What has been the largest sum of money you've ever found & did you keep it?
Asked by
ucme (
July 9th, 2011
Yeah, i’m not on about cash of your own found stuffed down the sofa or wherever. No, i’m referring to the money you happen to come across while you’re out & about. Cash that’s been carelessly discarded or mislaid by some oblivious individual.
I’m always seeing the odd coin here & there, actually the largest sum I ever found was a mere £10. I kept it, but felt a slight twang of guilt for the poor bugger who lost it.
How about you then?
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29 Answers
I found a $20 bill laying on the ground in a mall in Florida when I was 7 or so. I bought a train toy with it at the toy store.
I found a wallet containing a little over $100. The ID was also in the wallet, so I drove to the person’s home and returned it immediately. Turns out that the poor guy set his wallet on the roof of his car, while he was loading some stuff into the car and then he drove off and forgot about it, that’s how it ended up in the street. Me and my brother were doing some sightseeing in a beach town and just happened to turn down this street to turn around and head back to the freeway to go home and there it was. Luckily, the house was on the next block over, so we didn’t have to go very far to find the owner.
$20.00 in the street. There was no one to return it to.
$10,000 and no…I did not keep it. :(
I found $300 in the lining of a rifle case once. I bought it off of a guy for only $20. Of course I kept it! He wasn’t missing it.
Yes, I kept it. It was at a fair, gazillions of people, but, if I ever found a substantial amount or a wallet or a briefcase full of money I would turn it in.
Well..if the briefcase was full of drug money, I’d keep it all. lol
Not long ago I left my wallet with about $160 in cash and all my credit/ATM cards in a grocery basket when I was loading up my car.
Someone turned it into the market! Yay! Thank you random honest person!
I found a £20 note in the playground of a park I went to with my mum. I picked it up and gave it to her. She put it in the charity box when we got home.
^Now I feel bad that I kept the money I found instead of putting it in a charity box. Next time I will.
20 bucks on the ground long ago. There was no one to give it to.
Yeah I guess it depends on the amount & whether or not any ID is present. I mean, if I found any sum of money know matter how small & there staring up at me was a picture of a dear sweet silver haired old lady, with a look that says “how ya doing sonny?” I’m going to hand that cash in at the earliest oppurtunity. With a tiny tear welling in the corner of my eye.
When I worked at the grocery store, I found an envelope with $170 in cash, just lost on the floor. After I checked with people who might have dropped it, the envelope went into the store’s “lost and found” for the requisite month. After no one claimed it, it was mine to keep.
I ended up keeping $70 and handing the $100 to another co-worker, a single mom with three pre-teen daughters. I’m not sure what she did with it, but it was needed. :) With mine, I probably bought some wool and went out to dinner, or something equally silly. I felt bad at the time – it was probably someone’s rent money. But what can you do?
As a kid back in the mid 70’s, I came across a $20.00 bill in the street gutter as I was riding my bike. I kept it.
At about fourteen years of age, me and Rik walked in the city center when a guy with his dog passed us.
The guy carrying the groceries, the dog the wallet.
The couple arrived at their front door, he opened it and went in, the dog too.
But not before he dropped his snout to the pavement and let the wallet slide out of it.
The dog in, the door closed, and we grabbed the, in our eyes, treasure.
In it was around thirty five gilders (say, twenty euro’s).
We ran away, to the train station, and took a train to the next city where we bought sweet pie and hot chocolate and spend what was left on candies.
Bad boys.
Found $20 outside a movie theater once. Yes
I found $4800 laying on the ground at work. I waited to find someone running around in a panic, asked them what was wrong, and after they identified the amount, gave it back to them. Didn’t even say “thanks”. What a piece of shit.
I once found $40 on the ground at the mall. I kept it, of course. There was no one to return it to.
I found $80 on the ground outside of a bank. I kept it.
When I was about fifteen I also “found” $66 in a purse someone left in a grocery cart outside of a supermarket. I kept that as well.
I found a $50 on the ground in a movie theatre once. I kept it. My friend tried to convince me we should split it, because I wouldn’t have been there if not for him. I told him it was an nice try.
I found a $100 bill lying in t he gutter of a residential neighborhood that had little foot traffic. I was not in front of a house, but rather by the fence of a house on the corner.
I kept it.
When I was about 14 or 15, I found a brown paper bag with lots of money (I didn’t count it, but it was several hundred by the looks of it), and a gun.
It was in front of a neighbors house, and I knew he ran a small grocery store.
I picked up the bag, and knocked on his door.
When he answered, I asked him if he lost some money. He said no. I asked him if he was sure, and he said he was sure. I asked him if he kept money in a paper bag. He suddenly had a paniced look on his face, and ran to the other room. When he came back to the door, he asked if I had it. I gave him the bag with the money and the gun. He asked me not to mention it to my parents.
I never did.
Wow…you guys have found some big money, I only find stray dogs on the highway.
But hey, I started throwing all my quarters in a big jar a few weeks ago, I already have about $30 in quarters…stay away from my jar! lol
@Coloma Finding a Monopoly game would have been worth more than that phony 10 grand I found that cost me 3 grand in white collar attorney fees!
£30 on Bournemouth beach. Yes I did.
Two friends and I found a £1.00 note lying in the street when we were kids. This was untold riches to us and we had a lot of fun spending it at the local shop.
@MilkyWay yes and you used to be able to buy a pint with one and still get change.
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