Social Question

SpatzieLover's avatar

What is this phantom sensation called? Does it happen to you?

Asked by SpatzieLover (24614points) July 6th, 2011

This hat question sparked some answers that made me realize I have no idea what you’d refer to this sensation as.

Here’s when it happens to me:
When I take off roller skates, get off my bike after a ride, take off a hat, or put down a bag I’ve been carrying for a couple of hours-etc.

Apparently I’m not alone, so if it happens to you, what causes it? And if you know, what is it called?

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3 Answers

FutureMemory's avatar

So…you didn’t describe the sensation you’re referring to. I have to read the other question to answer this one?

SpatzieLover's avatar

Sorry @FutureMemory. I typed then had to go make dinner no time to edit.

Have you ever gone for a bike ride, then gotten off the bike and felt like you were still riding it? Or taken off your hat only to still “feel” it on your head?

That’s the sensation I’m inquiring about.

augustlan's avatar

This does happen to me, but mostly when getting off of moving things, like an elevator after a long ride up. I can still feel like I’m moving for a good 20 minutes afterward. The hat thing happens to me, too. I have no idea what it’s about, though. Just body weirdness. ;)

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