What kind of "magnet" are you?
Are you a chick magnet or a guy magnet? What other things do you think seem to gravitate or get pulled towards you even though you are not actually asking for it?
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31 Answers
I’m a magnet for crazy, clingy people. You know the type that seem normal at first, but then become more and more attached until it gets to the point where they are practically (or literally) stalking you, and then freak out and attempt to ruin you or slander your name when you try to cut them off?
Yeah. That sums it up. I have been through that crap way too many times in my life for it to be coincidence. I attract them. :\
I’m a magnet for males who are chronological adults, but who are still very immature, emotionally dependent and needy and who have weird hate/love issues with their mums. Grown men who still want their mommies is a huge, HUGE turnoff.
I read this somewhere and I’m QFT: “Treat me like a woman you want, not a woman you need.”
Until I gave up dating a few years ago, I was the “nurse with a purse,” it seemed.
Chick magnet, yes; but I also tend to attract people in public places who want to tell their life story to a random stranger.
Pussy magnet.
I attract happy people who spread joy joy feelings & don’t mind acting like big kids once in a while.
People that are bored and/or lonely.
As a magnet? A handful of co-workers looking for advice, albeit a very powerless one. There are a handful that I may have inspired when they come asking for advice, but it is really down to their own motivation when it comes to making a change for the better.
I am a magnet for the kind of guys that have never met a multi-dimensional human being. They think I’m this incredible wild woman, which I don’t consider myself to be.
I attract mainly elderly persons with hip-, knee- and shoulder replacements.
And robots.
I attract control freaks and passive aggressive, perfectionist, OCD types. haha
It has to be because I am the polar opposite, free spirited, open communicator, assertive, humorous, generous.
These types are attracted to all the things they are not!
I have finally eliminated most of them and have gotten much better at spotting them too, but still, it’s happened enough that I can make the connection.
Most recently I have become aware my boss has a lot of these traits too.
He will give me a ‘choice’ then complain when I pick door number #2 instead of door #1. haha
Uh…ya know, you gave me a CHOICE and I CHOSE! Oh brother! ;-)
There’s a joke kind of tag we give people in our business, “Heavy Hitters”. Even when I had nothing to do with this kind of business then dynamic, talented and occasionally crazy people gravitated to me. I’ve always felt the odd person out, the one with the least amount of interesting to add to the group but nothing to complain about.
I attract douchey jerk face guys.
I tend to attract really creative and intelligent women. I tend to repel same.
No wonder! That explains our ‘love/hate’ relationship! lololol ;-)
People with emotional problems. I do find them interesting, but only up to a point.
I seem to be a magnet for elderly women who like to chat to me on the bus. That’s about it.
Children – children of strangers who connect with me when I’m out around, children of my friends, and to a greater extent my own grandchildren. They love that I know how to play with them and can relate and appreciate their great qualities.
Actually, it was funny yesterday with a group of friends/peeps at our local big 4th of July bash in a neighboring community park.
I was noticing one woman that I know fairly well, and really saw her control freak side. lol
She insisted on the set up spot for the entire party, was going around arranging everyones chairs and stuff, would just announce how it was going to be! Didn’t ask for the collective input.
Didn’t effect me, but, my observational powers are pretty finely tuned these days, it was amusing. I just bought a lot of beer tickets and secretly smiled to myself when she went into ” I’m in charge” mode. lol
I seem to be a magnet for child niece and nephew responsibilities my youngest brother left rather irresponsibly.
I was just told about a week ago that I was a “room magnet-” one of those people that walk into a room and their mood determines the mood of the room. I denied this, “Nooo, come on, if I’m bitchy or perky, I can’t be affecting the whole room!??” I also disagreed, saying that my moods couldn’t be that obvious and most of the people at that gathering couldn’t care less about me. My friend explained that some people can come into a room and nobody will notice or be affected by their ‘vibe,’ but that I didn’t have the same advantage- that I did have an impact on others whether I intended to or not… I’m still ruminating on that one… I don’t think I like it- that just seems to be too much responsibility.
Heh, just thought of one of my favorite lines I read somewhere once
” I will always cherish my initial misconceptions of you!” lolol
OH! I forgot.
If I go into a store and it’s empty, within 5 minutes it WILL be full. Yes, it will. Don’t ask me why.
I should charge for that.
I’m a weirdo magnet.
I either have a sign that says “HERE, PICK ME! I LOVE BEING HARASSED BY CRAZY PEOPLE!” or they just find me attractive in an odd sort of way.
I’m a dog magnet. And, of course, I’m also a magnet for crazy people, they all come and talk to me like they know me or something.
I’m a magnet for stray cats and/or kittens. I also seem to attract people who upon first meeting me want to tell me all the crazy shit in their life. It’s interesting, but, whoa.
I’m crazy. What would happen if I were in the middle of a room with @KatetheGreat on one end and @disenchanted_poisongirl at the other? God. I hope they aren’t magnetic enough to tear me in two.
Older, lonely women who need someone to talk, talk, talk and continue talking to. I guess I’m a good listener.
Or if I’m at a concert (especially a classic rock act) that one weird dude with his wallet or folder full of photos of David Cassidy or Davy Jones or Peter Noone will come up to me and start telling me how many times he’s seen so and so and then he’ll drag out his autographed records that he’s carrying around in a brief case. Yikes!
Mean girls and artsy girls.
Manic-depressive guys.
I’m a magnet for people who need to talk, people who talk too much, people who have no filter, and people who have no self-control. I am very quiet, and I like hearing about people’s lives.
Animals – they tend to trust me.
Young children.
Nice, compassionate, mom-type women (usually much older than me).
People who need to talk (I am apparently very comfortable to talk with).
I used to attract creepy, crazy, violent, and/or mean men quite often. It happens a lot less now.
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