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Guy is very interested but then doesn't contact me, thoughts?
Word of warning…very long story!!!
So I met a guy at a friends birthday drinks.
He couldn’t take his eyes off me, we talked and got along really well etc. Next day I told mutual friend that I was interested and mutual friend said guy was also. As the guy was working at the tennis he took 2 weeks to contact me to ask if I wanted to go for drinks.
He picked me up from my place, had drinks kissed when he dropped me home. He was a bit touchy but apart from that it was a nice night. Didn’t hear from him for almost a week so thought what the hell and sent a message saying I had a great time and if he ever wanted to do it again sometime to let me know. Straight away he texts back suggesting we meet in the next two days. He kept asking if he could pick me up later and later and I suggested we postpone. He asked if we could meet the next night. Next day I message back saying not tonight maybe next week and he said to let him know when. I didn’t contact him as I was annoyed BUT a week later he invites me to his 21st birthday.
At his 21st birthday we hardly speak, he just stares at me and once pulled me to the dance floor. Found out his parents are divorced. Text him a couple of days later to say hope he had a good night to which he replied unfortunately he didn’t get much of a chance to speak to me and how was I?. I replied all was well and hopefully we would bump into each other at uni. No reply.
He wished me a happy birthday on facebook a month later, then three months later, six months after we first met, I see him at a university party. All he did was stare at me, his friends included, some of his mates tried to talk to me but he intercepted and he seemed to always be around. When his friends went home he stayed and after the entire night he finally ended up making conversation with me. Ended up kissing again but he was way too touchy probably as a result of drinking. I explained I’m not that type of girl. When I wouldn’t sit on him he ended up straddling me to my embarrassment. We took him home, he kissed me goodnight.
I knew he wouldn’t call the next day so that wasn’t a surprise. In the car ride home he said he was working at an event for the next week and his brother was down from interstate and I know when both of those things happen he doesn’t have time for anything. He has to be home for dinner every night, very traditional european family.
I shouldn’t but I do like this guy and I’m not sure what perspective I should be taking on this? I haven’t looked at his facebook and will not contact him this time. Is it possible that he likes me but doesn’t want to settle down? I know that he wants one certain thing from me which won’t happen unless I’m in a relationship I don’t want him to think that I am a hook up when it’s convenient for him. I don’t see a point in it if it won’t go anywhere.
I’d appreciate any advice ! Sorry for the length!
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