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Kokoro's avatar

Should I be quiet or would I be tattling?

Asked by Kokoro (1424points) July 5th, 2011

Regarding the previous post I’ve made about frustration at work, it’s been a few weeks now and I’m still upset. I try hard to not be bothered, but it really is effecting my morale. (Please see past posts of mine:

Should I be patient and let karma go to work? Or am I just being a bystander in letting this co-worker get away with her fake and negative attitude? It just shocks me that she’s gotten this far. She’s always come thisCLOSE but no one has had the balls to do anything. I feel like going up and telling one of the bigger bosses.

I’m just tired of being bitter!

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8 Answers

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Oh do tattle. Tattle your little tail off. Tattle tattle tattle all the way home and at every opportunity. Then…! And only then, will you truly discover why tattling is unacceptable. You know that “karma go to work” thing you were talking about? It goes right to work the moment you tattle.

See how karma goes to work if you take a different approach. No, that doesn’t mean be quiet. Karma loves courage, and rewards it in spades. Consider being courageous enough to understand why your coworker is bothering you. If it’s a them thing then you have an opportunity to learn something about human nature and how to make a difficult situation better. You’d be surprised at how a little support and praise work miracles around people who are desperately seeking it. BAM! Instant Karma!

But if it’s a you thing, as you’ve clearly noted “I seem to get bothered very easily these days”, then you have an opportunity to address yourself, re-evaluate, and take the plank out of your own eye before complaining about the speck in the eyes of others.

Good luck! Either way, karma will catch you!

Cruiser's avatar

Get a new job and keep your nose out of their business too!

Kokoro's avatar

Thanks RealEyes, I can definitely see a bit of both. Are you suggesting I talk to this person, or what can I do for her to stop being so unpleasant? Should I wait until it happens again to “kill her with kindness”? Or ask her why she has to be that way? What if she takes it the wrong way?

Cruiser I am in the military so another job is out of the question.

marinelife's avatar

You had better be very careful about tattling.

It is not regarded very well.

Unless your work is directly affected by this woman’s actions, you would be much better off staying out of it.

jca's avatar

Let it go and ask yourself why you are so affected by the actions of others. I have been resentful of coworkers’ actions in the past, but then I figure unless it really affects me directly, all I’m doing is holding on to anger and negativity.

Kayak8's avatar

You haven’t indicated if you and the co-worker are both enlisted or officers. There is a technique used in the private sector called 360 degree evaluations where anonymous feedback is provided by peers, direct reports, and supervisors. Here is an article in which a major is suggesting 360 degree evaluations of officer candidates.

While not tattling on this or any other co-worker, you could suggest 360 degree evaluations to your command.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

”...what can I do for her to stop being so unpleasant?”

Praise her. Feed her ego. Jesus said to be kind to our enemies, for it is like heaping hot coals upon their heads. Not one word of negativity comes out of your mouth. You can rise above it all and see hurting people for who they really are. This is your opportunity to test the metal of your empathy and patience. The universe chose you to deal with it. You make the best out of your problems, and I’ll make the best out of mine. In this way, we save the world one little lesson at a time. We save it by learning lessons, not giving lectures.

Kokoro's avatar

The truest challenge. Thank you for the guidance.

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