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mazingerz88's avatar

How fast will you drive if there is no limit?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29344points) July 1st, 2011

Speed. Some go for it, some fear it. Some people hate it but I’m inclined to think most just love it and would step on that accelerator so hard they won’t stop until they travel forward or back in time.

But what makes speeding in a vehicle exhilirating? Even knowing that your physical self is in pretty much mortal danger, it is overcome by the need to feel the rush, the roar that throbs. And you keep filling your gas tank to get it.

So how fast would you go if there are no rules, no limit?

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28 Answers

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I’ve been 130mph and that was amazing.

syz's avatar

As fast as the road conditions (and car) allow.

I was totally bummed while in Germany that the rental car would only hit 100 or so on the autobahn. I’ve probably hit 110 in the US, and been on the back of a motorcycle at 100 (not something that I really recommend).

JLeslie's avatar

Maybe 85 at times. Still would usually drive around 75 on the highway probably. I drove a little faster when I was younger. Local roads it just depends. In neighborhoods still very slowly, more major road probably 10–20 MPG more than the speed limit is now, unless it turns and has hills. It’s about the safety.

marinelife's avatar

Usually 80–85.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Fast enough to blow the hair off mah head!

Coloma's avatar

A few years ago I got the thrill of seeing what my car could do on a desolate stretch of highway traveling through the Nevada desert on my way to Utah and the canyon lands for a vacation.


This wild T-storm on the horizon of a distant mountain, the highway was a straight away as far as the eye could see, the surrounding land was glowing in the darkening storm clouds this surreal yellow from some sort of strange grass.

No other cars anywhere, for hours!

I let her rip and got up to about 125 before I chickened out. What a rush! :-D

ucme's avatar

With the kids in the car, no change.
Without the kids, only one speed…..balls out!

Scooby's avatar

I’ve had about 125 mph out of my Passat, so I guess that’s it :-/

Hibernate's avatar

Gotta love Germany for no speeding limit .
If you car can take 300 km/h then hit it baby .

[ though I do not drive because I hate driving . I like to go slow and enjoy the sights ]

Haleth's avatar

I drive a shitty economy car, so the fastest I’ve ever gone was about 100 on a deserted stretch of highway at 4 AM. Then the car started to shake and I had to slow down. Otherwise, around 75–85 on highways and 50–60 on the country roads where I live.

tedd's avatar

Got my old SRT-4 up to 145….. could’ve kept going but I ran out of straight road and that baby wasn’t friendly in turns.

There’s a weird feeling when you realize that the things zipping by you that look like they’re not moving….. are actually cars going 70–80 mph…..

(side note, probably the stupidest thing I’ve ever done)

erichw1504's avatar

Highways: 80–90. Anywhere else I’d take more caution as there could be people walking/biking/skating/pogo-sticking near the streets.

AmWiser's avatar

80–90 on the highway and depending on the roads.
I appreciate the speed limits already posted in neighborhoods.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

With a good road and traffic level I feel safe and confident in, I’ll go about 130mph. There are only a few cars I’ve driven I felt were maintained well enough to do that in though. For me, it’s got to be the shape of the car first and then the conditions of the roadway.

Bluefreedom's avatar

Well, my first consideration would be that if I’m going to drive at ridiculous speeds, I’d like to be in a car that was engineered to perform well in those circumstances. With that in mind, and if I had access to say…...any Ferrari, any Lamborghini, a McLaren F1, Bugatti Veyron, Saleen S7, or some other comparable super car, I wouldn’t mind experimenting with a 150 to 180 mph window.

bob_'s avatar

Pedal to the metal, baby!

Plucky's avatar

Probably the same I do now. I usually drive the speed limit in the city (or 5 km higher). On highways, outside the city, I drive 10 – 20 km higher than the speed limit.

The fastest I’ve driven was about 175 km/h on a long deserted stretch of rural highway – we used to have a turbo VW Beetle. I just wanted to see how fast I could go until it was too fast for me. I never did it again.

Blackberry's avatar

Like syz said, as much as the conditions allow. I’ve been 120MPH and that was awesome, so I’d like to go a little faster.

Coloma's avatar

I should probably clarify, the grass on the open fields was a strange yellow color, it was not that I was smoking some “strange yellow grass”...hahaha Not to say I didn’t have a little stash for sitting under those starry desert skies. lol

incendiary_dan's avatar

I’d say about 35–40 mph. Slower if the person behind me is tailing me. Yea, I’m that guy.

MilkyWay's avatar

I’d go as fast as I can. I love fast things that roar. I love the sound of an engine roaring. I love the feel of the engine as you push the accelerator.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

@incendiary_dan: Gee thanks, now I know who to crab at. Our car a/c doesn’t get cold unless you can go 50mph or more at a consistent clip.

Cruiser's avatar

I did 120 in my Oldmobile Delta 88 pedal to the floor and that was insane…....IMO too fast for even a highway. I think 85–90 would be a fun cruising speed.

KateTheGreat's avatar

As fast as my little Jeep will let me! I love driving fast.

everephebe's avatar

I agree with @syz “As fast as the road conditions (and car) allow.”
I think I’d typically be going 80–90 on most u.s. highways.

Only138's avatar

I love going fast, but with all the pot holes here, I’d probably kill myself.

Bellatrix's avatar

Probably 100–110 mph. Would of course depend on the road and the car.

dabbler's avatar

Totally depends on car and road and the trip. 80 and 90 are pretty good on modern uncrowded freeways. On the other hand, driving really fast is exhausting and I wouldn’t want to do it a lot.

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