What is it about dying that scares people so severly?
Death is feared by most people. Lots of us will grovel, pay, scheme etc… to avoid death when possible. Why do we panic?
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23 Answers
Because we don’t know what happens to us. Fear of the unknown an inability to prepare for it.
See Maslow‘s_hierarchy_of_needs.
Uncertainty is frightening. Imagine being in an earthquake in a tall building not knowing whether the place that you’re standing is secure or not. We have no certainty about what comes at death.
Because I want to continue to live to see my daughter born and grown up.
Everyone has a different reason to live, but probably those in their 80’s and later fear death less since they’ve probably made their life worth something.
The thing is, even though we don’t know about tomorrow, we can reasonably expect certain things. Faced with the prospect of death we’re scared cause don’t know what it is. All we know it that its not life. Life is all we’ve ever experienced.
No one wants to end prematurely. I would feel more comfortable dying if I knew I had accomplished something decent and lived to a good enough age.
It’s not entirely unknown in the same way that tomorrow is unknown. Tomorrow, there’s a pretty good chance I’ll wake up next to my husband, eat some tasty food, mess around on the internet, and feel the sunshine. If I’m dead, I’m pretty sure none of those are options I’ll enjoy.
Mostly, I fear what happens right before death. Will there be a lot of pain? Will I be able to communicate with my loved ones? And I fear what my death will do to others that may depend on me. And I don’t particularly care for the idea that someday I’ll never see another beautiful sunset, or sleep in on a Saturday, or kiss my man. I am very afraid for whoever ends up having to go through all the papers and craft supplies I’ve accumulated.
So I guess you could say I’m afraid of death in a way, but it’s not because of anything supernatural. The biological will to live is very strong, and I enjoy my life. Does that help?
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Because those who fear death tend to live until they are old enough to reproduce.
It’s just the bloody finality of it all. I mean talk about closure!
Whoosh, what was that? That was your life mate! Yep, it was that quick…gone, kaput!!
I think people fear what comes next and feel tremendous amounts of uncertainty. Is there an afterlife, or is it just rot?
That is a very good question. If you do not believe there is anything after here, there is no ”unknown” to worry about because there will be no existence, if you believe the here and now is all there is. You might have the fear that you were coming to an end, but the exact moment it happened, you would never know it happened. You would not even have any consciousness of those you left or their memory. So logically there is nothing to fear of death if here and now is all there is.
I strongly suspect that it’s fear of the unknown and the realization that for you, the world is NOT going to go on.
Uh Hellooooo!
People much prefer to be alive so they can do and experience things. Death is the end of it all, as least as most people interpret the available evidence.
There are times I’ve wanted to be dead, but overall, I much prefer to enjoy the gift of life as long as I possibly can.
Welcome to Fluther!
I don’t think ‘most’ people are horrified by it. The older you get, the less scary it is. At some point you reach a peace with the idea and eventually, you welcome it. It’s all a matter of perspective. It’s inevitable and as much a part of life as being born. Enjoy life! Get as much out of it as you can. It can’t last forever.
I agree with what Woody Allan said ”‘It’s not that I’m afraid to die, I just don’t want to be there when it happens’.
What if there really is a Hell?! Oh I’m so screwed! Lol.
No more Charlie Sheen drama.
It’s game over.
Everything you’ve ever wanted to accomplish, see, do, etc…. well, you can’t do it anymore.
Facing the unknown.
Having life, as we know it, come to an end.
My answer has been taken several times. Fear of the unknown.
For me it’s just what I’ll miss.
My brothers wedding day. The birth of his children. When he becomes a famous rapper.
My own wedding day. Having children of my own. Growing old. Becoming a published writer…
All the things I’d never get to do… Skydiving. Getting married. Love. Raising a family. My first speeding ticket. Going to England. Getting the autograph of a Serial Killers. Kissing in the rain. Learning to swim!
Robbing a bank, then streaking across town and having sex in someones hottub…
Cause Death is your fear…so long as you retain a consciousness of one the other will remain.
Both are one and the same with Ignorance.
The thing is I am not afraid of death itself, but I am slightly afraid of the method in which I will leave this Earth. I am hoping that it is peaceful, but we’ll see!
1. The hurt of it.
[did being born seem painful to fetuses?]
2. The unknown awaiting.
[must have been terrifying for newborns—thrust out in the cold and forever separate]
A world of hurt on both ends.
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