Meta Question

ucme's avatar

Anyone help explain this avatar discrepancy?

Asked by ucme (50052points) July 7th, 2011

Yeah, just logged in & the avatar I want is in my profile, but a different old one shows up in my answers/questions. I deleted the image shown above weeks ago. Care to shed any light & possibly rectify this irritation?

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21 Answers

Bellatrix's avatar

Ucme, I’ve a feeling you’re not in Cumbria anymore.

augustlan's avatar

Hrm. That’s weird. Try clearing your cache (history/footprints/cookies) and restarting your browser. See if the one you want is there then.

ucme's avatar

@Bellatrix Hmm, i’ve never been in Cumbria to start with, close though.
@augustlan Yeah, i’ll give it a whirl, thanks.

ucme's avatar

No, still no joy. Maybe it’s the pic, I dunno.

ucme's avatar

Err, like magic it returns!! Don’t know what the hell happened there, strange.

augustlan's avatar

Ok, this is weird. I’ve been seeing your avatar exactly the same since you asked this question.

Bellatrix's avatar

I see a policeman or something with Dorothy… hence my uurmm joke.

ucme's avatar

Maybe it was the mere threat of @johnpowell crafting a response that sparked it into life.

@augustlan Okay to be clear, when I logged in just now the avatar in my profile was of Dorothy & a riot cop. In my responses however I saw a US Open golf image, one which I deleted a few weeks ago.
I did as you suggested & no change, suddenly out of the blue all’s well! I hope you’re following this, because it’s more than I am ;¬}

ucme's avatar

@Bellatrix Oh I got the joke, only a geographical error on your part kind of spoiled the fun ;¬}

Bellatrix's avatar

lol you are up there somewhere .. :-)

ucme's avatar

Think eastern coast & you’re there :¬)

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

All I can offer up is that the avatars don’t change immediately on old threads when a new avatar is posted. Considering the number of answers you have generated, it may take time.

XOIIO's avatar

Also try deleting all your custom avatars then re-upload the one you want.

ucme's avatar

@Pied_Pfeffer Yeah but it was fine earlier & then all went haywire. Slightly delayed reaction.
@XOIIO Done that fella, seems to be good again anyway. That’s the weird part though, the avatar I was seeing in my responses had been deleted weeks ago.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Yes,but how do I know it is really you asking the question? XD

Tropical_Willie's avatar

What part of, “these aren’t the Droids you are looking for ” did you miss?

Auggie spoke and the force will be with you.

ucme's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille Haha, coz this daft big kid ain’t got no peers baby! XD

Coloma's avatar

Clearly it is your Schizophrenia at play here. ;-)

ucme's avatar

Will you two buggers just stop now already?
Your making my heads hurt….“You okay now Dick? Good, just ignore them!”

Seelix's avatar

The same thing happens to me once in a while when I change my avatar. It always seems to fix itself after a little while.

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