Do you believe there could be intelligent life somewhere else in the universe?
Asked by
Paul (
July 10th, 2011
Surely there must be something out there.
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26 Answers
Yes I do.
Fuck anyone who thinks I’m crazy for thinking that.
Could be, but I doubt it.
No matter which side you look at, especially the evolution side, that there has to be other sentient and intelligent beings out there. If man got started when the right primordial enzyme soup got zapped with a bolt of lighting spawning life, then the same could have happened elsewhere. They may not look exactly like we do, or have a planet compose the same as Earth but it is more than probable they are out there. If you take into account all the galaxies we can see with our rather crude telescopes we are not seeing even 20% of the universe IMO. With the number of stars out there and the number of possibilities where life can or could have started, for it to not have happened elsewhere would be like having a multi-state lottery and only one winner ever. After one person wins the jackpot just rolls over and over into infinity. Even on the science side, it speaks more to that than on the spiritual side.
The numbers support it.
No. I don’t think that it’s a matter of faith. I know the numbers I know the theories I know there is no reason why there shouldn’t be more life out there.
Belief doesn’t come into it.
I think it is mathematically certain that other life exists in the universe.
It troubles me that we have not heard from them yet in an obvious way.
It seems oddly like walking into a room where everyone is trying very, very hard to not be noticed. As if they know that there is something out there to be afraid of.
There could be life out there but space is so vast that we are unlikely to ever find it or hear from it.
Yes, though I don’t think that intelligent life has anything to do with the various unidentified flying objects people report from time to time. That it hasn’t contacted us could be for any number of reasons. It could be several galaxies away, it could still be in an early stage of development, it could lack the materials needed for long-distance communications, etc.
It’s extremely likely, based on the Drake equation and other scientific considerations that suggest there ought to be thousands of intelligent civilizations in the Milky Way alone, assuming Earth is somehow typical of a certain class of planets, and assuming that civilization & technology don’t lead right away to self-annihilation.
So SETI is worth the money. But then there’s the Fermi paradox, paraphrased as “Where are they?” – since we – as yet – have no actual physical evidence of life outside Earth.
I think its extremely naive to think at the size of this massive universe we are the only place were intelligent life evolved.
I highly doubt we’re the only mistake of sentient idiots in the universe. The probability of us being the only ones is wickedly absurd, but then again the universe does specialize in the wickedly absurd.
Yes I do.
The more I learn about the Universe, M Theory and what people like Dr. Kaku believe the more I believe other Sentient life exist.
I am sure there is. Too many chances out there for us to be the only ones.
It would be pretty absurd for us to be the only ones in the entire universe.
I’m not convinced there is any intelligent life here!
I think there has to be. Somewhere out there intelligent life must exist.
But communicating with it is gonna be difficult.
Unless some intelligence designed the entire vastness of the Universe, much of it so big we still can’t observe it, just for us—then it is nearly a statistical certainty that there is intelligent life out there and that much of it is far advanced over us. Our solar system is only about 4.2 billion years old in a Universe that’s 13.75 billion years along in development. There had to be many billions of places suitable for life that developed far before our Earth did.
We are so culturally bound in our search that we may be walking right among and even through intelligent aliens right now. Who says intelligent lie can’t evolve inside a star, or based on silicon, or based on energy out of phase with ours? I have to applaud Terrance McKenna for his clear way of putting it. “To search expectantly for a radio signal from an extraterrestrial source is probably as culture bound a presumption as to search the galaxy for a good Italian restaurant.”
Yes. It’s very close to a 100% probability that there are other lifeforms, other races elsewhere in the universe… which is a truly incomprehensible sxpanse.
Yes, of course. I have no doubt that there are other intelligent beings elsewhere (some even way more intelligent than humans – as we don’t really know that much).
Gotta be, excluding Belgium of course ;¬}
@ETpro GA for McKenna. A great wise man who died far to soon.
I sometimes wonder if there’s intelligent life HERE!
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