General Question

Aethelflaed's avatar

Which is more cost-effective: liquid or dry dishwasher detergent?

Asked by Aethelflaed (13760points) June 30th, 2011

Cascade has the same prices for both their liquid and dry detergent, both 75 oz. But they don’t tell you how many loads are in each. So which one is cheaper? And what’s the upside of liquid over powder?

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11 Answers

SpatzieLover's avatar

Neither, the tabs work the best. The tabs have the highest consumer ratings year after year. There’s less chance for human error too little or too much soap can have you re-doing the entire load

The powder is the cheapest, but it also is the most abrasive and tends to damage flatware and etch your glassware. The liquids tend to leave a lot of residue behind.

Aethelflaed's avatar

@SpatzieLover Oh. I thought the tabs were easier, but not better, and insanely expensive. Interesting.

lillycoyote's avatar

I don’t know which is more cost effective in terms of every day use and efficacy but our plumber told us we should use liquid dishwasher detergent and liquid laundry soap because the powders never fully dissolve and can build up on your pipes over time. As a homeowner that factors into the cost-effectiveness for me, in terms of added plumber expenses. So I always use liquids.

JLeslie's avatar

I have the best resuts when I put a tab in the one compartment that closes up, and then the other one I put a little cascade liquid gel.

YARNLADY's avatar

I use liquid, but I cut it with water each time I use it.

tedibear's avatar

I use liquid because I can control the amount that goes in, unlike the tabs. We have a super-duper water softener and I use less of all soaps than the average person. And because I’m a little clumsy, I used to shake out more powder than needed and would have to find a way to scoop it back into the box!

filmfann's avatar

We have been told to use liquid because we are on a septic tank.

I don’t think there is a price difference worth noting.

tedibear's avatar

@filmfann – We have septic as well. Were you told why you should use liquid instead?

filmfann's avatar

@tedibear sometimes the granualar kind doesn’t desolve, and it builds up in the bottom of your septic, along with undigested vitamins.

Glamking's avatar

Liquid is a better detergent because it works better.

elizabethforman12's avatar

If you use a septic tank cleaner called Spectrum 2000 (company located in NJ) you do not have to worry. You can use Cascade powder and you will never have to have your septic pumped. Spectrum takes care of everything and their guarantee states that they will pay for septic tank pumping. We have had our septic for 7 years using Spectrum and have had no problems.

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