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leftt's avatar

What time do you usually go to sleep?

Asked by leftt (92points) June 29th, 2011

I usually go to bed at around 12AM when I need to wake up early (school night, appointments, etc), but around 2AM-4AM when I don’t (weekends, summer, etc.)

When do you usually go to sleep?

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33 Answers

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

There is nothing “usual” about my sleep habits.

I have the worst sleep schedule of anyone I’ve ever met. It’s bad. So… 8pm, 11pm, 4am, 11am, 3pm…. whatever.

Bellatrix's avatar

9–10.30 pm. Later on weekends sometimes. We go to bed fairly early though during the week.

Hibernate's avatar

Just like @ANef_is_Enuf .. I can’t say it’s the worst but I go to sleep when I feel tired .

MilkyWay's avatar

Same as you @leftt :)

FutureMemory's avatar

I sleep whenever I feel like it. I have no schedule.

I often stay up all night.

Cruiser's avatar

11 pm sometimes later but I always get up at 5:15 even on the weekends.

cookieman's avatar

Between 9PM and 11PM depending on the time of year.

Bellatrix's avatar

I find that so impressive @Cruiser. I have a hard time getting out of bed at 6.30 these days. I love my bed.

Cruiser's avatar

@Bellatrix If you saw the front flip with a ½ twist I do to get out of bed….you would really be impressed!

Bellatrix's avatar

How cool! I am a princess. I need tea before I can consider leaving the warmth of my blankets… if I leapt out of bed with a front lip with any sort of twist my husband would probably call the doctor. (Probably not a bad thing since I would probably suffer a dreadful injury). :D I do admire people who leap out of bed… Encore!!!

zenvelo's avatar

I turn off the light no later than 11 on a work night. My alarm goes off at 4:15. I am sleep deprived.

josie's avatar

11 pm
Awake at 6 am. No matter where or when.

ucme's avatar

Why bedtime of course ;¬}

Blondesjon's avatar

I’m a 3rd shifter so go to bed around 1–2 in the afternoon. On the weekends it’s 4–5.

I wake up between 7–10 pm.

bunnygrl's avatar

Our days start very early, usually with the excited wag of a tail hitting the wall on hubby’s side of the room with a thump thump thump! and if you open your eyes you’ll see a happy smiley face, wiggling ears and get licked on the face and jumped over because… yes, Jadie is awake and wants to go walkies :-) This happens around 4am, sometimes we’ll get a longer nap, in winter the darkness confuses her I think and she’ll even sleep till oh… 4.30am lol. We tend to head off to bed before 10pm, sometimes earlier if we’ve both been run off our feet at work.
huggles xx

Aster's avatar

@Cruiser that’s nothing. I stand up on the bed and do a back flip to the floor.
I go to sleep at ten. Or slightly before.

erichw1504's avatar

10:30 – 12 during the week. 12 – 2 on weekends.

marinelife's avatar

11:30 P.M.

muppetish's avatar

Usually around 12:30 AM, sometimes earlier and sometimes later. Lately? Whenever my body finally passes out. Insomnia is not fun, folks.

JLeslie's avatar

Usually around 11:00. But sometimes I get on my husband schedule, and am asleep by 9:30. Last night I did not turn in until 2:00 am. Since I am not working my schedule is not very rigid. My thyroid bounces around also, which affects how much sleep I need.

shego's avatar

Personally it depends on what I’m doing. If I’m exhausted, I’ll go to bed at 10. But there is no such thing as a bedtime when you have extreme insomnia. But my schedule is usually stay up 24–32 hours, and sleep 12 hours.

OpryLeigh's avatar

Usually anytime between 10.30 and midnight

El_Cadejo's avatar

Well I generally say im going to go to bed around 12 but then for some reason the hours between 12 and 4 pass faster than any other hours during the day so I generally end up going to sleep somewhere between 2–4am

KateTheGreat's avatar

Lately, it’s been around 12 or 1 AM.

On nights where I don’t have to go to work the next day, it’s usually about 4–5 AM.

TexasDude's avatar

5 in the morning.

YARNLADY's avatar

I generally sleep from 3 am until 1 pm.

Bluefreedom's avatar

When I have to work the following day, I’m usually in bed between 8 and 9 pm. On my days off, I usually turn in around midnight.

Berserker's avatar

Twelve thirty at night on weekdays. On weekends, it’s always a different bag of surprises. Always pretty late though.

woodcutter's avatar

Just whenever I feel my eyes getting small. And that is never the same two nights in a row. I have a weird life so I haven’t had to use the alarm clock in years. When it’s time for pain killers is when I get up most of the time. Coffee and hydrocodone, mmmmmmm hydrocodone.

KateTheGreat's avatar

@woodcutter You have great taste. Coffee and hydrocodone is an excellent mix.

likipie's avatar

I got to bed whenever I feel like it but I’m never asleep before midnight, at least.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Whenever I get sleepy. At which point I usually get a call from my ex, asking is she woke me up. I always tell her no, I was sleep anyway.

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