If you were going to a Renaissance fair/wedding, who would you portray?
I’m having tremendous fun coming up with a countess costume for a Renaissance-themed wedding I am attending in September. Alex is going as a sea admiral and we’re spending weeks researching details of our characters, so in this spirit, I figured to ask flutherites about their picks of personages. As for the specific timing, think 15th to the 16th century and tell me all about your costume.
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19 Answers
How fun!
I’d be a beer wench in a green corsetted dress.
My first thought was beer wench, too. Are you thinking you’d like to be a specific person from history, @Simone_De_Beauvoir?
@Seelix Oh no, just a random countess/whore, as I say it :)
That’s my problem – authentic costumes don’t make for choices that I like. I’d prefer something like this, but it’s hardly accurate. Or maybe this.
@syz No, it’s all good – that’s perfect, I’d do that too if I didn’t have this one planned!
@Simone_De_Beauvoir – I was just coming back to edit, because I realized what was up ;)
As for me, I think if I didn’t go with beer wench, I’d be some kind of concubiney whore type.
I went to one recently. I was a barbarian. My partner was a pirate. We didn’t care much for any authenticity, mostly because our friends didn’t either.
@Cruiser -Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.
William Shakespeare
Heh heh heh ;)
I think I’d need some serious bleaching cream! Sounds fun though
I’d be a dashing casanova with a powdered wig & breeches so tight they’d be positively obscene. Hoorah!
@Cruiser As King Lear said….“Take physic,pomp.” ;)
—@lucillelucillelucille Ohhhhh YEAH! my sweet wench?! Well I think Ben Franklin said it best when he said…
After three days men grow weary, of a wench, a guest, and weather rainy”—
@Aethelflaed Yeah, I’m not going overboard with that – pretty sure some of my stuff is Victorian not Renaissance but hey, whatever.
I’d pick a character from art or literature, like Violetta from The Twelth Night or The Girl with the Pearl Earring.
I think it be better wear a vintage hat with the uniform that popular at that time.
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