What's the worst alcoholic beverage that you've ever tasted?
What alcoholic beverage has the nastiest taste?
Which one gives the worst hangover?
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No such thing… Well there was this one drink I had and they put too much salt in it.
Plus, I don’t like low quality anything except whiskey.
I don’t like the taste of any darker beer. I know it makes me a wimp, but anything darker than a Michelob and I don’t like it. Will now wait for the “true beer/ale/lager/double bock” lovers to tell me how wrong I am. :P I’m not much of a beer fan in general, but if that’s all there is, I want something light.
The worst hangover I ever had came from drinking tequila sunrises. It’s one of two hangovers that I’ve had in my life and it was the worst.
Retsina, Greek wine. It smells like turpentine and tastes terrible.
Beer is pretty revolting to me. There are probably alcoholic beverages that are more disgusting than beer, but I don’t make a habit of trying different alcohols.
Radicchio grappa. Grappa has a strong taste as it is – stick a radicchio in the bottle and watch the grossness intensify exponentially!
Ouzo, Pernod, Absinthe. Anything aniseed-flavoured, basically. I don’t like gin either, usually.
I also don’t like Gin and Vodka, but I do like wine, beer and whiskey.
@YARNLADY I had retsina once and remarked that it was like drinking distilled road-tar. :P
@YARNLADY Funny, I’ve tried Retsina and it didn’t seem that bad to me.
Yesterday I took a sip of my girlfriend’s Mojito…, now that is yuk.
The second one had the necessary sugar in it though and that made it only yuk.
@rebbel I have an intense hatred for mojitos. They are gross.
For me it’s Gin, tastes like I’m smelling skunk or cat pee.
Oh..link didn’t take..well..I bought a bottle of Chinese Baijiu last year while traveling.
Horrible stuff, the asian equivelent of Everclear, tastes like paint thinner. Gag! haha
I’ve never had a hangover.
The worst drink I’ve ever had was what is known as The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
It’s basically an ounce of Jack, an ounce of Jim Beam, an ounce of Johnny Walker, and an ounce of Jose Cuervo all layered in a single glass.
Individually, these are great drinks. Together, I can see how this drink got its name X-(
Cheap Canadian Whiskey. I had a shot long ago and it tasted like rubbing alcohol.
@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard Geezus christ….................................
@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard add an ounce of Wild Turkey and you have what we call ‘The three wise men on a turkey hunt in Mexico’
Never go to the local bar here on a slow night and let them know it is your birthday. They will start inventing shots for you, but you do get to name the one that makes you puke.
You know what they say about Tequila?
Write your apology notes ahead of time.
@KatetheGreat I second that, I want to try the four horsemen now.
I’m surprised no one said Bud Light.
Like @downtide I am not into anything with an aniseedy taste.
@everephebe Hahaha, want to take the challenge together?
I’ve been on a Mikes Hard Lemonade kick recently, the Cranberry flavor.
I’m gettin’ old, I need the light stuff, something you can drink 4 or 5 of without going belly up. haha
What’s the worst alcoholic beverage that I’ve ever tasted?
Egg nog.
Never fails to come back up.
@Coloma I know some hardcore drinkers that can’t handle more than a few Mikes Hard Lemonades in a row.
Spiced rum. I will not even touch a bottle that crap is in.
My first beer was wretched tasting to me. Yuck!
Mead the nectar of the Gods has the single most Hellacious hangover ever inflicted on man! Could never figure out why! Maybe more research is needed! XO
I’ve had an imitation of absinthe. It had alcohol yeah, but no aphrodisiac. It tastes like liquid licorice, it’s bloody nasty.
As for hangovers, Vodka messed me up bad a few times…but I was young and inexperienced back then. XD
Limoncello grossed me out. Goosebumps that wouldn’t go away.
Budweiser and gin pretty much tie for worst. Eugh!
@KatetheGreat Zima tastes like stale beer mixed with boxed wine and flat 7Up. nasty
@jonsblond Ugh. That sounds pretty gross. It looked good in the picture, but I have a thing for pretty bottles. Hahaha.
@KatetheGreat I think it was marketed as a “beer for girls”. Don’t let the prettiness fool you. ;)
@jonsblond Well I stand easily fooled! I’ll keep in mind to stay away from it.
Scotch. After drinking scotch and throwing up, I’ve never had a taste for it again. Can’t even stand the smell of it.
MD 20/20 what was I thinking
Of those that I have intentionally imbibed, I’d say some beer that I had in Greece and some other beer that I had at the Olympic Auditorium in downtown LA, during a perfessional rassling match.
Wasn’t the worst tasting, it actually tasted very good, root beer mixed with root beer schnapps. I puked so hard that night I couldn’t smell root beer without gagging for many years afterwards. Same with peppermint schnapps. I couldn’t eat a mint for years after that night.
it’s those sweet drinks that suck you in, and blow you out, your guts.
I hate Bailey’s Irish Creme Liquor. I know a lot of people like it, but I just don’t like the taste of it. I was at a party once, and the hostess served us coffee with Bailey’s Irish Creme flavoring. Yuck!!
Grappa = nasty tasting rocket fuel.
The way you described it, sort of makes me want some @Bellatrix
lol well… I had some after quite a few wines and it was like .. WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kept me warm for the rest of the night though. Perhaps warm is the wrong word. I think my throat was on fire. Give it a go. The Italians obviously love it.
Hate Gin, and the worst hangover was Mickeys Malt Liquor in college. (that was over 30 years ago, and I quit drinking over 20 years ago.)
@Bellatrix Will it ignite if you put a match to it?
@woodcutter. I would absolutely put money on the fact that it would. In fact, if you drink it and you are a smoker, don’t light up until the next morning!
I’ll be sure to watch the clerk’s facial expression when I go to the package store to ask for some. That should tell a story by itself. @Bellatrix
Here you go @woodcutter. From the font of all knowledge (often of questionable origins) link
I’m with you @MRSHINYSHOES, just the smell of Baily’s can make me dry heave.
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