What habits/traits in a person put you off?
Asked by
MilkyWay (
July 7th, 2011
What habits really put you off someone? When you meet an new aquiantance what immediatley turns you off?
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119 Answers
Being fake and disingenuous is a major deal breaker. That is when I tell ‘em to F’ck off!
Thinking they’re “Hard”: Either wanting to be a gangster, hardcore tough guy, thinking you’re awesome just because you’re from a specific state etc.
Extreme polarizing opinions given in the first five minutes are a big no-no for me.
When people are ignorant fucks.
Being loud and aggressive.
If they mention how fascinating pigeons are, i’m off!
I’m going to agree with @KatetheGreat on ignorance. People that are shamelessly racist, homophobic, etc.
For a girl, bitchiness and vanity. For a guy, belligerence, aggressiveness, and being cocky. I hate guys who act “gung-ho” and cocky (like some big-headed jocks).
Someone who isn’t sincere and genuinely friendly.
People with “an attitude” or a “chip on their shoulder”.
If the weather comes up in the first five minutes of a conversation, I am already bored.
Apathy, cynicism, abrasiveness, and a self-defeatist attitude among other things.
ducks for cover from @ucme “I Love Pigeons. Don’t you?”
No, because they shit on my car!! Rats with wings, the doity buggers.
Liars and phonies and boneheads,Oh my!
Loud and obnoxious. Chill the freak out, man!
When they talk about themselves too much, or talk too much period.
Ignorance; being full of oneself (especially if one cannot back it up with anything substantial); rudeness; laziness; self-insufficiency; not listening; abuse of animals, children, or other people; self-absorption; anger issues; violent tendencies; volatility; stupidity; being overly vocal about everything, especially their opinions; thoughtlessness; selfishness; obliviousness; personal stagnation (as in, the opposite of growth); dishonesty; manipulation; never taking responsibility for things (esp. if it’s always someone else’s fault)....
….It’s probably a lot easier for me to list the things I really like in people rather than what I don’t…
@SpatzieLover Mobile is it, I mean goes everywhere with you? My that is clever!
Arrogance, people who belittle others, narrow mindedness.
@ucme We don’t really have many pigeons here…But Canadian Geese sure can poo ;)
I’m with @tranquilsea and, I’d add control freaks that tell you your biz. and those that use sarcastic ‘humor’ as veiled hostility.
My boss sometimes talks to me like I am 10 years old, ” you know WHY I have asked you to do this, don’t you?” Gah!
Anyone that takes a parental tone with me is on my hit list.
Arrogance, being a douche, being an ass, people who are so self absorbed in their phone, control freaks, and people who hate blueberries.
@Coloma Ugh! Don’t even get me started with control freaks…add those to my list, too
People who have no sense of humor. I love to laugh and make fun and some people just don’t like that.
@blueberry_kid I’m guessing that’s where your username comes from?
Lack of common sense in conversations .
I just read all the responses and agree with every single one. I’d like to add poor listeners as well.
@cockswain me too for that one What is with the people that can’t stop texting for a minute or two when “talking” to you?
@SpatzieLover That’s also annoying. Like hanging out anywhere else is inherently cooler.
Oh, and chronic complainers and whiners and, a HUGE one for me, making assumptions without asking the direct question. I can always be on the lookout for being a better listener, fast brains need to breathe. haha
And, my all time biggie, manipulative people.
Pick your poison!
Guilt trips, tears, victim sighing, feel sorry for me ploys, pressure and pushing for a different answer when the answer is NO! haha
@Coloma It seems you and I exist in the same world! What is up with some people??
Beats me, how HARD is it to just be “normal”, minus enough neurosies to keep one on the couch for a few hundred lifetimes. lol
@Coloma I hear ya! I am going to have to start ordering pacifiers in bulk with how many I have to pass out these days!! ;)
people that think they’re funny when they’re not and specifically people that think that taking the piss out of people is funny when it’s not…
@ucme I just watched this movie this morning!
@ucme Of course I did! Mel Brooks is my idol!
@nebule That second part confuses me and at the same time fascinates me. and specifically people that think that taking the piss out of people is funny when it’s not…
Last week my boss called me at 10pm and asked if I could come in early the next day.
He gave me a “choice” of two time frames within an hour of each other.
I didn’t get the message until midnight and called him at 7:30 the next morning to say that I could make it at the later hour.
He then went into his ” Oh, you can’t be here by 9?”
Um, you gave me a “choice” and I chose. haha
Then when I told him that I had some things I needed to do first and that due to the short notice I would be there at 10, he proceeded to tell me all the reasons why I didn’t have to do the things I needed to do. WTF! I was secretly laughing, just witnessing the situation.
I handled it well, just let him ramble on and said ” I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
This is the beauty of not really NEEDING a job, make it hard for me, and, well…find yourself a new girl. :-)
@woodcutter you know when someone makes a joke out of somebody inappropriately.. or what they’re wearing, what they look like, what they say…aka…taking the mickey…
@nebule Um ok. It just conjured up an image of sick and twisted alien abductors who ram a syphon tube up the knob to get a laugh at humans. I mean it seems just like what these beings are capable of. Sorry where I live its been 112 degrees outside and yesterday I was out there all day working and i may have accidentally damaged my brain….some more.
I can’t stand it when people whine about their “group” being judged, then they turn around and judge other “groups”. Like the gay community bitching about “don’t judge us”, then I see the gay community judging the religious community as a whole. You know what? I’m kind of part of the religious community and I have no issues with gay people AND I’m okay with gay marriage, so they need to shove that blanket judgement. /end rant
^^Girl, you need to get out and get some fresh air. For reals. ;)
@nebule @ucme I just said “The sheriff is near” the other day”
@Jude Meh, I was at the beach all weekend, and I’ve been stepping in and out all day today. It’s not the fresh air that I need, it’s that I need people to quit being so self aborbed and quit being so douchey. =0)
@cockswain Good for you bud. I quote the movie almost at will.
I also replicate the fart scene when the MIL comes round for dinner. Get’s rid of her quicker, you know?
i should have directed that @TheIntern55 instead of you, sorry
@Jude I’m aware, LOL. =0)
Ignorance, Arrogance, Smelly
When I meet someone who takes stock of my deafness and starts to babytalk to me… they can go to hell in the fastest handbasket there is, not past Go, not collect $200, and get the hell out of my way. I never like to flash my credentials, but for those people I feel like screaming “I qualified for Harvard and you’re flipping burgers??!!” It’s not a chip on my shoulder- I’m just fed up with the generalization that because I can’t hear, I must only be able to understand pre-kindergarden level babble.
Oh.. there’s another deal breaker… eating boogers in public.
Yes men, ass lickers……. Patronizing bastards, people who boast all the time about what they have, materialistic pricks.. The “DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM” brigade….. :-/
@Scooby You’re talking about Chelsea fans aintcha? ;¬}
@ucme I resent that statement! >:(
@KatetheGreat Well pardon me all over the place. They are known over here for being whiny posh twats though.
@ucme Haha, well in America there are very few Chelsea fans. I’ve never acted like that! :)
Yep, those types don’t compute that they too will be worm food one day, death, the great equalizer of ego. They will probably be saying that to the worms in their grave..“Hey, do you know who I am?” “Uh, your compost now chump!” haha
@cockswain That scene makes me feel so immature. But it’s funny!
People like this Amazing thing is… they grow up to work with the public and vote.
I found this while looking for videos for @morphail on another thread but missed the edit window to add it to my comment above.
I is a Chelsea fan. You gotta problem wi’ dat bruv?
I thought you guys were talking about Chelsea Handler…until now
@MilkyWay Well, you could knock me down with a feather, fancy that!
Hey, I guess even Chelsea have got some cool supporters. Even if they are glory hunters :¬p
@MilkyWay or Mars bar or Twix Or Crunchie or Curly Wurly XD
Looking forward to finishing runners up again are we?
Diarrhea of the mouth…some people really like the sound of their own voice.
Poor hygiene
Sloppy grooming
Lots of slang usage
I agree with many, many of the ideas already presented. There isn’t just one thing, but I really can’t stand bullies or shallow people.
And @ucme, here we don’t get bugged by pigeons but bats. Bat shit is very hard to get off your car AND they carry Hendra virus which kills horses and people. Bad outbreak here at the moment.
Gossiping about other people.
Being rude and aggressive.
Ignorant bitches.
I love people, but, I also love living on 5 acres with a gate across my driveway. haha
I go out, work, do my thing, play, engage, socialize and then come home and close the gate. Works for me.
Everyone that knows me knows when the gate is closed, it’s as good as a “No trespassing” sign.
Colomas in the Walden Pond zone.
Deception. Leading others on and turning on them.
I hate that shit.
When they won’t shut the fuck up about how awesome they are.
@Symbeline But I’m so awesome, man. I’m so awesome that I don’t even have to explain why I’m awesome. ;)
If you did it I wouldn’t mind. I always enjoyed rule exceptions. ^^ Now shut up and sit on my face. :D
Watch out for the bow @katethegreat.. spiky bits.
I LOVE @KatetheGreat
She has shown, by EXAMPLE, what a cool and together young woman she is. Kate, you rock!
@Coloma Thanks dear. I love you! :3
Chewing gum. I dislike seeing people chew gum so much, I won’t go near them if I don’t have to. Therefore, I don’t even find out if they have any of the much more important faults mentioned by others. If I can’t see it, obviously, it won’t bother me. I used to tell my students that they could chew gum if I didn’t hear it, see it, or smell it; but if I did, the gum went in the basket without complaint.
@Sunny2 Why do you have such a severe hatred for gum?
Oh man.. and definitely people who barely know me, sticking their nose in things that are not at all their business.
@KatetheGreat I think it was because my mother wouldn’t let me chew gum. She said it made you look like a cow. When I contemplated a cow, I agreed. When I got older, I realized that if you wanted to appear stupid on stage (especially for an audition) you chewed gum (or pretended to.) And I don’t hate it. It just turns me off. Watching people chewing gum, I see cows chewing a cud.
I agree, but I like chewing gum on occasion, rare, but on occasion.
Funny how our programming ‘sticks’ with us isn’t it?
Now I am the opposite, was raised in a very conservative and ‘proper’ environment…now that I have lived in the country for years I still smile when I pee out in the woods and think how disgraceful my family would have found that! Haha
Infact, just tonight, I was up on my hill, watering and yep, had to go, and I did. lol
Of course it helps when you live on 5 acres, not like dropping your drawers or hiking your skirt in a gutter! :-D
Selfish cows who lack empathy and possess other severe sociopathic tendencies that either physically or emotionally damage other beings.
Constantly trying to show me that he/she ‘s always right .
@ucme Lol, I’m sure my brother would agree with you, he still hates Dennis Wise with a passion, as for me, I don’t follow the football anymore but I can’t stand that smug face little tosser either, I think he’s retired now !? Lol ;-)
@Coloma, pmsl, yep I can just imagine it, I hope all that botox is bio degradable not to mention all them ‘silly’ cone implants….. The worms might find them a little tough to digest :-/
@Scooby Yeah, he used to manage my team a few years back….prick!
Smug face little tosser is actually written on his passport ;¬}
What botox and cones?
I’m a natural girl, through and through, well, my piss was manufatured by a few Mexican beers. lol
I love my daughter’s best friend, but I get an irrational urge to smack her every time she smacks her food. She sounds like a fucking cow at my table. Her parents are smackers too. ARGH!
Meet the Smackers! haha
I have a problem too, with people that don’t ASK you if something is okay with you.
Right now I am going to have to speak up to someone who brought their dog with them to a BBQ at my place a few weeks ago. Good dog, but stressed out my cat and geese big time.
I adapted to the situation, thinking it would be a one time thing, but NOW, this person who invited themselves over the first time has done it again…another “Hey, I’ll bring Pizza over one night and we can hang out again!” Ugh! Sooo, now that I know the dog goes everywhere with them I am going to have to speak up and tell them that I don’t want their dog here stressing out my pets.
I know they won’t like this, but…oh well, my animals space is their space and they should not have to be stressed on their own property.
Hey, why don’t I just bring my GEESE over to YOUR house for dinner, you know, they have separation anxiety too! lol
Ah yes, the loud chewers. Just as bad as the close talkers.
Thanks to all who answered. I found it interesting, and entertaining at times, to know your dislikes.
Love to you all.
People who lie and actually BELIEVE other people believe them.
No shit! It is so insulting to ones intelligence :-/
Those are the same people who come up with wacked out excuses or justifications as to why they did or didn’t do something and they think that it actually sounds reasonable or logical!
I know, I am dealing with a repair person like that now.
First, SEVEN weeks ago, he ‘repaired’ something that didn’t need repairing and the original problem is still going on, and NOW, he has been putting me off for the last month with vague, “family issues” and now, his wife is in the hospital.
The thing is, he keeps CALLING, making more excuses, and promising that he will get out here again by the end of the week, but, the “end of the week” has been the ENDLESS end of the week. lol
I expressed my sympathies for his problems but also told him in no uncertain terms that this situation is UNACCEPTABLE! I asked him to call me last night and give me a definitive time I could expect him, no call back.
What to do? If I get this issue resolved I will NEVER use him again. Bah!
A leaky pipe in my hot tub, rebuilt the pump for $335 and it is STILL leaking!-—Pffft!
Shit! My husband was a plumber for several years!!!!! We’ll be right over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! got beer?
Hell, I’ll buy you a keg! LOL
Heh! Wait..weren’t we talking about light pollution? How did we get on hot tub pumps?
@Dutchess_III You said: People who lie and actually BELIEVE other people believe them.
How about that one’s cousin: People who see the truth right in front of them (say a green tree) but STILL believe the fool that told them it was purple.
That just reminded me of a psychology experiment I took in college. You just signed up for it. There were about 10 of us there, sitting around a table. I assumed they were all random strangers, just like me. Unbeknownst to me, however, I was the guinea pig. What they did was, starting with the person on my left they passed around a blue sheet of paper. The question was, “What color is the paper?” Well, when they passed it around every single person said it was red. It was freakin’ blue man. It got to me and I said, “You guys are nuts. It’s blue.” I almost wanted to walk out thinking they were insane! Then they told me what was up…they were all psychology students. They told me that you wouldn’t believe how many people would agree with the majority, that it was red, ignoring the evidence right in front of them. They said MOST people would do that. Crazy. I felt picked on at first, then ‘special at the end! : )
Closed-mindedness and arrogance.
@Dutchess_III and not only agreeing . If you for example take a kid and tell him to repeat “white” 10 times out loud then fast ask him what the cow drinks he’ll tell you MILK and not water .
@Dutchess_III Thanks for that story!! I believe those psychology students- I deal with people who would easily say “red” to the blue paper everyday and it baffles me.
Some people don’t want to be the odd one out. They don’t want to stand out. It is like the bystander principle. What would make someone stand there and watch someone being kicked or needing help but not step up and help? They don’t want to be the first though. They don’t want to step in and act if nobody else is. Weird I know.
Snobbery, prejudice, and a judgmental attitude are the worst for me. I have an equal aversion to people who are abnormally effusive and bubbly. For some people it may be just their natural personality and I guess that is ok even though it doesn’t mesh well with mine, but for others it just seems totally fake as if they are trying too hard to be likable. I just want to say to them “Be real!!!”
Did anyone say “chewing with their mouth open” or “talking with food in their mouth?” When someone takes a bite before everything they say and stash it in their cheek for several sentences, I hate that. Then swallow, put food in the cheek again, start talking again. God.
Thanks for answering folks :)
@cockswain OR… when they push their foot towards their front teeth with their tongues, open their mouths, smack, then suck it back in. I have a coworker who eats like that.
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