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Mrs_Dr_Frank_N_Furter's avatar

School Bus...Lame or Cool?

Asked by Mrs_Dr_Frank_N_Furter (587points) April 28th, 2008

Do you think the school twinkie buses are lame or cool?

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32 Answers

Mrs_Dr_Frank_N_Furter's avatar

Personally I say lame

zaid's avatar

Cool. You could make out in the back.

Breefield's avatar

I ride them when I run out of gas. I say cool. It’s the waiting in the cold and having to get up early that’s lame.

peedub's avatar

Totally cool, you can ride in the back and catch air on bumps or sit next to Mollly Ringwald. If you develop nomadic tendencies you can purchase an old one and live in it. You could even put foil over the windows for extra privacy.

Breefield's avatar

Plus there’s the 40 mile an hour club.

peedub's avatar

No doubt.

peedub's avatar

Plus, if it wasn’t for the Twinkie mobile, how would you have this radical question?

Mrs_Dr_Frank_N_Furter's avatar

dude. What buses do you all ride? I’m a high schooler and I have to ride with the annoying litte kids. But now we have an awesome new bus driver (hey Tom if you’re reading this) which splits it up. But it’s not fair that a high schooler has to ride on a turbo twinkie that is used for mentally challenged kinds (not trying to be rude)!

Mrs_Dr_Frank_N_Furter's avatar

You are right about how I wouldn’t have a question if it wasn’t for the turbo twinkie…but still!!! COME ON!!! High school!!!!

peedub's avatar

Isn’t there anything you can do to spice up the ride?

Mrs_Dr_Frank_N_Furter's avatar

well all the annoying kids are off so BONUS…but not really. plus I don’t think they would let me put foil let alone make out. I go to a Christian school and we have no cute guys that ride. Plus my heart belongs to Tim Curry.

peedub's avatar

I know what you can do.
Get a small recorder that you can conceal and start recording all the annoying people you mention. You will have hours of fun playing it back in front of your friends.

Mrs_Dr_Frank_N_Furter's avatar

or I can show it to the annyoing ones and show them how abnoxious they are!!!

martinez00anita's avatar

if its that bad, walk. Not lame, practical.

Mrs_Dr_Frank_N_Furter's avatar

if i didn’t live so far away i would

Mrs_Dr_Frank_N_Furter's avatar

have to go to bed now. we can talk tomorrow though

judochop's avatar

How can anything like this ever be lame, ?

Mrs_Dr_Frank_N_Furter's avatar

that think is AWESOME!!!

Alina1235's avatar

first year of highschool is ok then totally lame I walked instead if didnt have a ride. I went out with a boy just cause he had a car once LOL

bulbatron9's avatar

I was in two school bus wrecks! They fucking kick ass!

eambos's avatar

@peedub Molly ringwald was the name of one of the hottest girls in my school! How ironic… and she was on my bus. Maybe we’ve met in previous lives

peedub's avatar

No way! She didn’t look like this did she?

eambos's avatar

Well… No, but she makes that girl look relativly unattractive. I think eeryone thought she looked so good because she wasnt somone who gets around(to say it politely) and she wasnt a jerk. Although she didn’t have to dump me at a party…

peedub's avatar

Well that blows. Hopefully you dumped her right back.

eambos's avatar

Im still unsure why… Its a little blurry, but at least it wasnt for another guy, she just didn’t like me =p

Eh, I got over it fast cause we stayed friendly.

peedub's avatar

She was probably into chicks, that’s what I usually figure.

eambos's avatar

I wouldn’t have minded =)

Cardinal's avatar

I think Mrs_Dr_Frank_N_Furter needs to do her homework! You go ‘A’!

mcbealer's avatar

Riding the school bus is cool because you are car-pooling to school, which is very green.

Mrs_Dr_Frank_N_Furter's avatar

but the little kids are HUGE words that I cannot say on fluther

mcbealer's avatar

Well, it’s good practice for when you have to spend time around grown-ups who are HUGE words in the real world as you commute to work.

Do you have an iPod you could tune them out with? I used to ride my bike to school, are you close enough to ride a bike?

Mrs_Dr_Frank_N_Furter's avatar

my earphones don’t work but as soon as I get new ones…..

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