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mazingerz88's avatar

Who would you want to be for a day?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29377points) July 3rd, 2011

If you get to be another person for just a day, ( you possess the person’s body ) who would you like to be and what would you do with your 24 hour window?

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34 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

MIlo, of course.

jca's avatar

An anonymous person, in good health, who does not work, with a lot of money in a big house on a big piece of property and no worries.

In real life, I have the health but not the big house and I have to work for a living so I don’t get much time to chill.

JLeslie's avatar

Myself at the age of 20. Really happy memories.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Elizabeth Taylor on a good night/day of honeymoon during her first marriage to Richard Burton.

mazingerz88's avatar

@Neizvestnaya Now that was quite interesting, intriguing even. : )

redfeather's avatar

Marilyn Monroe singing Happy Birthday to the President

Coloma's avatar

There is no other person I’d want to be. I don’t idolize any celebrity,, I would be one of my geese, swimming in their sparkling clean pools under their beach umbrellas on a 100 degree day. I might just put the4 big pool up on the lawn and join them later.:-D

marinelife's avatar

I might want to be President for just one day.

wundayatta's avatar

I’ve tried not being myself. I don’t really want to try it again.

Hibernate's avatar

A beggar to see how well I’d live .

whitenoise's avatar

I would love to be one of my two boys for a day. To see the world through unspoiled eyes.

@gailcalled who’s Milo, again?

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I’d also accept to be a 6ft, 200lb young man so I could kick a list of asses at my job. I might be able to squeak out about 3 good beatings in that amount of time.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

@Coloma: Out of sheer curiosity I think it would be a great game day for the guys to bet some money and turn the event into a party.

Coloma's avatar


Well, come to think of it, I wouldn’t mind experiencing what it’s like to have a penis.
Not a celebrity penis, just any penis, but make it big so I can have the full experincing of being well endowed. hahaha

mazingerz88's avatar

@Coloma Almost close in treading in the realm of any size penis envy there, I see.

Coloma's avatar


Well…if I was endowed with a penis the size of a cocktail olive, what’s the point? ;-D

linguaphile's avatar

laughing at cocktail olive!
I’d like to be one of the 7700 Minnesotans who earn over $1 mil a year that the GOP is protecting… (gov’t shut down to protect their taxes) If I could become one of them for 24 hours, I’d use their income to pay off MY debts! :D :D

mazingerz88's avatar

@Coloma Ssshh, don’t let Marwyn hear yah. : )

@linguaphile Trickle it down, yes, trickle it down…

Coloma's avatar


I was hoping to get funding for my big “Burning Goose” bash the same month Micheal Jackson died.

I think my party was every bit as worthy as MJ’s funeral and the state should have payed for the porta pottys and live music for a community arts and music gathering. LOL

linguaphile's avatar

@Coloma @mazingerz88 You both become one of the millionaires for a day, I become another, we ask other Fluthers to join then… we buy a Burning Goose and a Burning Fluther party and pay off everyone’s debts! Then we get our picture on the cover of Forbes, with Oprah and the Queen!

KateTheGreat's avatar

I’d absolutely love to be Bear Grylls.

I’d probably just stare at myself all day. He’s just too fuckin’ sexy.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

A day of being Mother Teresa while she was still alive, of course. I would hope that it would be a day of learning to be less concerned about tangible objects and more compassionate to those in need.

MilkyWay's avatar

A cat. Just for one day.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

If I could be somone else, and knew I was them for a time and that I would be myself again in my own body, I would be Bill Gates, or any other multi-billionaire, and I would spend the day seeting up a trust fund for the real me with 5 or 8 billion in it, and make me trustee of it.

redfeather's avatar

@KatetheGreat I’d stare at you too. Mmmm!

Jeruba's avatar

If this were for real, I would probably pass over all the fun and enticing possibilities and opt to be my husband for a day. I’d finally get a clue what it’s like inside his alien head, and I’d probably learn pretty quickly how to be a better partner to him. There are some mysteries I’ll never solve, but I still see some rough spots that would be nice to smooth down.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I change my answer to @Jeruba‘s! I imagine I might learn some things that would make my life a lot easier and also some ways to further delight. You know, I might even pay money for this experience.

Cracks up about “alien head”.

nailpolishfanatic's avatar

Nicki Minaj. I was watching her like documentary video thingy of her daily life on MTV and I was just amazed by how much work she puts in her music and for her fans.

chewhorse's avatar

I would like everyone to be President for a day so that they would know what it felt like to be rediculed over things that others have the majority control of and there’s nothing you can do about it except veto.

JLeslie's avatar

@Jeruba Oh, recently we did a Q that pertains to part of your answer here.

Bellatrix's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille I didn’t know FloJo had died or what she died of and at what age. How damn sad but what an amazing woman.

Still thinking about who I would like to be if I could be someone else for a day. I like @Jeruba‘s answer. Brilliant idea!

disenchanted_poisongirl's avatar

This little thing, and do this. Aaaaall daaaay long.

or maybe I’d do something like this

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