Who do you keep wishing might just show up?
Asked by
Faidle (
July 7th, 2011
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123 Answers
Frank Zappa…I would give him a hug if he did!
Frank Zappa, and The Pizza Guy. For The Win! :D
@Faidle I ordered that damn pizza 50 minutes ago and it’s still not here! >:(
Hmmm Errol Flynn huh? Makes me think of that ol’ joke.
“Met your match?”
“Not since Errol Flynn died”.
I probably do know who. Haha.
WHAT!?!?! I’d slap a baby! (I wouldn’t really slap a baby. It’s a figure of speach… I stole it from @AshLeigh)
@Faidle I called the place and it wasn’t even made yet. I cancelled my order. :(
This guy I had a crush on in middle school. The USPS man with my twelve cell battery for my laptop. Pierce Bronson. The UPS guy with my new awesome speakers.
But most of all, I wish for some cool breezes. It is deathly hot.
“Zorro” my cat who disappeared 15 months ago. My Fluther picture was taken of him just a few days before he left. I do still miss him so much.
awww @gondwanalon. I so empathise. I had a cat disappear over 30 years ago, and I still wonder where she went? She was so lovely.
But for a serious answer, I wish a nice guy would show up and take me away.
I wish an angel would come and save me.
Also you have ’‘zombies’’ in your topics, that’s pretty cool lol.
Seriously? One of the two girls I am deeply in love with but didn’t realize how much they meant to me until I hurt them.
Jokingly? Nikola Tesla.
I’d love for my other self, the missing half of me to show up. I think I left her somewhere on the 3rd floor of Benson Hall on Florida Avenue back in 1998… Hell, I might just have to go get her myself! :D :D
If he comes to your place @wilma, I might just drop in for a cuppa too.
Rolls eyes… oh okay then! You first. He isn’t getting any younger. You will probably wear him out!
The plumber. That drain has been plugged for going on 6 hours. They said he’d be out in an hour and a half. That may be too late. Besides, my husband will be home in half an hour and there goes that.
Him…to the point that I thought I saw him tonight, off in the distance. I think my mind is playing tricks with me at this point…or trying to wean me off of him…
Tommy Lee. Anyone who can drive a boat with no hands is awesome, in my book.
I don’t know. God, the man of my dreams, my father, the pizza guy.
My girlfriend’s stalker. She badly needs to be punched in the face, but I lack the courage to actually go to her.
Also, my highschool sweetheart.
Karen Carpenter. Miss her voice.
Mary Jane Rottencrotch…..be nice to visit an old stamping ground ;¬}
My grand father died four years ago after suffering from cancer, his sons and daughters started to fight for his fortune. Till now I don’t belive the fact that he is dead so I wish that he shows up and gather the family again.
Leon Kennedy from Resident Evil
Guess who just showed up?!! My 16 year old grandson! He’s been in Seattle with his Dad since last August!! He’s here for a month! YAY!!! He’s now driving. Lord help us all!
Where’s your son? D:
I wish my sister would come home… :(
Also, that’s great!!!
Wear your seatbelt!
Just the hole “I thought I saw him…” thing. We’ve had several conversations about it. She “sees” “him” a lot.
It’s gotta be rough. :(
@Faidle If I knew, I would go and find her.
The guy I had a crush on in college. mark Harmon. The pizza guy. Any or all of the above.
Why do you guys get all the hot pizza guys? Our pizza guy is really fat and he smells and his name is Clyde. One time I lived on the ground floor of a three story house that was split up into 3 apartments. The second floor was accessed from the outside, up a steep, rickety set of wooden stairs. A bunch of college boys lived there. I stepped out one evening to see gelatinous, mountainous Clyde standing at the bottom of the stairs, with a pizza warmer bag in his arms, gazing mournfully up the rickety stairs.
I said, “Clyde…do you need me to take that pizza up to the boys?”
He nodded mournfully, so I did. And brought his money and his tip back down. And I didn’t even get no pizza.
Clyde was probably eternally grateful though @Dutchess_III… that was kind of you.
@Dutchess_III My last pizza guy was so hot that I invited him in for a beer. :) He accepted.
I take it it wasn’t Clyde, @KatetheGreat!
@Bellatrix Well…anyone else would have done it to.! He just looked so forlorn. It would take a truly hard-hearted person to just ignore him!
@Dutchess_III From what you’ve described him as, I’d tooootttallly tap that.~
Hehe. He was a darling.
Clyde? You want to tap Clyde Kate… (o O… Clyde has become a sex object).
Phew… I was just checking flights to come and make sure you were okay :D
Although, I am sure Clyde is delightful and I sincerely hope your trust in human nature is correct @Dutchess_III. I still think it was sweet of you.
@Bellatrix Well, I’m sure poor old Clyde would treat me better than some men I’ve encountered lately!
I remember ordering a pizza in Canberra and the price for some reason was different to the price advertised. I think there might have been a delivery fee or something and we were short of money and the pizza guy put the money in. I have never forgotten that. It was so refreshing. We went the next day to hand over the money to the store but they were closed and we were leaving, but the kindness has stayed with me.
Nods! Indeed Ms Kate…. men not boys, men not boys .. remember the mantra :D
Clyde has become a sex object. He will SO not understand that, no matter how I ‘splain it to him!
Mmm, I love me some Clyde. I wanna rub his belllllayy.
Falls off chair laughing. Clyde belly… LMAO…
I had a friend who was seriously sexually attracted to sumo wrestlers…............
I blame you @Dutchess_III. You have turned Clyde into a sex object.
You guys! I just want to rub Clyde’s belly and whisper sweet nothings to him all night! Don’t make fun of me. >:(
I have a feeling I’ll regret this in the morning!
I hope you have nightmares, darlin’!
:D… I see a blind date coming up for Clyde…
Yummehhhh. Does our dear Clyde have a mustache?
There is always superglue Kate… he can have a moustache if you really want him to.
@Faidle…it is, but I think it might be my mind doing that to help me cope with the thought of never getting to see him again (he’s not teaching there this summer or fall, after being on the schedule initially to do so…). Of course, it might actually have been him…I only got to see this person from the back, but they were the same height, had the same hair style, carried a backpack that looked like his and dressed similarly. I wish I would have caught up to them, just to see that my mind was playing tricks, but they were too far ahead, and I wasn’t going to make a fool of myself…
Sometime in the future, a pizza delivery man called Clyde is going to come across fluther and think Dang! That could have been me!!!
I really think that someone should create a Fluther profile for Clyde. And then he can host all of our 10k and 20k parties. Best inside joke ever.
Oh yes! We could go to @Clyde’s for a beer or 10!!!
And then he’d want us to engage in a game of strip poker!
Either way, I wanna see his sexy body. :D
@MissA But….Clyde is so dreamy.
understand…er, well, maybe…
Awwwwww!!! MrShinyShoes She had the voice of an angel. I love her voice too.
I would love to see Russell Crowe standing next to me. I don’t even need to talk to him. Just to feel his presence would be enough. Sick, right?
@Earthgirl Yes, her voice was so different from any other female singer. The quality alone was very special. She sung the song without a lot of “tricks”, unlike so many singers you hear today screeching and hollering, twisting their voices like on American Idol (yeech). For me, she was the best female pop vocalist who ever lived.
Nah, I don’t think that’s sick. You can actually “feel” the soul of the person standing next to you, the energy. No talk needed.
POOR CLYDE!!! Ok…I’m gonna put a stop to this! At one point I worked as a bank teller. While in training at the drive through Clyde drove up.
“O God,” one of the other tellers said. “It’s Clyde.”
I said, “What? What’s wrong?”
She said, “He comes in once a week and deposits his cash tips. Have you seen where he keeps his tips?”
I nodded.
She said, “Yeah. In that apron. Under his belly. His belly covers it. He sweats all over it and he never takes a shower. His money STINKS SO BAD!!!!!”
She made me take the deposit. She wasn’t kiddin’!
So…I’ll give Clyde your number @KatetheGreat. Just pass it on! Heh!
Clyde is forever sexy in my eyes!
When you and Clyde get married, can I be the Best Man? :D:D:D
@AshLeigh We’ll have to discuss that with Clyde. As a couple, we don’t make decisions without each other!
retching sounds are heard from Kansas
:-| @KatetheGreat you are scaring me!!! Poor ol’ Clyde… least he had tips to bank I suppose :D
Hahaha. I personally would love to see a picture of Clyde. xD
I spoke to Clyde (Ove the phone), and he says if it’s okay with @KatetheGreat I can be the flower girl… :D
@Faidle Alright, alright. You get to wear a dress out of pizza though.
This is rare but I’m feeling pity for Clyde… and @KatetheGreat dress out of pizza?! Are you asking for @Faidle to be mauled by hungry individuals least of all Clyde? lol
Hahahahaha. I think Saydah ( @Faidle ) Would look cute in a Pizza Dress….
I plan to get married at Tacobell, and have a dress made out of Burrito Wrappers
Yes! That’s my life long dream.
A dress made of Pizza. :D:D:D
You know…I went on a search for this thread. The first thing I thought to type in was “show up.” Got nuttin’. None of the topics even remotely occurred to me!
… And you were searching it because… You got a picture of Clyde? :D:D:D
Probably my old friend that I stupidly pushed away, we were close. Maybe Lady Gaga or Jennifer Beals, I love them! None of these are realistic
Jim Sturgess, and Dylan O’Brien can show up any day. ;)
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GOD to clean up what mankind has screwed up.
Ed McMahon with my check. Richard henry. Prince, no guitar needed.
Chewbacca. should be an interesting conversation.
There’s a few… One’s dead, another is the other side of the world… another hasn’t even been created yet…
some of my favorite jellies that seem to be gone forever
Mckenna Rae, you can be born any time now. :) I would like to meet you, my nosepicking little niece!
Nose picking niece:
Class level = endless.
I would love to have my s/o show up. I haven’t seen him in a loooong time! Miss him. I also would like to meet my 2 grandmother’s that had died before I was born.
The answer to a mystery in our Family Ancestry.
Our Origins, our Great, great,great great ancestors beginnings.
To find out IF we truely descend from this one Ancestor of not, as it is in question now.
Wundayatta, under the orange tree
Jesus LOL..
Sometimes I wish the world would come to an end in my lifetime. I think it would be great. Well if it ended the Christian way that is. With Jesus coming down from heaven etc LOLOL
cuz I think generally life is unfair for a lot of people and there is too much suffering and mean people in the world.
Someone different than when I first answered this question…and who did show up twice this week!
My estranged brother….wish we could forget the
past and have a real brother sister relationship.
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