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XOIIO's avatar

Automate multiple program installation?

Asked by XOIIO (18360points) June 30th, 2011

At my workplace we install a standard build on every new computer, I want to automate the installation process. I was wondering if there was a way to click buttons on programs with a VBS script or another way to automate the installation of several (8 or so) programs including ticking boxes and filling in info.

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4 Answers

Vortico's avatar

You can write a script in Auto Hotkey that launches the installer and clicks on a certain position relative to the window. I’m not sure if VB script can handle macros.

funkdaddy's avatar

I used to work in a computer QA lab, we had to set 16 computers back to a clean install every day.

Programs like ghost > make an image of the drive and then you can rebuild from that image. It might be easier than installing each program every time.

XOIIO's avatar

@funkdaddy we can’t really set up drive ghosting at my workplace. Anyways, I made a batch file that I converted to an EXE that includes the installers and starts them one after another so that works pretty good.

Vortico's avatar

@XOIIO You may know this by now, but most Windows installers can take command line options to automate the installation process. The two most common are NSIS and Inno Setup.

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