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Aethelflaed's avatar

How do you pronounce cisgendered?

Asked by Aethelflaed (13760points) July 7th, 2011

I’ve been pronouncing it like “size-gendered”, but now I’m hearing it may be “seize-gendered” or “siss-gendered”. Or is there another option? I almost never hear this word, I only read it.

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10 Answers

DominicX's avatar

Wikipedia says the pronunciation is ”/‘sɪsdʒɛndər/”, therefore “siss-gendered” is correct.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Siss-gendered. It’s not a word many people use. I use it a lot.

seekingwolf's avatar


whenever you see “cis” as a separate word, it usually means “same” and it is pronouced “sis”. You see it a lot in organic chemistry too.

Aethelflaed's avatar

@seekingwolf I read it almost every day, but almost never hear it out loud.

seekingwolf's avatar

@Aethelflaed No worries. I didn’t hear it until I had to take organic chemistry and then I heard it everyday for a year. Lol. It’s definitely “sis”. Say it otherwise and people will get confused, lol.

Plucky's avatar

I pronounce it “siss-gendered” – good to know I actually have it correct, lol.

Sunny2's avatar

I don’t. I haven’t heard it. What does it mean?

Aethelflaed's avatar

@Sunny2 Individuals who have a match between the gender they were assigned at birth, their bodies, and their personal identity; those who are not transgendered.

downtide's avatar

I’ve always pronounced it as “siss-gendered”

Sunny2's avatar

@Aethelflaed Thank you. I didn’t know there was a word for that.

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