Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

What is THE ONE thing that makes you want to celebrate being a human?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29285points) July 3rd, 2011

Most certainly there should be so many things that would make you celebrate, shout with joy and feel triumphant for that you are a bonafide member of the human race. But can you narrow it all the way down to just one ultimate reason?

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27 Answers

TexasDude's avatar


linguaphile's avatar

Distill it down to just one ultimate reason ok…. connectedness. I think when we explode with synergy and connection, that’s the ‘ultimate.’ Doesn’t have to be connections to other people, but maybe to nature, to our souls, to our inner workings, to our babies, animals whatever-

marinelife's avatar

People’s innate goodness.

woodcutter's avatar

Flushing toilets…because bears shit in the woods, they really do.

linguaphile's avatar

Lurve! and more Lurve!

Cruiser's avatar

Change…people have the power and free will to change things…to me that is so cool.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

The courage someone displays when they let themselves be totally vulnerable to another.
It’s f’ing beautiful.

redfeather's avatar

Chocolate cake

woodcutter's avatar

cake is good

Cruiser's avatar

@redfeather Chocolate cake is a beautiful thing!

linguaphile's avatar

Another one, a good, good book that stays on your mind for weeks.

redfeather's avatar

chocolate DEVIL’S FOOD* cake :)~

Moegitto's avatar

Thumbs for my video games, cooking, eating burgers, and soo much more that can’t be done without thumbs!

chewhorse's avatar

That at least as a fellow human being, I am not at the bottom of the food chain.

woodcutter's avatar

all this talking about food is making me hungreeeee

SABOTEUR's avatar

Intimate relations with my wife.
Unfortunately…I don’t “celebrate being human” very often.

ucme's avatar

That we have sex just for the sheer fucking pleasure of it!
Oh & opposable thumbs.

redfeather's avatar

@ucme dolphins do too! But we do have them on the thumb thing…

ucme's avatar

@redfeather I never said we were the only species, now did I? I mean, chimps do it too.

redfeather's avatar

@ucme no, you didn’t. I saw a dolphin orgy on tv once and I suppose that’s been engrained in my brain.

Your_Majesty's avatar

Mammal with the biggest brain according to body size. Also related to intelligence.

Berserker's avatar

Horror movies! I think there’s irony in there somewhere…

Ab124's avatar

We’re invited to Paradise, but I didn’t make myself so all I can be is thankful.

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