How many remote controls in your home?
My estimate is more than 30. Drives my wife nuts. I wonder why this universal remote control idea never really took off. Any ideas? How do you handle the situation?
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28 Answers
Let’s see:
Fans 3
TV 3
Audio 1
Roku 1
Decoder 1
A/C unit 1
Radio 1
Cars 3
Total 14 (Not including test equipment or old TVs in the basement.)
I tolerate it and make sure the remote is in the same room as the device to be adjusted.
This will all settle out when IPv6 becomes more widespread. We will do it all from our phone or a single remote.
Now that I think about it I will probably need multiples of the universal remotes to cover each room.
I think there are around 4 or 5.I rarely watch tv they are allllllll his :)
I just dust them once a week.
Now that’s an interesting question. Let’s see…
I have one for the television and two for a pair of DVD players I have (the Blu-Ray was a gift, which is why I have two). I have one for the fan in the living room and one for the portable air conditioner. I have a single one (I really need another, if I can find one) for the garage door.
If we count wireless mice, I have two of those, one per computer.
And I think that’s it. So I have 8, total.
Edit: Ten. I forgot the two for the (mostly inoperative) stereo system.
Working ones….I believe there are 8. 4 tv, 1 DVD, 1 stereo, 1 gaming and 1 for ceiling fan.
One. And I’m not allowed to use it because I lose it.
@Dutchess_III – How can one lose a remote control? Do you take them to other rooms?
A curious second question: Do men tend to find it easier to distinguish them?
@mattbrowne Yeah….I’ll just go into the kitchen or whereever and not realize I have the remote in my hand. Then I’ll just set it down in some random place…and then we have to look for it!
I think men are more reliant on them than women.
I have some remotes that never get used. Like the remote for some of my TV’s, because the remote from the cable company turns the tv on and off, so I won’t count those TV remotes.
So, I think I have 7.
3. One for my TV, one for the cable, one for the DVD player. I had a fourth for my ipod docking station, but I never used it (the remote), so it’s disappeared.
Oh a few, I want one for the wife though. The mute button would wear out pretty damn fast I can tell you.
One, to my portable DVD player lol. I don’t have a TV or anything.
4 tv remotes + 3 DVD/VCR remotes + 4 channel changing remotes (cable) + 2 Air conditioner remotes + 1 Roku remote = 14
1 for a ceiling fan/dimming light.
1 for our TV.
1 for our XBox.
I really like this question. Let’s see…
1 for the Satellite box.
1 for the DVD player.
1 for the TV.
1 Universal remote just in case I happen to lose any of the other ones.
3 remotes for 3 remote controlled cars.
That makes : 7 remote controls in the house.
No wonder we’re all getting fat!!
@Dutchess_III So true. I swear I’ve put on a stone since I broke my ankle. I’ve been sittin around doing nothing all day.
How much is a stone? In ‘Merican?
@Dutchess_III Hey now, I was messin. It’s more like, a few grams.
But just for the record, a stone is a tad bit more than 6 kg.
We don’t have any. Not having television is really quite nice. Not paying for television is even nicer.
@mattbrowne ”@Dutchess_III – How can one lose a remote control? Do you take them to other rooms?” That question reminds me of a story from when I was two. One day I took the remote and hid it in the bottom of my toy chest. Rather than walking over and pushing the buttons on the television, my father spent a couple hours searching for the remote. He finally gave up searching, but refused to watch the tv without it. My mom ended up finding it the next day.
@Dutchess_III According to Google’s calculator, a stone is about 14 pounds.
What is 6 kg in ‘Merican, @MilkyWay? Why do I feel so dumb right now!?
Oh, man, fucking lots.
Downstairs: TV, DVD player, A/C, air coolant thing, stereo: 5.
Room 1: TV, DVD player, A/C: 3.
Room 2: TV, PS3, A/C, stereo, thing with which to play iPod: 5.
Room 3: TV, DVD player, A/C: 3.
Room 4: TV, DVD player, A/C: 3.
So, 19.
Not sure. There are a lot, but not as many as there could be because we have a home automation system, so multiple devices that would require a separate remote are controlled with one console.
One for the tv, one for the dvd player, one for the space heater. The tv one is universal, but doesn’t have a switch to usb option (which my dvd player can do, and I use regularly). I keep all the original remotes, though, just in case, so there’s a drawer with maybe 15 in there that I never use. I know what they all go to, though.
Thanks everybody! Remote control inflation seems very real.
@bob_ – Without our two kids I count 19 as well. Still way too much.
I have way too many, would be nicer if manufacturers could talk and build one device, but not sure if this will ever happen. Universal remotes are just not that good, originals are good, but then you have dozens you have to own. If you loose them, then you have to deal with trying to buy a new one from a site like this, otherwise you are screwed.
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