If Vampirism is a choice will you become one?
As a Vampire you will be able to live eternally forever and preserve your beauty.
You will feast only on blood, could be any kind of blood, you won’t kill the victim if you suck decent amount of blood and they won’t turn in to one unless they’ve done certain ritual. When you become one the taste of blood isn’t gross anymore, and it tastes like any other food.
You’re immune to most living beings diseases.
You’re not afraid of cross but you’re still afraid of sunlight and garlic since it will kill you. And you won’t be able to transform in to bat.
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45 Answers
Nope….no vampiricism for me!
Only if I can have Eric from True Blood as my eternal lover.
First off, I’m not beautiful so that would be a non starter if for that reason. Maybe if I had prior warning It was getting close to my time to kick off then maybe. Nothing to lose then. Do “vampers” get to have dogs?
Rather be a vampire hunter.
Yes, absolutely. I want to see what mankind does for the next bajillion years.
It’s worthy of consideration. If my SO was willing to become a vampire as well, then yes. Would we have the ability to fly? That would make it even more appealing. One downside would be having to avoid sunlight every single day for eternity.
I don’t think I could ever see my way to join the ranks of the undead with my MIL! No way!
No. I can’t give up sunshine and good food.
i wouldn’t I would be shunned by society, even more than normal :P.
I reckon I would, if I could just before I would have died. I say that now, though, at age 19, because I am definitely not ready to die and would love to live forever if only to observe what happens to the world. Maybe when the time comes around I’ll say no but as I stand now I would totally do it.
How about a compromise?
Here’s my proposal: if I get within 10 feet of a cross, I sneeze; and I get to live for a million years.
Don’t give up your day job.
It seems like an awful dreary way to live for eternity. There’s nothing attractive to it at all.
No.I refuse to wear the same cape every night.
Of course. I’m always fascinated with observing how the human race behaves and I do love to explore this planet from top to bottom. I would love to live until the year 3000 and if I like what I see then, I’ll keep on living, learning, loving, having sex, helping people in need, exploring, laughing, playing video games, paint, sculpt, appreciate art, etc. etc. ( who says a vampire needs to be villainous?)
As a matter of fact I’ll be a special ops operative, a navy seal, a spy who only operates at night and hunt terrorists down and if banned from doing these things, I’ll do it on my own then. I won’t kill anybody to feed, I’ll go to a diamond mine and dig enough to have money to last me lifetimes of buying blood from people who will be willing. Oh I would live such a full life as un undead! And yeah, fly!
And once I get tired of life, how hard is it to face the sun one morning?
Nah, with all that’s at stake my heart just wouldn’t be in it ;¬}
Fangs for the mammaries.
I would. Vampirism is intriguing. In one aspect it’s gruesome and vulgar, divulging blood from the living in order to survive, but it could also be sexual in the ways in which blood is divulged (or incredibly boring, like stealing donated blood from a hospital..). And since I’m practically noctournal already, the sun won’t be a hardship to live without. Since I live forever, I could pursue various styles of living, maybe a life of hedonism, maybe a life of helping, maybe a life of solitude in the mountains of Tibet. I could spend hundreds of years mastering various crafts from the confines of my home. And sure, I’d be lonely sometimes, but then again, there would be more vampires I could bond with. But if the other rules of vampirism come into play, then hell no, I’m not dealing with that.
Yes. I’d love to live so long. I could learn so much and experience all I have ever wanted.
If I did I would not have to make up reasons for sleeping in my coffin.
Sounds fine with me. Sunlight and garlic already don’t like me.
No, can’t think of anything worse than being alive forever.
The only drawback for me is that I like garlic and I would not be able to go to any happy hours.
The undead are my polar opposite.
@incendiary_dan Can we still be friends? I promise not to tread on your tomato/corn plants.
@MilkyWay That depends on if undead corpses make good compost.
(Takes note to herself: Not to go anywhere near Dan if becoming a vampire)
I would like to see how we humans kill ourselves off, but no. It might happen in my lifetime anyway. I’m actually hoping that it doesn’t.
No sun? but I like my tan…
F’ing A! Sign me up…and send me a cutie to put the bite on me! :))))))
“Yes. I’d love to live so long. I could learn so much and experience all I have ever wanted.”
If that happens, bite me. ;-)
Oh, certainly. I would love to have multiple lifetimes to learn all the things I want to learn, do all the things I want to do. It would be glorious.
I would miss food, though. A lot.
Well… Is “Vampireism” even a word!?
After a quick skim, roughly 11 people want a hand delivered stake through the heart.
I’ll reconsider, if i can be a badass like Alucard, I’ll consider it, but I rather be a werewolf like Captain Hans Gunsche.
@jellyfish3232 I’m glad to hear that you don’t want humanity to kill itself off very soon. Very sporting of you.
@King_Pariah Believe me, dog food isn’t so bad when you’re a werewolf but you should be on leash and have your regular shot while you’re out there… So I don’t have to call for animal control.
@Your_Majesty At least I don’t have to worry about rogue half breed out and about with the intent to kill my species like Blade. And I prefer raw meat thank you very much (no seriously, I love sashimi grade meat, especially beef)
@roundsquare Well, I just have serious doubts about the intelligence of the decisions made by our world leaders, and—- wait. Is your username Round Square?! You’re a monster, that’s what you are.
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