Social Question

Jude's avatar

Any ladies here ever smoked a pipe (not one filled with crack); what brand of tobacco did you smoke?

Asked by Jude (32210points) June 29th, 2011

I want to get one to smoke once in a while. I love the flavor of pipe tobacco.

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4 Answers

TexasDude's avatar

I’m a dude obviously but rum cured tobacco is really good, smells great, and you can buy it in huge bags for like… 5 dollars.

Jude's avatar


FluffyChicken's avatar

I smoke weed out of a glass pipe. On the rare occasion that I do smoke tobacco, it is strictly ceremonial in which case I smoke out of a Chanupa .

tranquilsea's avatar

I’ve never smoked but my father did for years. His brand of choice was Borkum Riff. I loved it when he smoked the Cherry Cavendish.

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