Social Question

bob_'s avatar

Fill in the blank: "I used to think that _________, but now that I'm older I realize how wrong I was"?

Asked by bob_ (21942points) July 7th, 2011

Has this happened to you? How?

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44 Answers

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I used to think that I was powerful if I seduced dozens of men, but now that I’m older I realize how wrong i was.

Cruiser's avatar

People were nice, caring and truthful.

Porifera's avatar

I used to think I didn’t need anyone and I could conquer the world on my own, but now that I’m older I know that humans need other humans in every possible way.

Carly's avatar

I used to think that I could get by without having a car, but now that I’m older I realize how wrong i was… and now I’m riding my bike everywhere in 100 degree weather. :/

erichw1504's avatar

The Mighty Morphing Power Rangers were awesome

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

that they would make it off the island…

MilkyWay's avatar

That people who were nice to me had the best of intentions.

RareDenver's avatar

“I used to think that horse racing was okay, but now that I’m older I realize how wrong I was”

ucme's avatar

Poodles were skinny sheep.

TheIntern55's avatar

I used to think that Blues Clues was the best show ever, but now that I’m older I realize how wrong I was.
Everyone knows Spongebob will always hold that title!

rebbel's avatar

I used to think that Steven Seagal was an actor, but now that I’m older I realize how wrong I was.

Jellie's avatar

I used to think life would turn out just the way I had planned but….

TheIntern55's avatar

@sarahhhhh I’m sorry for your loss.

KateTheGreat's avatar

I used to think that you could make things bigger by putting them in the microwave.

blueberry_kid's avatar

I used to think that no one accepted me for my size, but now that I’m a little older, I realize I was wrong.

Jellie's avatar

@TheIntern55 It’s okay… I’ve come to terms with not becoming an astronaut living in a house made of chocolate full of all the animals from noah’s ark

TheIntern55's avatar

@sarahhhhh Hahaha you made my day with that answer.

Judi's avatar

I’m old, so I hope I will be forgiven for this, it was a long long time ago. I used to think that homosexuality was a choice. I AM truly repentant. Lost my best friend since I was 3 over it when I was an arrogant teenager. :-( I still miss her.

ratboy's avatar

“I used to think that youthful death was preferable to tetchy old age, but now that I’m older I realize how wrong I was”

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

“I used to think that logic was the pursuit of eggheads and intellectuals, but now that I’m older I realize how wrong I was

Mariah's avatar

I used to think that my career goals were going to be the biggest source of joy in my adult life, but now I’m realizing how wrong that was.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I used to think that chocolate wasn’t addicting, but now that I’m older and I’ve likely eaten about 500 lbs of it, I realize how wrong I was.

Hello, my name is WillWorkForChocolate, and I’m an addict. I’m okay with it though. =0)

erichw1504's avatar

I used to think that I was the coolest kid on the block, but now that I’m older I realize how wrong… wait, nevermind.

linguaphile's avatar

I used to think everyone cared as much and as hard as I did, but now that I’m older, I realized how wrong I was.

I used to think that intelligence was the most desirable quality I wanted in a friend/spouse, but now that I’m older I realized how wrong I was. It’s integrity and humor.

I used to think my mom was superwoman and never wrong, but now that I’m older… dang… she’s just human!

Kardamom's avatar

I used to think that vegetables were icky, but now I’m a vegetarian. Boy was I wrong about dem veggies.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@Kardamom No, you were right the first time….... :-P

YARNLADY's avatar

getting ahead

lifeflame's avatar

I used to think “lingerie” was pronounced “linger-ree” and “Chopin” was pronounced “Chop-pin”.

bob_'s avatar

@YARNLADY getting ahead… was important?

Bellatrix's avatar

I used to think 28 was old, but now that I’m older I realise how wrong I was”. I remember being 18 and seriously looking at my 28 year old brother and thinking .. wow .. you are so bloody ancient.

Pele's avatar

I believed that fairys and unicorns existed when I was around 5.

Bellatrix's avatar

They don’t @pele??

YARNLADY's avatar

@bob_ Yes, especially in my job. I needed to move up the ladder and get promotions and such.

nailpolishfanatic's avatar

“I used to think that white people were richer and better than blacks, but now that I’m older I realize how wrong I was.

athenasgriffin's avatar

“I used to think that I was brave, but now that I’m older I realize how wrong I was.”

I may not be afraid of physical violence or of death, but as I’ve gotten older I have met people who are much more brave than me in matters of the heart. They are open to letting others in, and of taking responsibility, and that is true bravery. Now I really have something to aspire to.

SamIAm's avatar

I used to think that everything would work out as planned but now that I’m older, I realize I was wrong.

And as I get older, I then realize that that is more than okay!

Berserker's avatar

I used to think that when someone turned on a television in another room and that I felt it, I was the only one, and thought that I had special brain ninja powers.

Seelix's avatar

I used to think that my parents were only trying to make my life miserable and keep me from everything that was fun, but now that I’m older I realize how wrong I was.

mattbrowne's avatar

I used to think that sending clothes to Africa was a good idea, but now that I’m older I realize how wrong I was because this kills local African business.

sophiesword's avatar

that when girls reached a certain age they had problems with their urinary bladder that’s why they wore diapers:)

RareDenver's avatar

I used to think that the weatherman decided what the weather would be like, but now that I’m older I realize how wrong I was

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