Social Question

Jeruba's avatar

How many blood relatives of yours--let's say as far back as your great-grandparents--have made it to 100? And would you want to?

Asked by Jeruba (56208points) July 7th, 2011

People are living longer these days, it’s true, but making it to three digits is still a rarity.

Have you seen a relative reach the century mark? And would you want to live that long yourself, after seeing how damned old that is?

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30 Answers

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Before my great grandparents there were supposedly several but since my great grandparents only a handful that I know about. Most of my family I don’t know or have contact with. I definitely want to make 100 as long as I’m with my wits and mobility.

FutureMemory's avatar


Great-Grandmothers lived to be 85 and 91, respectively. Grandmother is 78 and still going strong.

I would like to live to be 80-ish.

Judi's avatar

I haven’t heard of any. If I were in good health, I would LOVE to make it to the century club.

Cruiser's avatar

None…My grandma (dad’s mom) made it to 95 and my dad is still playing golf every day at 77. I plan on swinging from the chandelier well into my 90’s!!

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

None have made it to 100. I would be fine with living to 100 if I were of sound mind and still had a certain degree of mobility.

Pele's avatar

My grandfather made it to 94. I’d like to be 436 years old when I pass.

Bellatrix's avatar

None that I am aware of. Some have popped off quite young. I wouldn’t mind living to 100 as long as my mind and body were still okay.

KateTheGreat's avatar

My grandma is 103 right now.

I wouldn’t mind living that long as I had good health and a lot of money. :P

YARNLADY's avatar

None made it to 100, I will be the first, but they all lived well into their late 80’s and 90’s. My parents were done in early because of cigarettes.

zenvelo's avatar

No one on either side.

My paternal Grandfather made it to 75. His widow made it to 80. My maternal grandmother was in her early 70s, my grandpa lived until 97. My father died when he was just short of 82; my mom is still around at 87.

Grandpa came to live with us when he was 78, and was very active until he was 88. But my parents were transferred overseas, and when he went with them his activity level dropped considerably, and from 90 to 97 were not easy on him.

I have a good friend who passed away at the age of 88. He was very active, including averaging 300 miles per week on his bicycle, until he was 85. He had a bike accident and sustained a head injury despite his helmet. He lived another 2½ years, but the quality of life declined.

I’d like to live to 100 if i can remain active.

filmfann's avatar

None. My great-grandmother made it to 98.
My grandparents and my parents have all passed.
Would I want to? Not without my sisters.

JLeslie's avatar

None. My grandma was either 89 or 90 when she died, I think 89, and we are all stunned anyone in my family lived that long. If I were healthy I would not mind living that long. I bet most people who make to 100 are relatively healthy. There are statistics that go something like if you make it to 75 you have a very high chance of making it to 90 (I made those up, but the older you get, the more likely the longer you will live. Certain diseases get people when they are younger). I believe genetics plays a big role in people who are long lived.

gondwanalon's avatar

My Grandmother died at 95 and her uncle, Wesley Hillbeary died at 103. My Aunt is 85 and going strong for her age but all the other blood family died in their mid 70’s or earlier. If my brain and body were still functioning adequately then I’d love a bit longer than Uncle Wesley

Blackberry's avatar

None, but I don’t know my dad’s side.

DrBill's avatar

grandmother – 106
grandfather – 103
father – 94
mother – still going at 85

I plan to live forever, and so far I have

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

None that I know of.My paternal grandfather lived to 98.
I would not want to live that long and it is very unlikely that I will. :)

Berserker's avatar

My grandfather on my dad’s side is 92, so he’s pretty close. He’s also smoked and drank his whole life, lives in a shack in the woods during the Summer (used to during the Winter, but he can’t hack that anymore), so even if he hasn’t made it to one hundred, so far, he’s got cred lol.

However, he’s just about blind and can barely speak. I’m not sure I’d want to be that old if I ended up like that. He seems to manage though, according to my grandmother, (they’re not together anymore, but they stay in touch) so there must be some secret he has or something. XD

Sure I’d like to live that old, if it wasn’t for all the health problems you’d most likely have to deal with. Although I did hear about this Chinese man who lived until like, 111 years old, and was as healthy as can be. But drinking beer and eating crap like I do probbaly isn’t the key to that haha.

iphigeneia's avatar

My great-grandmother is 103 going on 104, and I think I have another great-grandmother who made it to 100 (um, she may or may not be still alive, I don’t actually know since she’s in another country).

Living to 100 is not an aim of mine. If I had family members willing to assist me (that’s a big if), I’d be a huge burden on them, and sooner or later I’d probably develop depression and dementia. 100 is just another number. Quality of years over quantity.

SuperMouse's avatar

I saw my 96 year-old grandfather a couple of days ago and he told me he plans on living to 102. I believe him. His wife, my grandmother lived to 93. My matenal grandparents lived into their 80’s. If I could do it with my wits about me and the good humor of my wonderful grandfather, I would happily live past 100. Bonus: Willard Scott wishing me happy birthday!

Supacase's avatar

None. The only great-grandparent I know anything about lived to 96. My grandparents are all in their 90s or late 80s.

100? No thanks. 80 sounds good. Unless I’m having a really good time at the retirement home zipping around on my jazzy scooter and playing bingo. Or if mental illness really does get better with age – if that’s the case, I’m in for the long haul.

ucme's avatar

As far as I know, none have. Could be wrong though.
When I was a kid I convinced myself I had no desire to live past the age of forty. I’ve since moved the goalposts, as is my wont.
Do I want to live to see my 100th birthday? The decision is out of my hands therefore I pay it no attention. Let’s see how the cards fall.

rts486's avatar

None. Not really, unless I was in great health, mind and body, and had enough money to live comfortably.

Seelix's avatar

My great grandmother was between 103 and 105 when she died – the exact date of her birth is a little foggy, and in the last few years she stopped speaking English and only spoke a Ukrainian dialect which we couldn’t completely understand.

I’d love to make it to 100, especially nowadays when medicine is more advanced and I might actually be able to enjoy my later years.

AmWiser's avatar

My mom’s brother is 105 and just recently shows signs of alzheimers. Mom is 91 and still going strong (no meds). I wouldn’t mind making it to the century old mark.

OpryLeigh's avatar

My great grandmother will be 100 in August and I am convinced that woman could still outlive us all!

lonelydragon's avatar

None that I know of. And I have no desire to live to 100 myself. I would rather live a shorter life (mid to late 70’s) and remain of sound mind to the end.

ddude1116's avatar

My grandma turned one hundred this year. She’s the only in my family who have accomplished that. I wouldn’t mind living to that age so long as I don’t become I grumpy old man.


One, my maternal grandmother lived to the age of 102. She was tiny, and ate rice, fish, and vegetables most of her life. My paternal grandmother came close——she lived to the age of 96. Even my paternal grandfather lived to age 90.

Jeruba's avatar

I used to say I wanted to live to 105, but I don’t know—that’s a long way off, and a lot of things hurt or don’t work right already. Decades of decrepitude don’t appeal to me.

The women of my family are long livers on both sides. One of my great-grandmothers nearly made 101, and my grandmother lived to 95. I have aunts in their late 90’s now. But my parents both fell short of that.

I remember a TV show years ago about memory and memory loss. A woman whose father had Alzheimer’s was miserable trying to care for him—“But I’ve never seen him happier,” she said.

My father-in-law didn’t even remember that he had cancer or that his wife had passed away. He died thinking he still ran the department and happily ordering everybody around.

Strauss's avatar

I had a great-uncle who lived to 102.

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