Social Question

poisonedantidote's avatar

How to quit smoking weed?

Asked by poisonedantidote (21685points) July 4th, 2011

- Erased all dealers numbers.

- Made plans to meet non smoking friends.

- Thrown away all bongs, pipes, and smoking parafanelia.

- Declared in writting that I’m serious and set it as my desktop.

- Wearing a ring to remind me I have quit.

What am I missing?

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18 Answers

Cruiser's avatar

Ummm….flush all the baggies of weed and roaches you know you have still stashed! Just do it! ;) If you get the urge exercise and or go for a walk, jog or bike ride. Healthier choices! Good for you!

Roby's avatar

Just stop…it is not suppose to be addictive…at least that is what some folks say about it…I would not know. I am 63 yeras old and I have never took any kind of drug. Never smoked WEED.

KateTheGreat's avatar

Think of how much cash you will have now. The cost of buying high grade shit is getting higher, which makes me feel guilty when I smoke. Maybe the thought of saving money will help you!

Michael_Huntington's avatar

Whenever you think about smoking weed, just fap.

JilltheTooth's avatar

I just quit smoking tobacco. Whenever I start to want a butt I say out loud, if I’m alone “That’s right, I don’t smoke!” in a cheerful kind of way. Since I have 40 + years of smoking under my belt, it must be working because the craving never gets a foot hold.. Don’t know about weed, but some of the same techniques should apply.

The_Idler's avatar

Well, that should do it I reckon. I only ever smoke when I go hang with ‘that’ circle of friends.

Or when I’m walking home drunk at night and feel cheeky enough to spontaneously join a sweet smelling circle of smokers in the park…

I never get the urge to smoke otherwise though, but I know some definitely do.

woodcutter's avatar

Aside from saving so much money you won’t feel as guilty when the Mexican authorities pick up all those severed heads and bullet riddled bodies from cartel turf battles just trying their damnedest to serve you. This is a good thing you are doing.

quiddidyquestions's avatar

@Roby It can be psychologically additive. He won’t get the shakes, but he’ll definitely have to learn how to deal with life differently.

Why did you chose cold-turkey rather than slowly cutting down?

poisonedantidote's avatar

@quiddidyquestions I can’t do things by halfs. I have the will power to stop, but I don’t have the will power to dangle a carrot in front of me all the time by trying to cut down.

If I buy $20 of weed, I will smoke the last joint before I go to sleep that night. If I buy $80 of weed, I will smoke the last joint before I go to sleep that night. If I have it I burn it.

quiddidyquestions's avatar

@poisonedantidote Good for you for knowing yourself. (I’m like that with Oreos. If there’s 2 or 20 in my house, they’ll be gone before bed). The chances are good that something will happen that makes you want to smoke now… it might be good to have a backup plan, like journaling or running or beating the shit out of a punching bag.

Jellie's avatar

It’s difficult. I’d quit for almost a year and now I’m back… but not hooked this time. The reason it was easy for my to quit is because I moved in with my parents after my university so it was automatically difficult for to me to get high. So put yourself in a situation where it would be difficult for you to roll… go to a public place, go sit with family or kids or do a physical activity which you like. Once you see how nice it is to spend a day which didn’t feel exactly like your last one and the day before that one… you’ll enjoy staying clean.

Plus getting high on special occasions after a few months feels EPIC.

Kardamom's avatar

You should look online or in your local phonebook for a program that is similar to Alcoholics Anonymous, that deals specifically with folks who are trying to quit smoking pot. It’s easier to quit, when you are working with a group of like-minded people.

Tell everyone you know (that won’t call the cops on you if they know you are/were a pot smoker) that you are trying to quit. Tell them to please not smoke in front of you, and not to try to get you to start smoking again. Tell them, that if you have to, you will have to stop hanging around with them, because being around active pot smokers is likely to make you want to start smoking again.

You should also make an immediate appointment to get a check up with your primary care physician. Let him/her know that you have made this choice to quit smoking pot. He/she may not have ever known that you were a pot smoker, but that is something that your doctor should always know about. If you keep important health information from your doctor, then he/she cannot be as effective. The doctor should do some type of base-line lung/heart check to see where you stand. Ask the doctor if they have any recommendations for you, to help you to quit and stay off of the marijuana.

Start looking into new activities that you will do, instead of smoking pot. The urges to smoke will come, and you never know when they will come. So it’s a good idea for you to have a bunch of alternative activies to participate in when they do come. Most of these activities should involve physical activity. Walking, biking, swimming, weight training etc. You should also find some mentally rewarding activities/hobbies that will give you pleasure down the line. Photography, painting, camping, ceramics, cooking. You should also look into finding some worthwile activities in which you can help other people. Volunteering for a soup kitchen, working at an animal shelter, cleaning up waterways in your county. When you are busy, have a purpose and are doing things that you enjoy, you are less likely to want or need to smoke.

You should also look for activities and groups that are not likely to appreciate/condone pot smoking. You will probably be amazed at the number of people who don’t smoke pot. Altough, I understand that there are plenty of people who do smoke pot, and most of them are probably nice people, I myself prefer not to be around people that do smoke pot. It makes me un-comfortable because I am very health conscious, try to be industrious and I don’t care for the illegal aspect of it either. Find groups of people that are like that and you will be less likely to be tempted to smoke.

Good luck to you : )

poisonedantidote's avatar


I have not smoked weed today, my lungs feel bad, I have probably smoked two packs of tobacco today.

I would not mind a joint, and am wondering how I will manage to quit tobacco once im clear of the weed.

Kardamom's avatar

Oh Dear. All of my advice on how to stay off of pot did not include smoking cigarettes instead. You have to substitute healthy activities for smoking pot, not unhealthy ones.

Cigarettes are probably much worse than weed. Can you schedule an appt. with your doctor this month? You need to let him know that you are trying to quit weed and tell him that for now you are substituting tobacco. He might be able to refer you to some smoking cessation programs in your area. But you should also get a physical.

I’m reposting one of my paragraphs that I think you really need to look at again.

Start looking into new activities that you will do, instead of smoking pot. The urges to smoke will come, and you never know when they will come. So it’s a good idea for you to have a bunch of alternative activies to participate in when they do come. Most of these activities should involve physical activity. Walking, biking, swimming, weight training etc. You should also find some mentally rewarding activities/hobbies that will give you pleasure down the line. Photography, painting, camping, ceramics, cooking. You should also look into finding some worthwile activities in which you can help other people. Volunteering for a soup kitchen, working at an animal shelter, cleaning up waterways in your county. When you are busy, have a purpose and are doing things that you enjoy, you are less likely to want or need to smoke.

mattbrowne's avatar

You wouldn’t have to ask this question, if your situation was less serious. I heard that about 10% of people who smoke marijuana will get addicted to it. I’m not sure if you find this website useful

“You don’t recover from an addiction by stopping using. You recover by creating a new life where it is easier to not use. If you don’t create a new life, then all the factors that brought you to your addiction will eventually catch up with you again. You don’t have to change everything in your life. But there are a few things and behaviors that have been getting you into trouble, and they will continue to get you into trouble until you let them go.”

woodcutter's avatar

Not going to be easy by simply avoiding other smokers you now know. You can walk around a corner and meet someone completely new, chances are the have a bag on them. You can move to another state/ country and still land on someone who smokes. Doing it with someone (quitting) can help at least there is support that won’t be judgmental.

LizzieBee's avatar

Considering the fact that Marijuana has no addictive properties, all you have to do is stop. Haha yes it’s really that simple. If someone offers you some, politely say, “no thanks man, I’m gonna go ____.” That’s what I had to do for a while when I got a job and had to stay clean.

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