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mazingerz88's avatar

If your neighbor is an old lady that lives in a shoe, in what shape would you like your own house to be in?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29393points) July 1st, 2011

I would like my house to be in a shape of the Millenium Falcon from Star Wars, yeah! Instead of lasers, the guns would be firing water for the plants in summer and on special occasions like the 4th of July, will shoot fireworks.

For the mailman, I have a model of R2D2 as a mailbox and after he drops the mail, R2 would hoink and squirk. I would go out in my C3PO outfit once in a while and do some gardening or spray wash my house. : )

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32 Answers

ucme's avatar

Ship shape, I like things tidy see ;¬}

OpryLeigh's avatar

Lighthouse shaped

poisonedantidote's avatar

Either an ass that looks like it’s about to be kicked by a shoe, or a dick that looks like it’s about to take a leak on a shoe.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

It would be one just like Bilbo Baggins’ home: under ground.

Blondesjon's avatar

House shaped.

i’m not the dick driving down neighborhood property values like that old, child shittin’ bitch in the shoe.

Hibernate's avatar

A simple house though I’d love to have a lot of rooms .
[ and when I say a lot I’m talking about 50+ ]

JLeslie's avatar

Mine is multiple buidlings. Main house, which is small, two bedrooms. A guest house. A party room/dance studio. An office. A green house. A pool.

furball11's avatar

A Tumbleweed house. Why take up more more space than I need to?

Haleth's avatar

@furball11 I was just going to say that. It would be so cool to live in one of those someday.

WasCy's avatar

I’d like a nice, spread out McLoafer.

ratboy's avatar

Roach motel.

Aster's avatar

Victorian with wrap-around porch.

6rant6's avatar

A push up bra – looks so much bigger from the outside than it really is.

Plucky's avatar

And Underwater house would be really freaking cool (the picture is actually a hotel room in Turkey – I don’t think the hotel is completed yet).

Low Impact Woodland Home is awesome too.

Modern Underground – the house Gary Neville wanted to build.

I’ve always liked the Falling Water house by Frank Lloyd Wright.

I also love the water houses like the Lilypad Ecopolis by Vincent Callebaut. A small single home size would be cool.

JLeslie's avatar

Frank Lloyd Wright is awesome. Love his architecture.

ddude1116's avatar

An old European Church. It’d be pretty creepy, too, probably, but I just love the architecture..

mazingerz88's avatar

@ddude1116 Hey, where you’ve been dude? Been a while. : )

MilkyWay's avatar

Sausage shaped.
Or Salami.

Scooby's avatar

I want a Castle :-/

hobbitsubculture's avatar

A Bag of Holding.

It’s the opposite of @6rant6‘s push-up bra house: infinitely bigger on the inside than it looks from outside.

wilma's avatar

<<<——- That one.

JLeslie's avatar

For those of you who want a castle, will it have a moat? I want the moat to be like a lazy river, where I can float around the property.

athenasgriffin's avatar

Like the house in which the seven dwarves resided in Snow White.

wilma's avatar

@athenasgriffin that one too and also the Low Impact Woodland Home, that @PluckyDog linked to.

athenasgriffin's avatar

@wilma I absolutely would want to live in both. I could have a bird, finally, because my cat could live in one house and the bird in the other.

ddude1116's avatar

@mazingerz88 I’ve been around. Inconspicuously. I see it’s working.¬_¬ ;)

Bellatrix's avatar

I would like a house like Ratty’s house in Wind in the Willows. I would love to live by the river. link

Earthgirl's avatar

For some reason mushroom was the first word that came to mind. I googled it for a pic and found this house. I think it’s pretty interesting. I love all the windows and the odd fireplace. Of course it was built in the 70’s, lol.

Bellatrix's avatar

That’s nice @Earthgirl. I have always fancied the cottage in The Magic Cottage by James Herbert… but before it all starts decaying and getting nasty.

Plucky's avatar

@Earthgirl Ooo that’s a neat house! I like it.

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