meet sometime? If not still stay sweet!

Now, being aware that he had sent similar PM’s praising (actual) female jellies about their physiques, I decided to respond in a decidedly unfriendly manner: “Fuck off stalker”. I just checked his profile and he hasn’t logged in since April.

Do I regret what I said? No way. Fucking creeps like that deserve to be straightened out.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

I don’t think so. If anything it is like a cyber game of chicken; they will see if they can run me into the ditch before they swerve. No way would they leave because of me and take a chance I would have the satisfaction. LOL LOL

funkdaddy's avatar

Just once that I know of.

From the olden days, there was a fairly benign question How many calories should I eat?

My answer is the first there, the guy who answered second JoeCsekoBrainBuilder decided my answer was so bad he needed to ask a follow up question

Wy do you suppose people answer questions when they clearly have no idea what the correct answer is?

At which point the original lady of Fluther, @gailcalled, came to my rescue valiantly, She’s still my hero.

Brainbuilder decided we were all a little too inexact for his liking and stormed off a few quips later. Apparently he came back at least once since.

I like to think he’s found his place in a community where only true experts answer the questions posed.

Cruiser's avatar

I wish I could take credit…

JilltheTooth's avatar

Yeah, @Cruiser , me too, sometimes. Oh, the thought of such power! I guess I’m just not forceful enough. Maybe Auggie will lend me her whip…

Cruiser's avatar

@JilltheTooth You go girl! Anybody gets on my wrong side and I just blast them with Silly String!

Kayak8's avatar

There have been a few who made me want to leave, but I didn’t give them the satisfaction . . .

Blondesjon's avatar

I don’t think I have but if some one did quit because of me, so be it.

I’ve never understood why folks who get pissed about something here leave. It’s not like you are actually in a room, face to face with the person who is pissing you off. If you were I could understand stomping out and slamming the door.

There aren’t any doors to slam here and I’ve noticed that for every 1 person that quits for good there are at least 5 hot heads that delete their account and then come back two days later.

I know a few members here that become insult hurling, sputtering ninnies at the very site of my avatar. I find it hilarious, and a little rewarding i won’t lie, that they give me that kind of power over their emotions. I also find it puzzling. If you don’t like someone here, just ignore them. Even if they say shit you don’t like. Pretty simple.

It’s just the Internet. Quit getting worked up over a bunch of people the may or may not even exist.

ucme's avatar

Not that i’m aware of, although i’d me amazed if that was ever the case. I’ve only had a couple of “run-in’s” with members in my time here. Both were a long time ago & both were basically me defending my corner against buttfuck morons anyway. Cest la vie!

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OpryLeigh's avatar

Not that I am aware of. I can’t think of anything I have ever said that has been harsh enough to make them leave.

Brian1946's avatar

I once got someone to change their avatar.

redfeather's avatar

Not that I know of. Anyone got someone in mind who needs to gtfo? I’ll let em know. ;)

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Ummm… actually I think I did. A fairly new user was a total troll and I was all up in his ass. Never seen him since.

erichw1504's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate Sounds like you gave him a thorough colonoscopy.

Lightlyseared's avatar

I sincerely hope not.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@Blondesjon I know a few members here that become insult hurling, sputtering ninnies at the very site of my avatar. What it bub, there can be only one Irukandji in this fluther of Jellies and all the knots and scars I recieved, I have earned it. ;-)

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central I don’t want one of those, Irukandji, stuck up my tube.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@Tropical_Willie That could be deadly…..and terribly painful it not ;-P

lillycoyote's avatar

I might have made one person leave, I don’t know. This guy, CaliBuddz , was gone not long after I let him have it on the second thread I’ve linked to.

Question/thread 1

Question/thread 2

You have to read the first question and his comment on it, and then the second question, which he asked, to get an idea of what set me off.

I was kind of in that kind of mood and, well, I let loose on him. Probably shouldn’t have, I guess. I felt bad afterwords but … what can you do, once you’ve done it?

Not a very warm and gracious welcome to Fluther on my part, was it? Oh well…

jrpowell's avatar

There was one guy a long time ago that was sending unwanted sexual advancements to a woman here via PM’s. She didn’t want to report it but I did and he was banned.

Berserker's avatar

Not that I know of. >_>

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@Symbeline That’s IT! I’m leaving!

Berserker's avatar

Lmao ..- I mean, NOOOOO!!

Your_Majesty's avatar

No, I don’t think so. I never have any intention to wipe them from this site but most of the time when I had a fight or argument I had it with ‘stubborn’ jellies who are very unlikely to leave the site just because of a fight.

I know some people would love to see me leave but I won’t do their favor. I will leave when I want to leave.

chyna's avatar

I think only the mods have the power to make someone leave. If a person chooses to leave because of something someone says, that is of their own doing and totally ridiculous on their part.

JilltheTooth's avatar

@chyna : I agree. There often seem to be a wave of “snit-quits” after particularly heated threads sometimes, and it cracks me up a bit, they are often back within days.

Berserker's avatar

I think sometimes it can get a bit more serious though. Heard some creepy stuff around here about people leaving due to other folks. Still, good points.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

I only know of two who left for their own reason. One told me that this site wasn’t for him, and the other essentially felt belittled. I didn’t have a hand in either of their decisions to close their account.

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augustlan's avatar

Quite a few. <cracks whip>

As a member, never.

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XOIIO's avatar

@FutureMemory daayyymmmm guuurrrrl


jonsblond's avatar

@Jude I told him to stfu. He left.

just joking ;)

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augustlan's avatar

[mod says] Please don’t mention names, guys.

iamthemob's avatar

I have assisted, perhaps, in speeding up the perhaps forced exits of some members…;-)

I like to call it “Trollpotting.” It’s kind of like “Trainspotting” except with much less heroin and absolutely no Ewan McGregor.

JilltheTooth's avatar

@iamthemob : and the assistance of a certain blond pop star??? ;-)

iamthemob's avatar

@JilltheTooth She doesn’t really help with the getting them out, so much as with me being able to maintain sanity on a thread. Plus, a certain song by a certain blond pop star is certainly awesome. ;-)

incendiary_dan's avatar

I wondered if a certain other person who was anarchistically inclined left partially because I called out a part of an argument they made. If so, I think I’m okay with that.

wilma's avatar

I hope not.

flo's avatar

I hope not as well.

AnonymousWoman's avatar

If I have, I hope it wasn’t for a negative reason.

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