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Dutchess_III's avatar

Which Love is stronger: The Love of a Mother for her Child, or the Love of a Child for his/her Mother?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) July 7th, 2011


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17 Answers

geeky_mama's avatar

Just my own personal guess.. but mother’s love for her child.
I would sacrifice my life for my own child..but not so sure I would sacrifice myself for my mother.

KateTheGreat's avatar

As a child is growing up, it’s definitely a mother’s love for her child. A child never really realizes how much their parents love them (in fortunate cases) and that everything goes into making that child’s life better.

After the child is grown, I’m not really sure what love is stronger. A mother’s love for her child never falters even if the child has gone off on their own and makes mistakes.

But what do I know? I’m not even a mother.

dabbler's avatar

Mom is going to have a much more coherent idea of her love so her intention will have more effects on the child. The kid may love mom thoroughly but that is complicated by needing mom just as thoroughly. And generally the child won’t have much conscious idea of their love.

wilma's avatar

As a mother and a daughter, I guess it would be a mother’s love for her child.
It might not be the same for everyone though.

Dutchess_III's avatar

GA’s. I’m listening ya’ll…..

Blackberry's avatar

Mother’s love. When’s the last time you heard any kid express love about their mother that wasn’t a pansy lol…....Just kidding.

athenasgriffin's avatar

I love my mother more than anyone else in my world, but I still am pretty sure that her love is the more unconditional of the two.

marinelife's avatar

Mother’s love for the child. It is built in to our genes.

Fred931's avatar

You think I’ll miss my mom a year into college?! Pfft!

JLeslie's avatar

My guess is a mother’s love for her child.

Cruiser's avatar

I would say both will endure the test of time.

zenvelo's avatar

There is too much range for me to accept either generalization. I know that people who don’t get love from parents often have a huge emotional hole. And I know many women that love their kids more than anything, but I also know women who are at a loss about their children and really don’t do much more than a minimum to keep them fed and healthy.

Emotionally healthy children love their mothers, but have to declare their independence at different stages in order to grow into healthy adults. And mothers love their kids, but have to let go of their children.

Supacase's avatar

Mother’s love for her child. Since you asked. I am not one of those people who goes around belittling the sincerity or depth of love people have for anyone other than a child because “they just can’t understand.” Poor dears, cluck, cluck.

I’m not even one of those women who cried and instantly bonded with my daughter the moment she was born. My husband was like that, but I’m the sort who needs some time to feel out a new situation.

Then there was a split-second on the first day I was alone with my daughter, when Mom had gone home and my husband had gone back to work, when I looked at her in my arms and was hit with the enormity of my love for her and the power that same love gave her over me – no one in this world can or will cause me more joy or more pain.

I have loved my parents, grandparents, boyfriends, husbands, friends and pets. I love with complete abandon (which I don’t really recommend) yet I have never encountered anything remotely close to the love I feel for her.

With this understanding came the crushing realization of how my mom has loved me – not just how much, but in what way – how much I took it for granted and how much pain I had caused her over the years.

I dread the day I lose my mom. It will be a blow I can’t imagine and I know it will change my life forever. If I lose my daughter, I can’t imagine how I will even live through it.

Hibernate's avatar

Most say it’s the mother for the child… and this because the mother can truly understand what love is and what sacrifices it involves . And since in most cases the kid lives more than the mother he does not have that much time to actually show the love after he understands it as it should be .

Jellie's avatar

Definitely mother to child is stronger. But I would still sacrifice myself for my mother any day. LOVE YOU MOMMY!!

jeremyh's avatar

Definitely mother’s love for her children.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Those were some very thoughtful answers guys. Thanks.

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