How have you changed since you've started Fluther?
Have you changed at all since you’ve started Fluther?
I’ve become more open minded and I’ve learned how to control myself when people don’t have the same thoughts as I do.
Has anyone else experienced a change, either good or bad?
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33 Answers
I just got a hair-cut… ;>)
Bob is still one dimensional and looking to the left, to the left.
No, I haven’t changed.
@Jude I looked to the right back when I was _bob.
I personally haven’t changed a bit.
But aside from liking to mix it up with a question now and then, my activities on Fluther have definitely changed.
I don’t jump into some of the bullshit like I used to.
It involves too much typing, and tends to bring out the worst in some of the jellies including me. Not a pretty picture. Not worth it.
Plus, I mellowed out alot when I “met” @lucillelucillelucille
I got older.
I guess that counts.
I haven’t changed apart from as @dverhey suggested, I got a bit older.
I denno. Probably not. It might also be a gradual change that I wouldn’t notice, if, indeed, one went down up in da hood, yo.
I am less trusting of the “person” behind the avatar. I have met some real clowns here and at AB.
I’ve changed but not because of Fluther.
@dverhey got older. I, however did not.
No, I’m the same person I always was.
I have to admit that I didn’t actually start Fluther. I just improved the hell out of it. From afar.
I’m more mature and have more knowledge of the world.
I’ve always been a nice girl who never understood how someone can be an ass. Definitely not cut out for the internet.
Having come across many asses here at Fluther, Fluther has helped me to not be afraid to stand for what I believe in and not back down. ;)
Half of my hair fell out, and the rest turned silver because of an allergic reaction to some medication. I had two more birthdays. I have gained 15 pounds because of not doing my walking.
@jonsblond Honestly, that’s what I freakin’ love about you. Sometimes I wish I’d stand up and fight for what I believe in, but I hate arguing with people on here so much.
Since joining Fluther I’ve cut my hair (it was waist length) and got my first tattoo. Neither had anything to do with Fluther though.
Someone from Fluther did help me find the courage to share photos of myself over the internet, something I always swore I would never do.
@KatetheGreat I was never like this before I found Fluther. Honestly. I let people walk all over me before. I always hated confrontations and arguments, still do, but if it’s something I’m passionate about, I can’t stay quiet now. Thanks Fluther. lol. I sound like an infomercial.
@FutureMemory Pics? What? Where? no fair. share!
@jonsblond In some cases, I am very strong and I stand up for myself, but when it comes to arguing on here, I get all flustered and crazy. I needa loosen up!
I found some really strong spectacles so I can style my text finally. before I couldn’t even see this Or this> Style your text! strong emphasis whisper link → link. See the entire list.
I know some bizzarre things that I didn’t in the past.
I feel more open, I’m a very shy person and Fluther opened me up a little bit.
It’s made me aware of some wonderful people in this world, and that even in a time and age as this, there are good people that truly care.
It’s given me countless times of happiness when I just couldn’t stop laughing at someone’s witty response.
No, except changing from theist to atheist. Fluther is Godless…
I am on the computer a lot more. My husband hates it. He has a point, I do sometimes fluther when I should be doing something else.
I’ve learned about a lot of points of view I otherwise wouldn’t have been exposed to. I think it’s made me more open minded in a lot of ways. I also learned that you really can form real friendships in a virtual world.
Well this is a tuffy. We’d have to start by defining change and how that change can be measured, etc.
I know I have broadened certain outlooks based on some of the contents here and that of course results in some sort of change inside and outside this site. I find I am forced to constantly review my views and a lot of times I have to reconsider them in light of other people’s points of view. That in itself is learning and learning is broadly defined as acquiring new or modifying existing knowledge, behaviors, skills, values, or preferences and may involve synthesizing different types of information.
In general terms, I have also confirmed some of my views about human nature regardless of where people come from, here you can observe some of the same behaviors as in real life. To be quiet honest, in a way my expectations of this forum were higher, but I sadly find a lot of people who are clicky, territorial, deffensive, touchy, rude, one sided, superficial, reluctant to understand, lurve starving, etc. But then again, most are always ready to help and share what they know, and that’s a great thing.
I haven’t changed, I haven’t even moved from this seat.
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