NSFW What do you do when your parent finds adult movies in your laptop?
My dad was deleting everything inside my old laptop to give it to my mom to use. Well he found some adult movies apparently from limewire. I remember the viruses turned out to be porn. (I downloaded obviously because I thought it was a song.) Anyways, he was an angel an hour ago and now he is like spending hours on my laptop and being all depressed and just angry. I know he found those things, but he didn’t tell me anything. What am I supposed to do? I can’t look at his face now.
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19 Answers
You blame a virus, or accidentally find porn on their computer and point it out, or you just ignore it.
How old are you? Just asking because it might influence how he is feeling and what your response should be. I would go and talk to him though. Tell him what happened.
Ok, first off: Do you know what kind of porn it is? I mean, is it just “regular” porn, or is a midget horse in a dominatrix outfit tying some woman up and whipping her? Because if it’s the first, you can probably say something like “Well, if you would just be more open and honest with me about sex, I wouldn’t have to go looking for answers elsewhere”. But if it’s the second, I’d go with more of a “Well, I guess this is just how people turn out when their father’s withhold affection”, and play it up like if he doesn’t become a better father, you’re going to become a stripper.
Or, you could just explain that you were downloading some music, and accidentally got some viruses, and the viruses had porn. It can happen, no worries. I once got one that kept popping up beastiality images, and was forced to see a woman preforming oral sex on a horse while having intercourse with a snake in the same room as my father while he fixed my computer. What was miraculous was that he didn’t find the non-virus porn on my computer. It was awkward, but in sort of a “these things happen” kinda way.
He’s probably not so much concerned that you’re breaking rules as that his little girl is growing up to that point where she’s going to start doing the horrible sexy things he’s been hoping would never happen, and he’s being forced to reconcile that if he wants grandkids, someday you’ll have to have sex, and it probably won’t be some missionary thing, but the same stuff he and your mom do (sorry, but it’s true). Just assure him that either that’s not true and you’re still his little girl, or that even though you are growing up, you’ll always be his little girl.
@Bellatrix I’m 18. I won’t talk to him.. if he needs, he should. He doesn’t even know that I know he knows
@Aethelflaed Lol that was hilarious! I dont know what type. The laptop is 2 years old and I just remembered about it when he was on it, going through everything. He seemed more “mad” than upset. It makes me very very angry because 1— It’s not my fault and 2— He can’t change his attitude towards me for something this stupid. I’d totally ignore it. I found all kinds of stuff on his computer but forgot it already.
So why are you asking the question if you have the answer? You asked “What do I do…” then say, he should speak to you…
He obviously isn’t speaking to you but if he is wandering around looking “depressed and angry” about the porn on your laptop. Well if you don’t want to talk to him, ignore it.
@Bellatrix I don’t have an answer. I know he should talk but I don’t know what’s my part in this, you know. I feel so weird as in can’t even look at his face anymore.
Better to address the situation honestly and get it over with and deal with the facts. Facts like viruses do not slip porn onto your computer disguised as MP3s.
Well ignoring the fact that he is upset won’t resolve the problem. While maybe he SHOULD speak to you about it, he isn’t. So, if you really want to resolve the problem, you need to or ignore it. There really aren’t any other options. Speak to him or ignore it and wait for it to pass.
@jaytkay In Limewire, I used to click on every single thing I see under a word of a random song. I’d have just lots of trash downloads. I don’t know if they’re virus or not but they got in my computer somehow in that way. But I can’t explain that to him, he would think I’m lying or something.
@Bellatrix Yeah there aren’t much stuff to do.. Haha… I’ll try to talk to him
@jaytkay Oh yes they do. And disguised as avis, and asfs…. I speak from personal experience. Plus, that’s why (some) people get so freaked out about downloading things: because they can download porn if they don’t pay attention.
@Aethelflaed Seriously, she did those things while your father was in the room, fixing your computer? :-)
”was forced to see a woman preforming oral sex on a horse while having intercourse with a snake in the same room as my father while he fixed my computer.”
There is a word for these kinds of sentences,but I forgot what it is.
Funny though!
@rebbel Well, it’s not like I could speak with the nice lady and ask if she could stop doing that for 10 minutes, take a break, maybe throw on a bathrobe…
As hard as it is, it’s best to confront him about it and tell everything you said here. We’re all human——besides, your Dad is certainly no stranger to “adult stuff”. Just explain to him sincerely. If he gets mad, so be it. It’ll pass and then you can move on. You have to get over the embarrassment. It’s funny how in Western society, sex and porn are treated like some kind of disease, and people caught with it are like shamed forever. In places like Japan and Hong Kong, you see sexual imagery and porn everywhere, in public places, in the media, in entertainment. Yet the level of sexual crimes there is very low and the people are, for the most part, level-headed and well-behaved.
He may just be mad that you got a bunch of viruses on the computer and its taking up a lot of his free time to clean it. My brother would always get pissed off at his daughter because she was always downloading stuff and crashing her computer.
Just to let you know, lime wire is full of viruses. He may not even be directly mad at you. He may just be upset about the viruses.
I know I get stressed when I have to go through my computer looking for viruses.
In the big picture of life this is not a big deal.
You are 18. If he speaks up, answer it in whatever the truth is.
You can’t argue the truth.
Veritas Vincit Omnia – truth conquers all
If he says anything, just ask him if you’d rather you got your jollies from sleeping with a whole bunch of random guys. He’ll prefer that you watch porn, and may even offer to buy you a subscription to some site or various toys to help.
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