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How much would you pay for this computer?
I am building a computer to sell, I am wondering how much you would pay for something like this.
Motherboard – Mind Computer Products P4VMM2
CPU – Intel Celeron 2.4 GHZ
RAM-2 GB Kingston HyprX DDR
Video Card – Asus AH3450
Windows XP Home or Pro
80 GB maxtor IDE Hard Drive
* Airlink awlh4130 wireless g card
I can’t find the case but I am linking to some pictures, also added an approx. 5 inch fan in the front. Do you think it would be a good gaming computer, how much would you pay?
Also please include the price you would pay with and without the options after ”*“s
I figured this might make an alright gaming computer, not sure what you think.
I got all this stuff for free (except the RAM) from the place I work at. Sweet deal or what?
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