Are you this Jelly? The Jelly below me______ Part 21!
Asked by
AmWiser (
July 11th, 2011
The game rules are:
Respond to the question/statement from the poster above.
Ex: I might make the statement:
The Jelly below me drinks 10 cups of coffee daily
The response might be:
False! I hate coffee or,
Then they might state:
The Jelly below me has blond hair.
There are no right or wrong answers, so be as creative as your heart desires.
Happily, this is becoming the Never Ending TJBM Game. Hopefully most all Jellies will join in.
Observing members:
Composing members:
1156 Answers
TJBM thinks @Paul will be delighted to see Part 21?
And so will most jellies:-)
@Paul? Do you mean the cute Beatle? No,I think he is busy.;)
TJBM loves yardwork.
True…as long as it doesn’t include working in flower beds.
TJBM has split wood.
True, and he doesn’t like all of the creatures that lurk in the woodpile.
TJBM couldn’t live without their smartphone.
I could live without a smart phone but I enjoy having one.
TJBM has a holiday abroad planned this year.
False, to Ireland, but not abroad.
So true @AmWiser, so true
TJBM will be MilkyWay.
Noooo. But I love looking at the Milky Way
TJBM saw a great movie over the weekend.
True, Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Part I, if you’re interested.
TJBM will be MilkWay :P
False. But I like the candy bar.
TJBM thanks @AmWiser for updating this question Thanks :-)
True, Thanks @AmWiser :)
TJBM is a Bob Dylan fan.
I like his music, but I’d prefer someone else sing it ;-)
TJBM has just discoverd a new recording artist that he/she likes.
False, but I live in the milky way.
TJBM will not ask the question “TJBM is MilkyWay”
TJBM loves snickers candy bars
False, you must be nutty :L
God that was terrible!
TJBM is MilkyWay (come on)
tjbm has slept in a chair recently
False, but I do like it.
TJBM likes martinis.
False, I don’t drink.
TJBM is MilkyWay!
Dude. Shut up already.
TJBM has a busy week ahead.
True, but no more than usual.
TJBM sleeps 8 or more hours each night.
TJBM plans on a nap later today…(oh wait, that’s me)
False, enjoy your nap though.
TJBM is tired.
Happy @Leanne1986?
@Paul I’m touched by your remembrance :P
TJBM has a lot of work to do.
TJBM wishes he/she were a little more persistent with his/her favorite question.
True, just once more, damn it.
TJBM is @MilkyWay?
True :P
TJBM just got back from school
False. During the summer I’m at an internship.
TJBM lives alone.
False, it’s like the bloody Waltons at my gaffe.
TJBM has gone swimming in the past week.
TJBM has learnt something new in the past week.
TJBM is researching Gregor Mendel
TJBM is “chilling out”.
False i’m quite warm actually.
TJBM owns a bicycle
TJBM supports a football team.
True, Manchester City, in fact I just bought my first ever season ticket.
TJBM is going to tell me who they support, if anyone.
True. Don’t support anyone and I thought it meant American Football.
TJBM has punched someone in the face with the intent of hurting them.
True twas a long time ago & they deserved it.
TJBM has not been abroad in the last year.
True. It’s been 16 months since I traveled in Asia.
TJBM is in-joying a spectacular morning! Awesome over here
False, evening here. Though it is quite pleasant.
TJBM is feeling hungry.
True, but I already had breakfast.
TJBM likes ducks.
True. Especially in sweet-sour sauce.
TJBM hates Mondays.
TJBM is taking too long
Bob! You be bad, you know I’m a goose lover! sticking tongue out at you!
False. My work schedule is flexible and my store is closed Mondays, so, Monday is part of the weekend for me still.
TJBM has deer in their yard
tjbm shoots deer in their backyard
False, I don’t have any.
TJBM wants to pet @Coloma ‘s goose and thinks it’s very cute
False. Too hungry to think of a goose as anything but food.
TJBM can do a back flip.
TJBM knows someone who can do backflips
True my dawg can, purely by chance when she mistimes a jump for her ball.
TJBM still has their birthday to come this year.
tjbm can put their foot behind their ear
True…ish although i’m almost certainly going to fart in the process.
TJBM likes bacon
Pork products are good.
TJBM is waiting for the post to deliver something.
TJBM wants some tea
False gimme the coffee!
TJBM considers themselves a good listener
TJBM is a good talker
True I mean, sometimes you just can’t shut me up. Although there are times when…..;¬}
TJBM does not like to cook
False, I love cooking, when I get the time.
TJBM is going to get something to eat
False i’ve just eaten.
TJBM lives on the coast.
TJBM has moved recently
False, but I hope to soon. (Didn’t this question come up in 20?)
TJBM thinks it came up in 20.
I don’t know.
TJBM used to watch smurfs when they were little and got scared by the witch.
True, scary bitch. (Not you @MilkyWay :P)
TJBM is Jailbait (or was).
TJBM is going to Pakistan.
Not in this lifetime.
TJBM likes my morning glories in my avatar.
TJBM likes playing Ms. Pacman
True, although he prefers the original. Pac-Man doesn’t have that distracting mole.
TJBM smells like butter.
TJBM smells like prawns
Nope, I smell like butter.
TJBM overuses text styles.
False. Hazel.
TJBM is a fantastic cook and would love to tell us about their signature dish(es).
Haha, false. I burn water.
TJBM is @Paul?! (please?!) COME ON!!!!
False :P
TJBM is dissapointed
True!! ugh
TJBM is now @Paul !!!!!
False! It’s Coloma!
TJBM needs to go grocery shopping
TJBM has a sore throat.
I don’t know but….maybe..?
TJBM is hungry
False, just had dinner.
TJBM likes seafood
TJBM isn’t wearing any underwear.
False. I’m wearing too much underwear.
TJBM was recently bitten by a dog.
False, but my cat bit me, playfully but, she is a mouthy little thing. I call her Madam Fang. lol
TJBM is going out now toodles
TJBM recently cut some cheese.
TJBM used to smoke
TJBM used to smoke weed
The only thing I’ve ever smoked was a vegetable stick, man. And it burned my throat.
TJBM is making sure to brush their teeth every day.
True (who doesn’t?)
TJBM is watching a movie right now
Kinda true
TJBM thinks that guy is really funny
True, he’s funny.
TJBM needs some ice cream
TJBM is wondering where to get some from
False, I’m not hungry.
TJBM is a lactose intolerant.
False :O
TJBM knows how much I love milk
I do know now.
TJBM loves cockies.
Edit: That should read cookies*, but it’s a numerous typo so I’ll leave it.
I love cookies. Especially Millie’s Cookies :D
TJBM has tried Millie’s Cookies.
False. Never even heard of them.
TJBM is a bit late to the party.
What party? :P
TJBM will throw a party
No, I hate parties.
TJBM went to a party last week
TJBM dislikes wearing make up
True, but does anyway.
TJBM likes the smell of gasoline
If by gasoline you mean petrol, then yes. I do.
TJBM is a fast typer
True, sometimes
TJBM is really tired
False. I am sleepy, though. I hate Mondays.
TJBM likes Nutella.
True, love it.
TJBM likes Nutella and peanut butter sandwiches.
False, prefers Nutella and jelly sandwiches.
TJBM hates country music
TJBM likes peanut butter
TJBM is doing something exciting tonight.
True but I don’t drink anymore.
TJBM likes beer
True, Guinness :D
No, but you think I am the jelly below you.
TJBM is an alien
True False
TJBM smells nice
Yep. Tommy Girl perfume :)
TJBM is in love with the taste of very cold watermelon.
Ooooh, gimme some!
TJBM likes losing :P
TJBM is addicted to ice cream
True, though I’m trying to quit…
TJBM is a determined person
TJBM likes Edgar Allan Poe.
I will, just give me oneee second.
TJBM is doing something.
Yes, cheating :P
TJBM wants me to stop playing for my most hanus cheating.
False, you’re funny
TJBM lost
False. Won. True.
TJAM is faster than me.
TJBM is slower than me.
TJBM likes car racing
True, the go kart variety while I’m under age. (Not that I intend to drag race)
TJBM will start a message conversation with me.
TJBM has caught a cold this summer. I have, and it sucks.
False. I thought I did, but I’m beginning to think that I’ve actually developed allergies. I would have preferred the cold.
TJBM likes to wear hats.
True. I have a huge collection of them.
TJBM likes Nutella.
False. That stuff looks like shit on bread.
TJBM likes fellatio.
False. I don’t have a penis, therefore it’s not as enjoyable on my end.
TJBM is working on less than 3 hours of sleep.
True. I’ve been entirely incapable of sleeping lately.
TJBM has a unique hobby and will tell us what it is.
True, I collect pennies
TJBM has broken a bone
False, never
TJBM loves spaghetti
False. I hate it.
TJBM just took a nap. I did!
no I did not
read your pm
TJBM has sholder lengh hair
True…ish. It’s getting there.
TJBM enjoys ice cream a lot.
My favorite desert
TJBM has at least 4 piercings
False. I don’t have any piercings.
TJBM designed a tattoo.
Neither designed or has one.
TJBM is related to another jellie involved in fluther.
False. I used to be, but I forced her to leave.
TJBM is going to have an exciting night.
already had an exciting day that is flowing over to the night
tjbm lost power today
TJBM is waiting for something or someone.
True. I’m waiting for my husband to get off work so we can go hang out with friends.
TJBM will say why she forced a relation to leave Fluther.
False. It’s a personal matter.
TJBM watches a certain TV show regularly.
true, Big Bang Theory
TJBM has a tattoo
Nope, too young. And too sweet.
@Jellyfish3232 Vegtable sticks? I love ya nerd.
TJBM thinks nerds should rule the world.
If they are also esoteric hippie nerds :-D
TJBM likes to go hiking
True, if there’s a destination. Not just wandering of willy-nilly into the woods.
TJBM likes cottage cheese.
with peaches.
TJBM has too many secrets and has lost track of all of them
you’d say that even if it was true, lol
Not flixible
TJBM is too honest for their own good.
Painfully true.
TJBM has an accent.
I don’t think I do, but ask @bob_. He says I do.
TJBM needs to be working on something right now.
TJBM likes to bend the rules.
True. :D
TJBM can justify anything he/she wants to do
TJBM is selfish… in bed.
True. I’m divorced, so the whole bed is MINE! :-D
TJBM is reevaluating their life
True – I’m in a constant state of reevaluating!
TJBM is passionate about watercolor painting.
False. I would love to learn to get better at it, but it’s been several years since I’ve done any.
TJBM is good at some form of art.
True…I can play a mean Kazoo and eletric guitar as long as it is turned up to 11!
TJBM owns a black light poster.
False. But..I have a really cool lava lamp in my bathroom that has silvery blue lava. lol
TJBM secretly likes Pop Tarts but won’t admit it
False, I really don’t like pop tarts.
TJBM has had a nightmare so vivid you woke up screaming.
False. I’m a lucid dreamer, I can tell myself, ” this is just a dream, wake up!”
TJBM is going to bed soon
In about three hours I would say.
TJBM loves to snuggle up with a blanket on a cold night.
You forgot to include my love, her too.
TJBM is an extreme morning person
Hell yes! Morning can’t come soon enough!
JBM owns a David Hasslehoff music CD!
Urrm no. The Hoff is not my cup of tea….
TJBM owns a novelty tie.
True over 100
TJBM prefers not to eat breakfast
TJBM is loved by a dog.
True, if you count my wife. False.
TJBM loves cats.
False (I am one, but no I don’t love cats. Kittens, maybe.)
TJBM kicked a pigeon
I wish.
TJBM thinks that the GOP just get out of the way so we can get this country back.
True but first they will bring the country to its knees and blame the Executive office for not CHANGING the constitution or reversing the rotation of the earth. They are looking to blame the current President for acts that they control.
TJBM like monarchies.
I like Monarch butterflies, but monarchies got old a few hundred years ago.
TJBM needs to get off the computer.
False, not for another half hour at least.
TJBM likes coleslaw.
Let’s just say, I have recipes for 100 different coleslaws.
TJBM is hungry for lunch I am
TJBM likes to try new restaurants.
TJBM is annoyed about something
That @KatetheGreat didn’t message me, of course!
TJBM has an interesting personality.
True. The question is, which one?
TJBM has gone skinny dipping.
False, I’ve gone chunky dunking!! Lol
TJBM has been on the go since 6 am.
7am, very close.
TJBM is a busty bee.
Edit: buzzy*
TJBM likes to dunk chunky cookies.
False. I prefer my cookies without liquid.
TJBM loves to use a crock pot.
TJBM often says: Can’t murder now, eating.
TJBM wants to go South Sudan for vacation.
TJBM just found a box of decorations from the holidays, three years ago !
False. Pacifist here, unless I wake up to a psycho standing over my bed. In that case, I could probably kill without any remorse.
TJBM has made their own dog bisquits
TJBM is going to be flying soon
Not intentionally.
TJBM’s thermonentor reads 93. mine does
TJBM is feeling anxious
TJBM is into photography.
TJBM is listening to another thunderstorm stupid monsoon flow
False. But we had a glorious thunderstorm yesterday.
TJBM loves thunderstorms.
True, I do, just not day after day after day, like its been for a week and a half
TJBM loves fruit punch
False. I like lemonade
TJBM is stressed out
TJBM is having enchiladas for dinner
False I am having fish and salad
TJBM is having a cocktail I am not, but I might pretty soon
False, not tonight
TJBM likes clam chowder
Not much. It always has hidden sand in it. Bleh!
TJBM is going out for awhile
True, 3 days camping in the woods!
TJBM is watching The Office.
No, the jelly is snowed under at work and taking a short break to clear mind!
TJBM loves toast (and could send some my way).
Sorry, I don’t like toast, but I will kindly make some toast for you since I am in the kitchen.
It’s ready, I need you stick you head out the window so you can get it. oh my, I hope the toast doesn’t get soggy because of the rain
TJBM will let me know when @Bellatrix gets her toast
TJBM pours chocolate milk onto their cereal.
False. I don’t even eat cereal.
TJBM is drunk.
Nope. I’ve never been drunk. I value being in control of myself.
TJBM likes being drunk and doesn’t mind the hangover that follows.
No no no, a little buzzed without the hangover is just fine with me.
TJBM has a secret that is eating at them and it could bust out at any moment.
False. No secrets here my conscience is light
TJBM has ridden an Elephant
False, but I was compared to one once.
I really want to ride one, one day
TJBM is using the Internet on their phone because the power went out due to another powerful thunderstorm
False. Shhhhh, I so wish we would have a T-storm, but, it is a lovely 73 degrees tonight.
TJBM has a farm animal as a pet pig, goat, chicken, goose, sheep, horse, donkey, Llama, cow
@Coloma this storm is amazing. I haven’t seen a storm like this since I was out on Cali. It’s like I’m walking in a static strobe light with an earsplitting beat.
TJAM forgot to tell me about myself, or got struck by lightning. Shego, are you still there, are you ok. ;)
@TJ2AM: False, but if it weren’t for the city rules my wife would love to get a billy goat.
TJBM didn’t get a good nights sleep and is going to be grumpy today.
True and probably true.
TJBM feels rejected
No. I feel very accepted and happy. (the toast didn’t make it! Ty for trying though @Shego
TJBM likes fishing.
True, occasionally.
TJBM loves sleeping
I do. I love being in my warm, snuggly bed.
TJBM loves lemon meringue pie.
True, and probably TJAM also
TJBM has a dual personality
I do! It is one of my favourite desserts.
Actually, I think I have more than two…. is that a bad thing?
Noooo, just makes you more interesting. said in a cautious, curious how deep the worm hole goes type of way
TJAM forgot to post a TJBM so
TJBM likes whip cream as a topping on various things.
Well, now that you mention it… yes I do (no I don’t!) ... with chocolate chips too…. chocolate sauce can be very nice as well. Too much can be sickly though.
TJBM likes to kick their way through Autumn leaves on a cool day.
Oh, love it, Thank you. Just got that image in my head, the smells, the sight, the crisp air, the sound of the leafs, and the feeling of it all. Nice
TJBM should be getting ready to go to work, just like me
No. I am home for the evening. I have been to work and now I am ready for bed!
(I love Autumn and walking through beautiful orange, red, brown leaves is one of my favourite things in the world. Where I live, we don’t get fall or Autumn as I would call it really. There are really only two seasons and they aren’t so distinct as in other countries.
TJBM is an early bird.
Oh absolutely, and now I’m determined to get to the gym before work.
TJBM is going to keep @Bellatrix entertained and happy while I’m gone.
TJBM is too lazy to sleep with somebody.
TJBM is having a bad hair day.
TJBM is feeling fat and sassy.
Oh yeah!
TJBM is feeling skinny and boring.
TJBM talks with many pauses.
True. Some to ponder my next word(s), some to allow for that evil “uhhmmm”
TJBM would love to take a long break (weeks/months) from work.
TRUE. I need it.
TJBM has a bad habit.
True. Many. But some good ones, too.
TJBM longs for cooler weather.
TJBM has already experienced at least one day of 100+ degree weather.
Lol, funny but bite me.
TJBM has a fetish they would be embarrassed if other people knew.
False, buttocks. (Not really a fetish is it?)
TJBM also loves the behind.
False. I don’t really care what a man’s behind looks like as long as he’s a caring person.
TJBM is excited for something.
Yes, it’s my little baby cousins birthday today xD
TJBM wishes her a happy birthday.
True. Happy birthday, person who I don’t know!
TJBM has an extra appendage.
TJBM needs a shower.
TJBM needs a friend by their side
TJBM has a lot of friends on here.
TJBM likes spinach pizza.
Never tried it.
TJBM likes to eat spinach on its own.
TJBM eats mustard with their pizza.
TJBM has hairy legs.
i do have hair on my legs.
tjbm is enjoying a heat wave
False. I hate the heat. A 110 degree heat index today…fuck.
TJBM has posted in every single “TJBM” thread.
TJBM is going backwards as well as forwards
True. Sideways as well.
TJBM likes spicy food.
Partly true. I have to be in a particular mood.
TJBM loves Italian food
TJBM has shot a crossbow before.
TJBM has shot a gun before
True. Almost every day.
TJBM owns a lot of hats.
False, 2.
TJBM has worn an English hat before
False. French.
TJBM will answer this in eighteen hours.
False. Hahahaha.
TJBM doesn’t like soda.
true i do
tjbm has green eyes
False. Blue
TJBM is drinking coffee
False, though I want some
TJBM has brown eyes
False. Green.
TJBM is bad at math.
Not bad. My math teacher’s happy with me.
TJBM likes algebra
True. I prefer more complex math though.
TJBM has their toenails painted.
tjbm loves painting nails and toes
False. I like nailing toes and paints.
TJBM isn’t going to work today.
been at work, need to hit the beach
tjbm will share their new favorite song or artist
True, this one.
TJBM has hairy arm pits.
False, I can’t stand hair there.
TJBM is going to get a coffee
Got it now. :-)
TJBM has blonde hair
TJBM has hairy fingers.
TJBM is angry at me
False, I could never be mad at you. Unless you stole my cologne.
TJBM has hairy ears.
TJBM just got out of a meeting.
TJBM wants a coffee badly
False. Only one a week.
TJBM is going to answer his own statement.
False. I will not.
TJBM is feeling okay.
TJBM has had a picture taken wearing wooden shoes.
False, I’m not from Holland :P
TJBM is avoiding someone
TJBM is having a busy week.
Very true.
TJBM had some cookies
i do now
tjbm needs the emergency contact information for the British High Commission in Pakistan
Not yet.
TJBM has a hairy chest.
<—all man
TJBM needs to buy something.
Always true.
TJBM is sore from some type of vigorous activity
(nsfw) yes
tjbm enjoys libraries :)
TJBM has a hairy [REDACTED].
My head is hairy. C’est tout.
TJBM is a perv
TJBM has a hairy shoulder.
oh ya I do.
TJBM keeps a close group of friends.
yes, they are kept in the basement
tjbm loves edgar allen poe
TJBM has a hairy chin.
TJBM is growing a tash.
No. ewww. It would totally clash with my girl-parts
TJBM likes salt water taffy
love it and your girl-pants way
tjbm like swimming in the ocean with sharks
False. Fuck sharks.
TJBM has been to an aquarium.
TJBM is going to watch a movie
Not until after my homework is done. I’m being very bad.
TJBM can suggest a motivator to keep me from misbehaving
True. Focus on rewarding yourself after you complete your homework!
TJBM has allergies today bleh
TJBM is looking forward to the weekend.
TJBM thinks Sonic is a smurf.
No,Sonic is simply a attempt from Sega to steal Nintendo’s thunder. If he tried to wear a sock on his head it just wouldn’t work.
TJBM is wondering how this thread has lived for so long.
TJBM has a hairy brain.
False, it’s great fun.
TJBM agrees.
of course
TJBM thinks Sonic would be better off with a sonic screwdriver.
Everything is better with a sonic screwdriver.
TJBM is restless today
False. I could take a nap. A long nap.
TJBM likes naps.
False, despise them.
TJBM is young & restless today.
More like Bold & Beautiful ;)
TJBM likes to eat Mexican
TJBM is projecting.
Absolutely. I could eat Mexican all day.
TJBM never has to use chap-stick
True. I like it raw.
TJBM has particular skills.
True, I can balance a stack of quarters on my elbow while juggling five rabid bunnies.
TJBM has no skills.
False, I have many
TJBM can put their ankle behind their neck
Sure, if they’re into that.
TJBM has a way with words.
TJBM just had lunch and their lunch included cheese
False. I was just thinking about what I should make for lunch today.
TJBM prefers pressed coffee over drip coffee.
Not at all. It’s too “chewy”
TJBM likes Lou Reed
Don’t know him.
TJBM likes geese.
Sweeet Jane…..True. I grew up on Lou, I used to take his albums babysitting with me.
@bob_ True!
TJBM bets @bob_ will beat ‘em to the next question?
TJBM feels exhausted
TJBM got something in the mail today.
TJBM got a library fine
Oh yes.
TJBM is a smelly jelly.
False :P
TJBM is a fragnant jelly
False. I haven’t showered in 5 months. ;)
TJBM is very timid.
True, in real life.
TJBM is camera shy
Very much so. I look weird in my pictures.
TJBM is not good with children.
TJBM is cocky.
False, I’m very good with kids.
False @Bobbinhood
TJBM doesn’t want kids of their own though
too late, but love kids
tjbm loves flying monkeys
False. That’s scary.
TJBM can play an instrument.
true, several
tjbm can sing very well
No, but I’m going to beat you with a stick! :P
TJBM is bad at playing guitar.
I can’t play at all.
TJBM likes the harmonica very much
True. But the harmonica doesn’t like me.
TJBM ______(fill in the blanks).
loves that I get seven weeks off school in only two days (and then I’m in my last year xD)
TJBM remembers high school.
TJBM is still in high school.
False. I’m a Cougar now. lol
TJBM is feeling peaceful
Yep. Peace out, man.
TJBM is still amazed at the popularity of this thread.
TJBM is listening to music.
TJBM had an exhausting day
False. But I am exhausted from my %^&*($#@ allergies.
TJBM is wearing sandles
TJBM is in a bad mood.
TJBM knows how to cure a bad mood.
TJBM will have a beer before the day is over.
False. I’ll be determining the length of a side of an isoceles triangle not as much fun as it sounds
TJBM likes frozen lemonade
True, slushies :P
TJBM is going to have a pint of milk
No, that would give me indigestion.
TJBM doesn’t like going to the dentist but is due for a visit.
False, been quite recently
TJBM is going to sleep in tomorrow
False. I have to get the kitty to the vet early.
TJBM is going to bed early tonight.
No, alas I am not be sleeping in @Milkyway. I wish I was though. It’s cold here in the mornings now.
And I might go to bed early.
TJBM is very productive and rarely procrastinates.
I can’t say…
TJBM is confused
No. Not really. I am quite clear minded this morning. I just have to stop fluthering and get working. I am a bit like a cat… I have to pad around for a while and then I can get into it.
TJBM is confused since she doesn’t know if she procrastinates.
TJBM will tell me if I do.
I would put money on it :D It’s okay though. We all do. It is only a problem if you really aren’t getting your ‘stuff’ done.
TJBM has recently started a new blog and I wonder if she has made more posts recently.
She? I’m not a she. Oh, sorry, did I speak out of turn?
TJBM has recently started a new blog and I wonder if she has made more posts recently.
False. I haven’t started a blog.
TJBM knows which jelly @Bellatrix was referring to.
As a matter of fact I sure do.
TJBM will sneeze some time soon (if they pluck their nose hairs)
Well, I might sneeze soon since I have allergies, but I don’t have any nose hairs to pluck. Does that make this true or false?
TJBM will tell me which jelly @Bellatrix was referring to.
I was referring to @Milky Way… she has started a blog and I think it will be an excellent read.
TJBM doesn’t like mowing the lawn.
Oh, so true. Who does.
TJBM has a riding mower.
False. I have gardener, but I don’t ride him. haha
TJBM likes to go barefoot around the house
True. I also like to go barefoot everywhere else, but it’s rather frowned upon.
TJBM hates shoes.
I love going barefoot, but love shoes
tjbm has more than 20 pairs of shoes in their closet
I do. I love shoes too but I always go barefoot at home too.
TJBM is a person of style!
I have 2 styles..lookin’ pretty damn good and kick around farm woman
TJBM loves Garlic bread
I do.. it isn’t good for me but I do!!
TJBM loves apple pie and cream.
its ok, prefer homemade blueberry and homemade ice cream
tjbm loves lobster
I do. My husband and I once drove all the way from Adelaide to Port Lincoln for beer and a lobster with friends. It was DELICIOUS!!!
TJBM would love to try Queensland’s Moreton Bay Bugs.
open to try it yes
tjbm is getting hungry now
False. Just had dinner, brown rice and fresh apricots and yogurt.
TJBM likes Apricots
I am. It is lunchtime here and I had a dentist visit this morning so not really up to chewing much until about now.
I like apricots… but they aren’t my favourite.
TJBM has amazing stories about a favourite dog.
False. Yo no tengo uno perro.
TJBM thinks I just said that completely wrong.
This jelly has no idea!
TJBM feels like snuggling up with a good book rather than working.
I always read before bed. Right now I am in and out as it is a lovely evening coming on here. :-)
TJBM has been to Australia
False, but I worked at a camp with a couple girls from Australia.
TJBM has a home phone.
TJBM has been to Detroit.
True. I’ve spent a ton of time in Detroit and I’ve worked a lot with kids from there.
TJBM has been to the Great Lakes.
True. All 5 of them. @bobbinhood, I use to live in Detroit too.
TJBM lives near an ocean. (Which one?)
Not near to, but not far away either. I can be there in an hour or a bit less really. The Pacific. I work very close to the ocean but… can’t see it.
TJBM can surf.
tjbm loves being pounded by the surf
True. And other things.
TJBM can play Stairway to Heaven on the guitar.
true…zep stuff is a fav
tjbm plays intsruments by pounding them
True. And fingering them. Hahahaha.
TJBM is eating ice cream.
true, the tongue does needs its treat.
tjbm prefers a cone with their ice cream
True. But I usually use a bowl.
TJBM is sleepy.
not yet…..
tjbm sleeps with the windows and screens open
False. I live in the city. Can’t do that shit.
TJBM has beaten up someone before.
No. I had a fight at school when I was about 9 and I was really pathetic. Oh wait.. my husband would disagree with that but I think he lets me win.
TJBM has sore fingers.
Yes. I’ve been playing guitar all day.
TJBM is cold.
Nope, I have my reverse cycle air con to keep me warm… the fire isn’t lit :(
TJBM likes pizza delivery men…. chunky.
True. Clyde is my mannn.
TJBM is excited for something.
True. Going to bed now lol
TJBM is staying up too late
True. I’m kind of being forced to for certain reasons.
TJBM has a headache.
True, and I can’t sleep.
TJBM loves Dr. Suess books
False. Never read one.
TJBM is hungry.
Wow, so true! (spooky…)
TJBM doesn’t know either…
What don’t I know, I don’t know what your talking about???????
TJBM has an itch they can’t get at.
TJBM has a doctors appointment soon
I do! You mind reader you! Tomorrow morning. I have a couple actually. Just general check up things but who likes going to the doctors.
TJBM likes to have a cold beer on a hot day.
I do, how’d you know?
TJBM dislikes cleaning the kitchen after somebody else cooked
I am the youngest of eight boys and as so, ended up with this responsibility from the time I was seven. Dislike would be too light of a word. But now I do it for my family and as a result am damn good at it.
TJBM should take some time today to sit and reflect.
True but I can’t see that happening until I finally hit the sack.
TJBM stayed in bed later than they usually do this morning.
True, I got up at 6:30 AM rather than 4:00 AM.
TJBM is an extrovert
Kinda sorta, sorta kinda
tjbm has an inny bellybutton
TJBM likes cold pizza for breakfast.
True. It’s delicious.
TJBM doesn’t use their microwave much.
True. Mostly to reheat coffee or make a quickie bowl of soup
TJBM has found a frog in their bag of salad greens
not yet.
tjbm has eaten a bug in their food before
True. I found a pill bug in my Campbells Bean with Bacon soup once…never eat it again.
TJBM knows that @KatetheGreat is having her 10k party NOW! Go, go, go, give her a spanking!
TJBM has a pantry full of canned food and dry goods.
TJBM has a pantry full of canned drinks and wet goods.
TRUE and micro brew in the frig.
TJBM supports the local brewery or winery.
No, I’m under-age!
TJBM wonders why @AmWiser never joins in on his own thread :(
False. She’s wiser, that’s why ;-)
TJBM had a mani/pedi recently.
True. I try to have one monthly or at least every 2 months.
@Paul I join in periodically. But I really enjoy seeing you guys having so much fun:D
TJBM is looking for a job.
TJBM is planning a party with more than 6 guests.
True! Two in fact..back to back. I’m rather excited for our weekend of big parties.
TJBM is going to be busy in the kitchen.
True, have some peaches, from my tree, I’m going to put in spices and vodka.
TJBM likes homemade anything!
True. You can just feel and taste the love:)
TJBM wonders what @geek_mama is cooking up. Yumm! Sounds good!
False – I don’t wonder, I know. :) Here’s a partial menu of the pre-meal nibbles:
Bacon wrapped scallops (cooked in garlic infused olive oil)
Strawberry Pretzel Salad (not really a salad..more like a cheesecake with a pretzel crust)
Sangria w/ fresh fruit (heavy on the apples)
Fruit Salad with a cream cheese/marshmallow fluff fruit dip on the side
Fresh homemade black bean salsa with Xochils tortilla chips..
TJBM can suggest a good entree for a garden party.
True. Enchildas! You can make pans and pans of them and reheat them in the microwave easy!
TJBM is happy because they got a shit load of stuff done today! lol Projection, now it’s happy browine Thursday
TJBM has been in a nasty stubbing.
Urrm a “nasty stubbing”? Is that like a toe stubbing? I have. I have broken toes in the past.
TJBM has tried pizza in New York.
Technically, I believe I bought a slice of pizza in the terminal in JFK airport. Or maybe it was a calzone.
TJBM is worried about the financial state of the USA.
False. No, not really.
TJBM is trying to learn Finnish
False. I’m trying to finish learning English.
TJBM got a late start this morning.
False. I actually just had an early job interview.
TJBM will tell us about his/her weekend plans.
False. I don’t have any.
TJBM is sad
I’m sad because I can’t speak Finnish (The language of my ancestors).
TJBM is wearing a trenchcoat.
False, only on Tuesdays.
TJBM is wearing a scarf.
Trenchcoat Tuesdays = Spaghetti Wednesdays = Amateur Thursdays?
TJBM knows about “Amateur Thursday” at Shotgun Willie’s.
never heard of the place.
TJBM wears a shirt that states their philosophy.
No, not right now.
TJBM is a space jelly
TJBM is an underground jelly.
TJBM is a flying jelly
TJBM is a floating jelly.
True. Hot tub jelly. :-D
Hey Erich, nice sex change, that was quick lol
TJBM needs to balance their checkbook
TJBM has a good credit score.
I’m a minor so yes, unless I’ve had my identity stolen.
TJBM has been a victim of identity fraud.
False. knock on wood
TJBM thinks Trix are for kids
False. Let that poor rabbit have some! Effing kids.
TJBM is craving something.
True. More sleep I kicked my own ass yesterday LOL
TJBM likes ginger snaps
Love them.
TJBM is frustrated and tired
False happy and awake because I have a 54 day holiday.
TJBM likes garlic bread.
True. Love it.
TJBM is looking forward to sleeping until late this weekend.
@Coloma Thanks. Am I sexy?
TJBM is a night person.
TJBM is a good sport.
TJBM likes bowling.
TJBM wants to have a nap
So fucking true.
TJBM has a wireless mouse.
TJBM just killed a bug.
Not on purpose. Bugs are fine as long as they aren’t ON me.
TJBM wants to kiss somebody
False. But I did just kiss my neighbors horse LOL
TJBM is exhausted today but has company coming
tjbm is feelin lazy today
True and false
TJBM is listening to some music
false TRUE!!!
TJBM is whispering
TJBM wants @MilkyWay to tell us if she is in Pakistan yet? :-)
I’m not.
TJBM had a flight postponed.
Haven’t flown since last year when I went to Asia.
TJBM needs to get up now and DO stuff
TJBM is in a ‘cat’ mood
TJBM is eating BBQ Cheetos.
TJBM smells something funny.
False. Nothing but fresh, cool, mountain air!
TJBM has a fly in the house
TJBM has a very sensitive nose
TJBM has a very large nose.
TJBM had a nose bleed
True, a long time ago.
TJBM has a stuffy nose.
TJBM enjoys singing
TJBM recently got a promotion.
TJBM feels happy for anyone who did.
False. I can’t think of anybody who did.
TJBM will get drunk this weekend.
TJBM dreamt of getting drunk.
False. I don;t get drunk, I just get happy. :-)
TJBM likes Sloppy Joes
What are those?
TJBM will tell me
True, it’s a ground beef sandwich.
TJBM dreamt of eating a sloppy joe this weekend.
TJBM loves to dream
True. I’m dreaming right now
TJBM is jealous of a celebrity
TJBM would never want to go out with a celebrity.
True. I refuse to date boys who are prettier than I am.
TJBM likes to get flowers delivered to them
True, very much.
TJBM is a sucker for flowers
not really
TJBM wouldn’t mind going to @Coloma Memorial Civic building within the next few weeks.
Haha….hey it’s Happy Brownie luncheon day on my little memorial mountain. Brownies and brunch comin’ up.
TJBM would like to have lunch @Coloma‘s house today
True. I love me some happy brownies.
TJBM likes driving.
Um, true, though I haven’t got my liscence yet.
TJBM wants to learn how to drive.
False, already have been for 10 years now.
TJBM was once TJAM.
TJBM finds George Carlin laugh out loud funny.
TJBM has had a protein bar before.
TJBM has had a glucose chocolate bar before
TJBM likes swimming
False. I don’t really like chocolate
*Edit: dammit. Yes I like swimming
TJBM likes salty things
Sometimes (what happened?)
TJBM is confused
False, happens quite a lot.
TJBM is hungry
TJBM likes swimming with salty things.
False, I can’t swim.
TJBM will teach me how to swim
TJBM would like their own friendly robot.
False, my teddy’s enough to keep me company.
TJBM thinks I’m silly to still have a teddy bear.
False, I’m 24 and my teddy bear sleeps in the bed with me.
TJBM has found a new activity they enjoy.
TJBM is going to get dinner
Too early for that
TJBM wants to join me in Fluther chatroom
TJBM will join us as well.
False, sorry but I’m rather busy.
TJBM respects and relates to that.
True and false
TJBM is going to bed
TJBM is eating clams.
No, I am lying in bed waiting for tea and crumpets.
TJBM is going to go shopping for something special today.
I already did. I got ties for school. Yaaaayyy….
I wish I got tea and crumpets.
TJBM lives in North America.
True. I can dance to almost anything!
TJBM can dance to this tune!
Oh yeah!! I couldn’t do it authentically but I would give it a damn good go. In fact, after watching more of it, I could rock that dance no problems!
TJBM’s music in their car can be heard by all who pass them.
True. I come beatin’ down the block and I crack the bedrock.
TJBM wants to come cook me dinner. I’m soooo lazy!
Not really.
TJBM practises their dance moves in front of a mirror regularly.
False. I know all my salsa moves, don’t need a mirror.
TJBM can eat with chopsticks.
So so…I got pretty good traveling in Asia, but I don’t use them much at home.
TJBM is in the middle of happy hour.
No, it is getting close to lunch time.
TJBM likes to drink cocktails and will tell us their favourite tipple.
I don’t even know what that means.
TJBM loves scaring people.
Not usually. A tipple is a drink (usually alcoholic).
TJBM has a dog that snores a lot.
Aaawww :’( I have 5 dogs —used to have 8— the one who used to snore had to be put down on Jan 4 this year. My sweet lil girl RIP.
TJBM loves blue cheese.
Yuck, false
TJBM loves Grrrr from Invader Zim
Who is this person called Grrr…. I know them not :-|
TJBM has smelly feet (it was the blue cheese reference that did it. I like blue cheese. Not sweaty feet).
TJBM is attending some kind of party tonight.
No, that was last night.
TJBM has filled their life with too much and needs to slow down.
not really
TJBM wants to repeal all the right-to-work laws.
yes, it is outdated
tjbm wants a right-to-sleep law
Oh-oh can I try that out. ZZZZZZzzzzzzz
TJBM is going out to dinner tonight.
more than like will at the beach
tjbm has a day of tasks ahead of them
Got to mow the lawn before it gets too hot and wash the car.
TJBM wishes that they had someone to do outdoor chores.
Well, at least someone to help, so true
tjbm takes their trash to the dump
False, but I do make a dump run once a year or so for misc. stuff
TJBM woke up to overcast skies nice and cool yay!
TJBM enjoys painting
False. I enjoy writing, but, my daughter paints beautifully, she’s a natural.
TJBM can hear birds singing right now
TJBM is watching a documentary
False. Sitting at my laptop in front of my window, wandering in and out, enjoying the morning.
TJBM likes Cantelope
false and I decided to watch “Death on the Rock” last night.
TJBM wears their lingerie all day.
Ahhh, No
TJBM is feeling a little frisky today
False. I am still recovering from extreme activity the last few days, today is a mellow in the shade day. This includes sexually frisky too
TJBM has a hummingbird feeder in their yard
TJBM loves video games.
TJBM is in one of those ‘who cares’ moments.
False. I am in one of those stay in my nightgown all day moments. LOL
TJBM is tired today
Well I was firisky, so I decided to try some choreplay. Task at hand was putting the clothes washer door gasket on. It is not accomplished and I am exhausted, so the short answer is yes I’m tired.
TJBM has some unfinished project around the house and it is a thorn in their side.
False. That’s why I’m tired, pulled all the thorns out of my side the last two days. I am enjoying a rare moment of perfectly together, inside and out. lol
TJBM is enjoying the full moon the last few nights
False, I haven’t looked out my window these past 4 days.
TJBM has finished what they wanted to do today.
False. Haven’t even started.
TJBM is having a boring Saturday.
No. It is Sunday and I am sitting in bed with a cup of tea. Not going to be a boring day at all.
TJBM likes to read the Sunday paper in paper form.
TJBM had steak and chips for dinner and is feeling very full
No, I had a lovely chicken and tomato casserole, but now I am hungry for brekkie.
TJBM is getting close to their next birthday.
Well, closer every day, but no. April 12.
TJBM has this image of kangaroos all over the place in Australia.
Oh Bob is an Aries like me! No wonder he has such good style.
No, I know Kangaroos don’t bound all over the place in Australia. You do see them in the wild though. Rooey would probably see more of them in their natural setting than I do though. I think she is in a more rural setting.
TJBM wants to see the new Harry Potter movie.
TJBM prefers leather seats in a car.
I do. I love leather seats in a car.
TJBM is hankering after a new car, something special and will tell us what it is they want.
TJBM sat bare butt on a leather chair.
Well yes I have….
TJBM is a person of few words.
TJBM appreciates conciseness.
In the main yes, although I don’t always live up to my own expectations.
TJBM is going to go for a walk today.
False. It’s rainy and windy, and too dark outside. No walks for me at this time of the evening.
TJBM is making pizza from scratch for dinner.
False. Can I come over?
TJBM prefers to pay with plastic over cash.
Of course ;)
Absolutely… it’s safer and more practical.
TJBM Likes soccer too.
True. Watching Argentina vs Uruguay, first half of extra time, quarter finals of the Copa América.
TJBM thinks baseball is boring.
True. Asking or telling me. Not my cupof tea at all.
TJBM wants Uruguay to win.
Doesn’t really care either way. I do like soccer though.
TJBM likes to play a sport and will tell us which one.
True, Football.
TJBM finds the word ‘Soccer’ annoying
No, I am used to it now. If you call football, football here… people think you mean rugby league or AFL. So, it has become normal to call football soccer.
TJBM plays a particular position which is…
I’m not telling you what position I use, hmm, play with, hmm, play in!
TJBM needs to check their breath and maybe use some mints.
Hmm, false.
TJBM usually plays defender when playing football.
nope. all offensive :)
tjbm plays chess
False, I hate chess, I dont do well thinking that far ahead. I like blokus
TJBM has a gym membership they don’t use enough
Have had. I went and bought my own gym equipment and I don’t use that enough either.
TJBM has a favourite board game.
I told you already, :P Blokus. When my wife’s theater friends come over for game night the spatial strategy game is out and Apples to Apples is in.
TJBM loves playing Apples to Apples.
I don’t even know what Apples to Apples is??? (Like you I am really bad at chess though, my brain can’t do Chess).
TJBM knows what Apples to Apples is?
TJBM sucks at chess just like me and finds it irritating when their younger sibling beats them every time.
average and yes, it sucks to loose to sibs
tjbm will explain what Apples to Apples is
Ok fine, Hilarious Comparisons and Analogies
“The name of the game is a play on the phrase “apples to oranges,” and the game is about making comparisons between different things. General game play is as follows: players are dealt red cards which have a noun printed on them, and the judge (a different player in each turn) draws a green card on which an adjective is printed and places it for all players to see. Each player then chooses a red card they are holding that they think best describes the green card. The judge then decides which adjective she likes best.
The fun is in the variety of unexpected comparisons people make, sometimes apt, funny, creative, or simply absurd. For example: people might match “Awkward” with “Oil Spills,” “My First Kiss,” “Dandruff,” and “Gold Chains. ” Or: “Painful” with “High School Reunions” and “Regis Philben. ” Strategy comes into play since, because each player takes turns being the judge, you begin to pick up on the preferences of each player and tailor your choices accordingly.
TJBM might need more explanation
TJBM likes oranges.
False, can’t stand them. Though I do love orange juice
TJBM likes grapes.
True. Grape juice, too.
TJBM likes wine.
lol. yup. I’ll leave it there.
tjbm went shopping today
False. Ran amok the last few days, today is ranch gate closed, fridge is stocked, house is clean and I am in Thoreau mode kickin’ around in my white hippie sundress. :-D
TJBM is going to have a late dinner
True, and it’s cooking right now.
TJBM likes saltine crackers
mmm yes
TJBM loves crackers and cheese
Haha, I JUST bought Saltines yesterday and had them with PB last night. Mmmm
TJBM knows how many little holes saltines have. I counted
yes, 13 for saltine, 16 for keebler
TJBM knows how many holes are in my head
False. Don;t call them holes, call them portals. lol
TJBM saw @blueiiznh ‘s SPCA youtube video link…thanks dude, cryin’ in my wine now.
TJBM had a good night’s sleep
False, I had some mates stay round.
TJBM feels refreshed after a nice shower.
TJBM is going to have a shower soon
True, going now.
TJBM likes pickles, random I know.
TJBM is watching another movie
Another movie? I haven’t watched one today.
TJBM eats quiche.
Oh yes! Love them :D
TJBM likes to eat pasties
can’t say
TJBM likes to play Monopoly.
sadly, yes
tjbm has lost a good amount of cash
Losing cash out of my purse, false. If you count the pathetic interest rates, then true. :-(
TJBM is working today
Of what precisely?
TJBM has 8566 lurve.
TJBM has had a rattlesnake encounter
True! I live in rattlesnake land. Just saw a huge one on the edge of my little road right across from my gate the other day. Stay on your side of the hill dude!
TJBM has had a mountain lion encounter
Nope, had a rattlesnake encounter.
TJBM has been involved in a bad (dramatic) automobile accident
Not directly, but I’ve been driving behind a couple of bad ones and been first at the scene.
TJBM wants to make banana bread.
True, about many things, but not now.
TJBM is not an adult.
TJBM just came back from a walk
Jesus Christ
TJBM laughed at her lips.
TJBM will exercise today.
True. Exercising my eyes, watching soccer on TV.
TJBM likes watching porn because let’s face it, there must be something seriously wrong with people who don’t like porn.
Well, I watch porn but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with people who don’t like it.
TJBM is a fan of lesbian softcore.
False…just the thought of that makes me…well, let’s just say false.
TJBM loves this tune I like dreamin, cause dreaming can make you mine…
Never heard of it. :-/
TJBM is having a very nice day
Yes, doing nother with my wife and kids is just that.
TJBM needs to brush their teeth before they go to bed.
Absolutely! Can’t imagine not doing this.
TJBM can explain why when you have a really important deadline, technology always fails.
Murphys law.
TJBM was up at the crack of dawn
Yup—even before the first ray cracked night’s curtain.
TJBM has a busy day ahead.
Busy but oh such a wonderful peace.
TJBM is actually happy to be at work
False. No work today, but yes, I was happy to be at work yesterday. My job is fun, it’s not work to me. :-)
TJBM is thinking of a quickie get away
TJBM will be traveling more than normal this week.
TJBM likes ice cream
TJBM’s favourite flavour is Strawberry.
Mmmmm…I have too many favorite flavors, so, no. haha
TJBM loves coffee ice cream
TJBM wants to go home
TJBM hates Mondays.
TJBM doesn’t like travelling alone
False. I like travelling period.
TJBM loves road trips
True! And, I am feeling the urge to hit the road right now.
TJBM has been to Bryce and Zion parks in Utah. I love the canyon lands
TJBM is in a city she doesn’t like at all
False. I live in a tiny tourist community.
TJBM is starving right now gotta make breakfast over here
TJBM ate lunch two hours ago
TJBM has plans for tonight
True. It’s a busy Monday.
TJBM received some unexpected good news.
False, no news whatsoever.
TJBM is happy about the amount of money they have.
False, I don’t have any money
TJBM is trying to help someone
False. I’m trying to avoid someone that keeps inviting themsleves over. Helloooo…if I am not inviting you, get a clue. haha
TJBM has gone scuba diving
TJBM has gone fishin’
True, but not in a long time.
TJBM likes to go camping.
Totally false.
TJBM feels bullied on Fluther.
False. And yes, camping thoroughly sucks!
TJBM needs to go to the restroom.
False, just did.
TJBM bullies people on Fluther.
Totally false, rather go camping.
TJBM wants rice pudding
True. but it’s even worse when you have the voice mail all planned and they answer by surprise!
TJBM would jump in a lake right now
TJBM has had enough of this heat.
TJBM is tracking several packages right now.
A couple on the way. I love when packages arrive.
TJBM has a favourite lolly (sweet/candy) they can’t resist.
Kinda indifferent about pops, but put a bowl of Bryers Coffee Ice Cream in front of me and I know bliss.
TJBM has tasted Bryers Coffee Ice Cream
Nope. What are pops too? I have never heard lollies/sweets/candy called pops. What makes Bryers Coffee Ice Cream so good?
TJBM drinks tea more than coffee.
Oh @Bellatrix your missing out. I drink coffee more.
TJBM hates mornings
Nope. I don’t like getting up too early but as long as I can wake up without rush, I like mornings. More of an evening person though.
TJBM likes red lipstick, either to wear themselves or worn by their wife/girlfriend.
False, red doesn’t look good on me.
TJBM wears makeup
TJBM has had a “spray on” tan.
TJBM has swallowed goldfish.
True, my favorite are Flavor Blasted Cheddar.
TJBM is waiting for part 22.
@erichw1504, meant LIVE goldfish and maybe
TJBM wants Murdoch out of the job.
Who’s Murdoch
TJBM slept like a baby last night
TJBM slept like a groundhog last night.
How did you know?
TJBM is about to go on a road trip.
I am back in 7 or 8 hours
almost and was just discussing it
TJBM has wind surfed before
TJBM is about to go trip on a road.
False. I am about to go fill in a big hole something dug in the middle of my lawn last night.
TJBM hates pushy people that can’t take a hint
Amen, sister!
TJBM enjoys Shakespeare in the Park
TJBM had to wake up earlier than usual today.
False. The usual, around 6ish
TJBM has gone clam digging
True. It was a lot of work for a few clams but they were delish.
TJBM is concerned about a missing friend
Considering going missing, yes, but only for a day or two.
TJBM has a big yard
TJBM is sad and wants to go home
False. I am home.
TJBM is sorry that TJAM wants to go home
TJBM has a lot to do in the next week or so.
So true. Need to get all my 5 doggies to the vet for shots and grooming.
TJBM needs to take a nap ASAP to make up for lack of sleep and having to wake up earlier than usual today.
TJBM wears glasses.
Only because they’re making print smaller and fuzzier than they used to.
TJBM is late for something.
TJBM is disenchanted with something.
@Porifera 5 dogs? And I thought 5 cats was enough work.
TJBM is lying.
I plead the Fifth False.
TJBM would never chop down a cherry tree.
probably true
tjbm feels trapped
TJBM has been arrested.
tjbm is listening to music
TJBM disregards proper capitalization.
TJBM is trying to make someone calm down
TJBM prefers savory over sweet.
False. It’s a 50/50 situation.
TJBM catches subjacent clues.
Uh, wha?
TJBM wants to know what subjacent clues are.
False. I know what it means. Look it up in a dicitonary.
TJBM Prefers to keep basket cases at a distance
TJBM would like @Porifera to look up “subjacent” for me.
True, pretty please with a cherry on top.
TJBM is a compulsive helper.
False, sometimes I’m just too lazy.
TJBM is one lazy motherf*cker.
False. Feelin’ peacefully neutral
TJBM just cleaned their carpets
False, sometimes I’m just too lazy.
TJBM feels like a sloth.
Oh Bob, sorry I missed your post four up. Can I answer anyway.
—so now I’m answering as if I was the jelly below this one
Is that yield capitalization or direct capitalization??? I always regard proper capitalization!!!!
TJBM knows what a bi-lateral monopoly is
if you don’t know what it is, even remotely tell us if you feel like a sloth
TJBM reads the newspaper.
True, sometimes.
TJBM has a morning ritual.
Brushing my teeth?
TJBM refuses to listen to “the man” and doesn’t brush.
False. I brush brush brush and floss floss floss. But “the man” ???
TJBM was stood up for lunch at Subway.
False, Quizno’s.
TJBM recently farted.
TJBM would like some ice cream.
False. I want a bratwurst.
TJBM has fun plans this evening
Chillin’ around the house, fun to me.
TJBM loves potato salad
TJBM knows what sharting is.
True, though fortunately not by experience.
TJBM is sleepy.
True but can’t nap now as I’ve got tons of stuff to do, been slacking all day.
TJBM loves banana split.
True. Banana ice cream, too.
TJBM is unafraid of phallic imagery.
TJBM is changing jobs.
TJBM wants a new bicycle.
TJBM is looking forward to something, and will tell us what.
True, I’m looking forward to part 22.
TJBM wants a new job.
False, I want to not be fired from my part time job.
TJBM is a rock lover.
Trueeee. You bet I am, but mostly oldies though.
TJBM favorite band of all time is Led Zeppelin.
TJBM likes Depeche Mode.
Probably, since it’s a British band, I’m bound to like it.
TJBM loves sauerkraut and bratwurst.
True! Got any you’d like to share?
TJBM hates buying postage stamps.
True. I gave my stamp collection to my nephew.
TJBM makes killer tacos.
I’m not wild about cooking, to be honest.
TJBM likes to eat out.
Oh boy! It was a true/false Q. Now I have to infer that you don’t make killer tacos.
TJBM fave cuisine is Japanese.
That’s my second favorite… Chinese is first.
TJBM’s life would end if they lost their flash drive.
TJAM forgot to add a TJBM
TJBM knows what EBIDA is
Aren’t you missing a T? Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization.
TJBM has been to California.
I don’t mind forgetting the taxes, but it gets me in trouble also rushing to get the post in
TJBM wants to kick back tonight.
True. Very curious he should tell what’s in it.
Sorry, I didn’t answer before——Love to eat out any time of the day breakfast, lunch, dinner,brunch, snack, whatever.
TJBM prefers memory cards.
No, external drive
TJBM is sitting in their underwear while talking to all of us
False, do you want me to be?
TJBM is using Google+.
False. Blue pinstriped suit.
Also false.
TJBM never, ever wears high heels.
Do you want me to?
there was that time in 1976 when platform shoes were in
TJBM wears cowboy boots.
Only in very specific roleplays situations
TJBM likes the smell of a good cigar
Would you like to share the cigar, love a women who can handle that
TJBM has writers block
True! May was a good month, but not the last 6 weeks :-(
TJBM writes too
She does and she should be writing right now, but is fluthering so I guess I also fit @choreplay‘s question too.
TJBM thinks @choreplay‘s avatar is (stealing from @bob) HAWT!!
Bob I didn’t have anything to do with that
TJBm objects
Shrugs .. go for it. See you in court little man in a dress :D
TJBM doesn’t drink coffee in the evening.
@Bellatrix something to remember if you ever do find yourself in court. DO pay attention to the man in the dress!
@choreplay I was just making an editorial comment, not playing my hand. Someone needs to answer the coffee in the evening thing
My flash drive is quite clean, thank you.
So don’t lose it.
True, I don’t drink coffee in the evening. False, I am not a cross dresser.
TJBM has played beer pong.
there, all better. Thread back on track
False, care to elaborate?
TJBM wonders what the hell happened in the last couple of posts.
oh my yes
tjbm just had a swim
No, but that sounds nice.
TJBM just saw a double rainbow (I did!)
TJBM would make a good travel agent.
Meh… I’ll just do the traveling.
TJBM Has a horse
TJBM loves quesadillas
True, I worship quesadillas and all things cheesy
TJBM has a lot of kitchen gadgets
Kinda but not outta control. Mostly trick wine openers. lol
TJBM makes veggie quesadillas…Oooh, load ‘em up with spinache and mushrooms and onions and peppers and CHEESE!
Well, I make quesadillas with just cheese, so I guess that’s veggie?
TJBM is a meat lover.
Well, you know that’s true.
TJBM needs to clean out the fridge before the new life forms take over.
So very true.
TJBM has gotten or given flowers in the last year.
A dozen red roses to my wife when her theater production opened with her in the lead role.
TJBM had a great nights sleep
It was okay, my husband had to get up to take someone to the airport so I was awake too early.
TJBM has had an annual check up recently.
No, haven’t had an check up for a long time.
TJBM likes Bruce Springsteen.
False. Surprisingly I can’t take his rough tone of voice for too long.
TJBM wants an iPad.
TJBM wishes they had bought Apple stock last week.
False, I highly doubt I’m old or rich enough.
TJBM is getting OSX Lion.
TJBM is stupid enough to waste his money on Apple.
False, not stupid, smart.
TJBM is very narrow minded.
False. I am quite open minded and diverse in my thinking.
I am only narrow minded when it comes to people that push my boundaries, meaning, pressure me and I’ll put your head in a vise. lol
TJBM is glad to see Paul back in the game
True. But thought he never left.
TJBM wears contacts.
False, glasses.
TJBM thinks there’s nothing wrong with glasses, why would you wany contacts unless nescessary?
False. You can wear blue contacts one day, green the next, hazel, etc. (Kiddiiinnng!!!)
TJBM Loves blue eyes (and blue people).
True. I have blue eyes and I like blue Paul. He is the only blue person I know. ;-)
TJBM is avoiding someone that keeps wanting to hang out
True, damn Smurfette!
TJBM will tell me if I have the lowest lurve in this thread.
False. It would take to long, you’re lurved enough, keep it up.
TJBM has a beanbag chair
False, but i do like them
TJBM has a blowup doll
TJBM wants to headbutt a bighorn sheep.
No.. can’t say I have any desire to headbutt any sheep and especially one with horns. Is this a desire of yours @reijinni?
TJBM has a collection of trophy animal heads.
False, don’t really support stuffing things that were once alive.
TJBM is a fan of football/soccer.
I am. I am from Manchester!!! Unlike the rest of my family, I support Manchester United. They all support City. (I agree on the stuffing too :D)
TJBM can wear a hat and wears it well.
True, a good ol’ trilby.
TJBM will tell me whether or not I should keep my new picture.
It doesn’t seem all that different, so why not?
TJBM is being told to get off the computer.
not really
TJBM speaks American.
Hmmm, I have never heard that phrasing before. Yes I am from America, and I speak American English.
TJBM is easily annoyed by certain accents.
True, but I won’t say which. Although I do have an accent myself since English is not my first language.
TJBM speaks several languages.
TJBM has a rocky relationship with someone from work.
TJBM has the original name they had when they first signed up.
True. I haven’t been here for long.
TJBM knows why people would change their name.
Yup, I do
TJBM is dizzy from all the name changing
TJBM ate two PBJs today.
My brother is allergic. I’m forced to eat SBJs – Soy Butter and Jelly.
TJBM dislikes their boss.
not really. It would be better if our supplies arrived on time.
TJBM wants to have these windows
False, only dicks would have those windows.
TJBM is a gamer.
False, I don’t like playing games.
TJBM likes bananas
especially on cereal.
TJBM wants a square mustache.
False, Hitler kind of ruined it for the rest of us.
TJBM is feeling sluggish today.
True..but can’t do a thing about it but go to bed early perhaps.
TJBM is eager to go outdoors and cut the grass.
False, already did that earlier.
TJBM got a bad haircut last time.
TJBM isn’t ready for this jelly.
True. You got that right.
TJBM has a BB.
If a BB is a BlackBerry, yes
TJBM has an iPad?
False, I hate the whole concept of what Blackberry tries to do. WHAT’S WRONG WITH FUCKING TEXT MESSAGES? Answer: Absoulely nothing
TJBM tried to beat me.
True, with a belt.
TJBM is into Pokemon still.
Paul it’s so funny you got the same Q twice. I had asked the iPad Q before.
This time you answered the BB Q, it wasn’t for you. @blueiiznh answered that.
No, I grew out of that one almost 10 years ago.
TJBM loves citrus tea
False. I love black tea. My fave is PG tips
TJBM loves chocolate mousse.
True, only if I make it.
TJBM can drive a car with a manual transmission
Definitely. I learned to drive in a Range Rover which in those days only came manual I think.
TJBM likes backgammon.
I do. Not great at it but I think it’s a great game.
TJBM has been following the News International hacking story.
TJBM recently wore a bikini.
TJBM likes to wear budgie smugglers.
Haha, false. Well maybe on Tuesdays…
TJBM had to look up “budgie smugglers”.
TJBM is getting ready for bed
False, only 5:30 here.
TJBM always forgets the last lette
No, why would I do tha
TJBM has a breakfast routine they follow each weeken
False, I’m rarely up in time for breakfast recently.
TJBM plays this great game on Fluther, it’s called The Jellie Bellow Me.
Mais bien sur!
TJBM is up past their bedtime.
Nope, It is only 11.34 in the morning. True confessions though. I am sitting in bed and working and fluthering. Given the other thread out there. It’s winter. I am wearing jammies.
TJBM bought themselves a present with their first pay packet and will tell us what it was.
I can’t remember my first pay packet (tells you I’m rather old..) ..but I do confess that I just received my first sizable bonus in my new job…and the present I am buying myself (really, my whole family) is a new septic system for our home. No Sh*t!
TJBM now knows why I have impressively tall plants in my back garden this year.
Lol and I can empathise. We just had new septic trenches put in last year. I think the old ones kept my avocado tree alive. It died since we had the new trenches put in. Great purchase with your bonus I think :-)
TJBM has read The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and will give us their very short review.
nope, I wouldn’t waste my time reading that garbage.
TJBM can walk in a straight line and recite the ABCs.
My god, I CAN!
TJBM touch their elbows together behind their back?
Yes. It seems most unproper for females to try it, though.
TJBM agrees.
No, I don’t see why it would be.
TJBM really thinks this needs to go to part 22. Almost 850 responses!
TJBM has heard the news today.
Depends on what kind of news you mean…
TJBM knows what the news is.
True, I suppose about the attacks in Norway?
TJBM is about to get up on outta here.
TJBM is going out for dinner tonight.
Been already.
TJBM had a lovely meal today.
TJBM went to the cinema
False. I’m bacon
TJBM will go do something fun outdoors on Saturday
Tjbm is an orange tree
TJBM is a blue jelly
So true :P
TJBM is barking mad.
TJBM misses Amy Winehouse.
I don’t really care, never liked her music & she kind of had it coming.
TJBM echoes my view.
TJBM is watching the news
False, Harry Potter & The Chamber of Secrets.
TJBM likes Harry Potter.
True, and I just saw Deathly Hallows pt.2 last night.
TJBM likes to ride a bike.
TJBM went to a concert some days ago
I wish.
TJBM likes LOVES Arcade Fire.
True :D
Jeez, 245 new responses!
TJBM likes @choreplay ‘s name.
TJBM is glad to see our favourite chocolatety member back.
TJBM is feeling incredibly hot
Yep ;)
TJBM is running out of things to put in this thread.
I usually am scraping around for a TJBM statement.
TJBM has been watching the Tour de France.
Tjbm has rode a bike tour before.
Urrm no. I would die. I think cyclists are a unique group. I had a boyfriend who rode from Brisbane to Sydney. They have perfectly good aeroplanes that can get me there in an hour.
TJBM thinks Cadel Evans has had a fabulous tour.
What what what with who who?
TJBM doesn’t watch Tour de France.
TJBM likes Homer Simpson
TJBM prefers Lisa Simpson as a character and sees Homer as more of a humour device.
False. I like Lisa, but Homer is the best.
TJBM is wearing a Simpsons t-shirt right now.
in life overall. What is that picture is supposed to be anyways?
TJBM misses @queenie.
Actually it’s @MilkyWay, but yes.
It’s my shirt, cropped down a bit so you can only see the pattern.
TJBM misses @Coloma.
True. The thread is probably loading to slow for @Coloma):-
TJBM hopes this thread can make it to 1,000 before Part 22 posted. I do.:)
True, but as you’re the maker of this magnificent game can’t you assure that happens anyway?
TJBM will be @AmWiser answering me :P
True. LOL!!!
Even though I started the game, anyone can post another thread (as has happened before). But that’s what I like about Fluther, the community is very respectful.
TJBM has a smile on their face.:)
I do. I just had an impromtu meeting with one of my lovely tutors and it was very positive and a nice surprise to see her.
TJBM still does an old fashioned craft (knitting, crocheting, jam making, wood turning or something like that) and will tell us what it is.
True. Crochet, tatting, quilting, canning and preserving. I like those old skills, they shouldn’t die off.
TJBM can drive a manual transmission car.
I do. I don’t often make my own and tend to buy a shop made one but it is a great dinner with salad on a work night.
TJBM has a system for managing big piles of email.
Yes. It’s called the don’t read anything that has “FWD, FWD, FWD…” in the title method of email management.
TJBM got a lot of sun this weekend.
Nope. Don’t want to get wrinkles!
TJBM makes a great cheesecake.
False, but my father does.
TJBM likes playing Twister
hadn’t played it.
TJBM wants to play that game naked.
False. At least not currently.
TJBM knows Jack Schitt?
Funny. Jack Schitt is a character in one of my favorite books!
TJBM is super-excited for a friend’s good news!
False, no news.
TJBM is a fan of life.
I am. I am enjoying mine very much. I think there should be more of it.
TJBM loves that first cup of tea or coffee in the morning… ahhh
True, I love having my morning tea.
TJBM loves to crochet
I don’t crochet
TJBM like Leo’s new studio.
I didn’t know Leo (who is Leo) had a new studio?
TJBM has big plans for the weekend.
Not yet, it’s only Monday.
TJBM wishes the US had converted to metric along with the rest of the thinking world. :/
It matters not to me.
TJBM is sitting in a waiting room.
No. My rumpus room.
TJBM likes to renovate homes.
If I had one I’m sure I would.
TJBM wants some sweets today.
of course.
TJBM wants to move all the televangelists to Best Korea.
False. I want to move them all to Jupiter.
TJBM prefers vanilla to chocolate.
TJBM prefers FedEx to UPS.
False. The UPS guy is much cuter.
TJBM loves fresh cherries.
mmmm yes, had some earlier
TJBM recently had fresh mango
TJBM wants to do away with the two-party system.
true…but outsiders and independents have a hard time breaking in to the system..there’s an awful lot of money and old-boy networking going on…
TJBM is considering going to a movie this evening.
TJBM will watch the TV tonight.
TJBM knows, by memory, what is on tonight on the Telly.
False. Don’t watch much t.v.
TJBM has a weakness for news programmes.
I really do. I even watch the APAC channel which is where are our parliamentary Question Time and Senate Enquiries are broadcast. I often watch the BBC channel or CNN or our ABC 24 channels.
TJBM has a favourite newspaper and they read it online or in print version.
The Times
TJBM saw my news question.
No… I missed it? Our time zone differences mean some questions are a bit buried by the time I log on to Fluther.
TJBM will put a link to a question about news.
because it ran out of steam
TJBM has to work tomorrow.
TJBM will be on a plane soon.
I will! And I, like you, am getting very excited.
TJBM is thinking about what to take on a trip and will it all fit in their case.
TJBM thinks Google is stupid
at times.
TJBM is capable of holding two contradicting thoughts.
I’m not sure.
TJBM can do what TJAM said.
True, you Oxymoron :P
TJBM gets my humour.
TJBM had a very good time with her/his friends.
Right now.
TJBM wants to see part 21.
I think the next part is 22. I can see 21 now.
TJBM likes to have a sleep in on a Sunday.
I would, but I have to work.
TJBM would like to skip church for the rest of their lives.
I have skipped church for more than three quarters of my life and don’t see that changing any time soon.
TJBM is good at planning gardens.
TJBM is good with indoor plants
No, I kill them. I am known to have ‘black thumbs’ and I have been asked by my children not to go to the plant nursery and torture more plants :-(
TJBM is good at planning holidays.
yep. I love them and love hosting them
TJBM loves being a hermit
TJBM has freaked out on somebody recently.
Only yesterday, in fact.
TJBM is a bronie.
TJBM has ever had a trauma to the groin.
A trauma? Getting kicked there is pretty traumatic.
And yeah, my cousin is a bronie. I just can’t force myself into that.
TJBM can’t think of anything to ask.
of course, that’s why I post some of my questions to Answerbag.
TJBM is watching TWiT.
? Links back to this page.
TJBM will fix that link.
I’ll try again. TWiT. Let me know if it works.
Yes, but I’m at work at the moment.
TJBM has seen TWiT before.
not awake yet.
TJBM needs more coffee
This one prefers tea.
TJBM wants tea instead of coffee.
TJBM is trying to learn Finnish
TJBM actually likes Mondays.
TJBM likes The Doors.
TJBM likes Windows.
To see outside yes
If used on computers, no no no
TJBM wants to go swimming.
TJBM can say that they spent a quiet and relaxing Monday at home.
False. At the office. Another day, another dollar.
TJBM is territorial.
Mmmm….depends what territory I am guarding!!
The Jelly Below Me has a favourite children’s book
TJBM has something he or she would like to tell us about.
TRUE….I’ve just booked my hols for next year….whooppeeee!!!
The jelly below me knows what a lesbian dinosaur is called!!
A lickalotapus?
TJBM has good tips to fight off a cold not including hot toddies.
Hmm, false. My mum’s got those.
TJBM is in need of some chicken and mushroom pie.
TJBM has many problems
only opportunites
TJBM will be traveling soon
False. Art is good, art critics are a problem.
TJBM would like to try hangliding
Fuck no.
<—respects gravity
TJBM has been told he/she has pretty eyes.
TJBM has been recently lost and had to ask for directions
TJBM is feeling ill
TJBM says it’s time to switch to a the next TJBM #22 because this one is waaay too long.
True, I do.
TJBM hates Jersey/Geordie Shore.
True, I don’t like oranges full of drama
TJBM plays a classical instrument.
It’s a classic all right. It’s an old classic radio, and I can play it because it only has two knobs.
TJBM thinks oranges taste better if someone else peels them. Hey, try it. You might find it’s true!
TJBM hasn’t had a 10K party yet.
Not yet, unless you want to call it that lurve fest we just had.
TJBM is likes cold weather.
True, more than warm.
TJBM lost. (Sorry)
True! My dignity when I got purple paint in my hair today…dur!!
The jelly below me thinks people who brown nose are a blot in the human gene pool!
TJBM is awaiting a gift of lurve.
Yep. I’ll go down in history!
TJBM has owned or owns a powerful breed of dog.
No, I have had a sooky Cocker Spaniel and now have sooky Standard Schnauzers.
My had had a Weimaraner and a Doberman, that were both beautiful dogs… but sooky!
You didn’t play the game correctly :(
TJBM thinks we need to remind @Bellatrix how to play.
lol You do .. I forgot… sorry…
TJBM will forgive me for being forgetful and they have momentary lapses of mindfulness themselves.
I’ve been corrected in this game more times than I can count. I lost this game for a while, but now that I’m back I expect to be corrected again.
TJBM bought dinner at the supermarket before they came home tonight.
TJBM had a great day (here’s hoping).
Yeah, I spent it here. My lurve was approaching 10,000 and at 9,996 it went back down to 9,111. They’re still working on it. It’s been quite interesting, and very entertaining, what with all the jokes. When I finally get things corrected I’ll invite all y’all for the party.
TJBM has already busted through the 10K ceiling.
Yeah, the mansion is spiffy!
TJBM will watch Hell’s Kitchen tonight
Nope. I hate that show.
TJBM likes experimental theater.
True, love it
TJBM has eaten a bug before
Lots of ‘em, but not intentionally. They’ve gone up my nose too.
TJBM has eaten chocolate covered ants.
TJBM has given chocolate to their dog and aspirin to their cats.
I used to as a kid. Then we had a dog die from eating chocolate. Never gave aspirin to a cat.
As a child, TJBM had dreams of becoming an astronaut or the president. did you make it?
No, I wanted to make video games, now I want to do something in programming. (I’m only 15).
TJBM is very happy with their job.
I’m retired, but I do a lot of volunteer work. And I do enjoy it.
TJBM likes indoor sports more than outdoor sports
I don’t like sports at all.
TJBM hates Barbie.
So true, I really hate them. I just wish society could see the damage being done by that damned toy.
TJBM is making popcorn right now.
nope, about to have dinner.
TJBM wants Rush Limbaugh to answer for his crimes.
False. Not my call. I think we all will answer for our crimes eventlually.:D
TJBM will help this thread reach 1,000 so TJBM #22 can start. tehehehe
Aha! I knew that’s what you were waiting for!
TJBM thinks Fluther has gotten a little hostile the past couple days
TJBM is looking forward to the weekend.
TJBM is going to have a relaxing night
TJBM hasn’t relaxed in a while.
Hmmm, debatable. Not in a “I have nothing to do for the next week” type relax no.
TJBM works with some really fabulous people.
I don’t work for pay, but I do volunteer teaching English as a second language. And my students are really great folks.
TJBM is wishing for winter.
No, no, no
I’m not ready for winter!!!!
TJBM has a trophy of some kind
TJBM likes Apples.
False, I like apple juice
TJBM has seen the smurf movie
TJBM likes Smurfs.
True, but I’m not interested in the movie.
TJBM likes to take baths.
Only if I’m cold and need to get warmed up.
TJBM enjoys dark chocolate (the darker the better)
True/False. Are those pocket planners the same thing?
TJBM is happy to go to Part 22
Thanks @All for the over 1,000 posts.
Now go to Part 22. I insist :D
hell no i wont go
TJBM has fallen asleep in an airport before
I fly (on an aeroplane) fairly often and I think there are some folk who possibly think I can fly on a broomstick too. This is not true although I wish it was. Imagine the traffic jams I could avoid!
TJBM likes to recline their seat on short haul flights.
Nope. I fly so frequently that I end up upgraded most of the time. The seats are roomier, but the people are much more I avoid reclining at all costs.
TJBM is headed off into the woods this weekend. (Like me)
False. Pointing my two wheels for a cycle fundraiser.
TJBM has been lost in the woods before.
I am. It is brekkie time.
TJBM has been buying new and unusual clothing.
TJBM is sorry and will try to post a new blog entry soon.
TJBM wants to see this thread a tad more lively.
TJBM likes @Paul ‘s hair.
Not seen it!
The jelly below me has a special drawer with lots of special grown up toys in it!!
Blush blush. True. I’ve been meaning to dispose of that drawer:).
TJBM went shoe shopping this weekend.
This jelly would never be cross with @MilkyWay but would love to hear about her holiday and has been checking her blog.
@AmWiser I did not. I love shoe shopping though and it would be a very nice pastime.
TJBM used to love wearing very high heels, but doesn’t wear them anymore.
I only wear them if I am going out, I can’t wear them at work all day without getting very sore feet. I have just bought a fabulous pair that I love wearing when I go out and I can dance all night in them too!! they are a bit like the ones in the bottom left hand corner but black!!
The jelly below me is still in their pj’s
TJBM has many things to do
TJBM is feeling moody.
TJBM is also on Part 22.
false but I have a reed scarf
The jelly below me can provide the link to part 22
A reed scarf?
TJBM will enlighten me.
nah. it’s better to enlighten oneself.
TJBM has a Dr Appointment this week.
TJBM is the 1030th poster.
Yes, hurray!
TJBM counts on more than two hands.
True, I’m clearly not the only one that disfigurement.
The Jelly Belloweth Moi will be @blueiiznh because we’re clearly the only two left on here.
TJBM is glad part 21 is still alive and kicking.
TJBM is a cute smurf :P
Sheesh, it isn’t that cold in my office. I resemble that remark!
TJBM has been to some amazing markets recently.
False, Manchester isn’t a “markety” type of city.
TJBM has a waffle iron with a toothpick with the random JBM post thing and stuff to do with the things about people looking nice.
Are you in Manchester Paul!! That’s my birth town. I grew up there. There used to be the Underground markets?
No, given my lack of ironing skill, I suspect I sometimes look as though I have ironed my clothes with a waffle iron.
TJBM has been involved in a murder investigation in some way.
TJBM woke up an hour ago
TJBM is stalking me.
TJBM is stalking someone
:-| I thought I was being so subtle and you wouldn’t notice….
TJBM had attended a writer’s retreat before.
True (but i was stalking it)
TJBM has had writers block before
True, it was a dark and stormy…
TJBM believes this to be the longest TJBM part.
I believe that is true.
TJBM is glad to see @erichw1504 return.
True, I quite missed smelling his cologne.
TJBM thinks I’m smelly.
Well I have never been physically close enough to you to know that. I hope you shower regularly and that isn’t true though :D
TJBM has a favourite perfume/cologne/after shave they like to wear on a daily basis.
Slazenger Extreme Deodorising Body Spray.
TJBM wears perfume.
TJBM likes to collect rocks.
Only if the rocks are frozen and wrapped in good bourbon
TJBM like merlot
I do and now I am off to bed.
TJBM missed fluther while it was broken.
Nope. Must have slept through another bump in the internet road.
TJBM was awake for the bump in the internet road.
TJBM is glad they missed the bump in the internet road.
True, glad Al Gore fixed it.
TJBM celebrated the internet 20 yr anniversary in a special way
TJBM will inform me when that was.
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) a network, from the the 1970’s, of computers – - used by the Department of Defense in the USA.
TJBM used the the network like I did in the 1970’s.
Yes, I worked for Honeywell on their Multics Team
TJBM was not born until after the 70’s
True, the 70’s were when my parents were born XD
TJBM has never been on a date before.
TJBM would go on a date with me.
False, too smelly.
TJBM would go on a date with me.
You’re married, aren’t you?
TJBM wants to get beaten up by their wife.
TJBM would go on a date with me even though I am married.
If your wife lets me XD
TJBM has loads of cats.
True, five.
TJBM has loads of loads.
No, I’m not a guy ;)
TJBM doesn’t have breakfast in the morning.
I don’t wake up in time.
TJBM lies in.
When I can XD
TJBM loves sleeping
TJBM is Sleepy from The Seven Dwarfs.
Lol! Nah, I’m a gal.
TJBM thinks there should be a female version of the Sleepy dwarf
I think there may be a porn 0_o
TJBM will find said pornographic material.
Uh, maybe ;)
TJBM is going to get something to eat first
TJBM thinks there’s been a lot of TJBM’s between me and Milk
I do. I think you two should chat more. You obviously get on well.
TJBM is wanting to see a specific movie soon.
true, several
tjbm loves sailing
I have never been sailing. I would LOVE to. Have to speak to @lucillelucillelucille. I seem to recall reading she is a sailor.
TJBM has owned a boat.
TJBM would love to sail under the stars.
So envious. I would. I mentioned in a post from @jonsblond, I would love to live by the ocean. It is on my list of things I want to achieve.
TJBM doesn’t live far from the ocean and can walk to the beach.
Close but not that close
TJBM knows what the Southern Cross is and how to use it.
I know what it is. I can find it in the night sky. I couldn’t navigate by it. Would be a cool skill to learn.
TJBM learned to sail while a child.
If a teen counts as a child, then yes.
TJBM knows what an f-stop is
Okay, it is to do with aperture on a camera and it describes the width of the aperture in your lens and therefore the amount of light entering the camera??? If the f stop number is low you then need to increase the shutter speed… you would use a low f stop number if you wanted to freeze action? As you can see my photography course has worked and I am now… not that much more informed :D
TJBM could give photography lessons!
I know a thing or two about a thing or two.
TJBM is a good student
I am! I am a very good student. I learn better by doing and seeing (visual and kinaesthetic learner) than just listening though. Very much a learn by experience person.
TJBM has a preferred learning style?
TJBM doesn’t like her/his neighbours
TJBM has an appointment to go to today.
I have too many appointments today.
TJBM uses a diary extensively to manage their time.
False, to-do lists and Google Calendar.
TJBM is ready to head home.
False, I’m at home.
TJBM thinks home is where the heart is.
TJBM Thinks home is where you make it.
TJBM thinks home is where you make it.
TJBM thinks home is where you make it.
TJBM Thinks home is where you do it
TJBM thinks home is when you do it
TJBM is bored of repeating questions now.
TJBM is board of repeating questions now.
TJBM is board of repeating questions now.
TJBM is board of repeating questions later.
So true.
TJBM is scared of the facts.
What are the facts? ....EEEK.
TJBM has run out of ideas for questions.
TJBM is a… dinosaur?
No. I am a cat. And I eat smurfs for breakfast…
TJBM loves rock music.
Now I’m scared
TJBM will protect me from @Bellatrix
True, I’ll stop sulking by my doorstep and go get my gun…
TJBM will wait while I change my avatar
:-O @MilkyWay… I am shocked and stunned that you would shoot me…
TJBM thinks eating smurfs for breakfast is okay for non-vegetarians.
TJBM is now scared of @Bellatrix.
TJBM is now scared of @Paul.
tjbm hands out lurve like there is no end
I’m a pussy cat. No idea why @Paul thinks I am scary.
I give out lurve quite liberally but only when it is deserved. I have a lot of different reasons for giving lurve though.
TJBM lets the petrol tank in their car drop down to almost empty before filling up.
Of course I do, however, it’s bad for the fuel pump, and the filter. But it hasn’t stopped me yet.
TJBM needs to their garbage out.
The bin men came yesterday :) Our rubbish gets collect every fortnight
The Jelly Below Me would love to see __________________up close and personal?
(person/place/animal etc..)
A Smurf.
TJBM is into politics.
Not really, I read the literature near voting time and vote, as people have died so I can do it, and I have opinions about the way the country is run, but I do not really follow what is happening on a day to day basis.
The jelly below me is featured in the first the jelly below me thread?
True. Yep and all the rest.:-)
TJBM is enjoying the morning sun with a cup of coffee.
False, the afternoon sun while stroking my dog.
TJBM is a cat person.
FALSE Although I like cats, I am much more a dog person : )
The Jelly Below Me has had more then one dog in their life time and would get another when their current dog sadly leaves them :(
TJBM has a dog that does special tricks and will tell us what that trick is.
Nope, she’s only a puppy so give her a break. She can still sit, lie down, stay etc.
TJBM has a better answer to @blueiiznh‘s question.
A longer answer, not necessarily better!!!
We had a dog called Sniffy when we were younger, he was an irish wolfhound crossed with a labrador. When he passed it was a while before we got another family dog… Benji another cross, as he was getting older mum and dad (I’d moved out by then!) got a puppy yorkshire terrier..Ollie.
<<<I have a dog… Harry (see avatar) We don’t know what we’ll do when he leaves us, he’s 12 :(
He would be a difficult dog to replace, but going for long walks wouldn’t be the same without a dog!!
The Jelly Below Me thinks the fact I still have my Daisy Smurf in a car, which I got in a kinder egg, when I was 7 is COOL and not sad as some people have said to me!!!
False, Smurfs are cool.
TJBM thinks that the word Smurf needs a capital letter.
No, little critters. Lower case is fine. They get stuck between your teeth you know?
TJBM subscribes to a magazine.
False I don’t really read magazines, unless my sister is throwing out her HUGE pile of trashy mags with real life stories about people who sleep with their girlfriends mum etc…
Paul did you really mean true? My question said who thinks it’s COOL that I still have my car (even though others think it is sad!) my phrasing was a bit off!!
The Jelly Below Me has a home computer and a laptop, but finds themselves on their lap top/computer more because….
False, just a laptop.
TJBM wonders if this will ever go to part 22.
It’s been on 22 for two weeks!
@sakura I don’t recall what you’re talking about.
TJBM is Irish.
False, though I’m pretty sure my gran had ginger hair. (I’ve never met her, only seen pics)
TJBM has an Indian mother.
False I don’t have an indian mother
not a prolem @Paul
The Jelly below me is wondering where the link to part 22 (or possibly 23 now is!)
Sigh, here it is again.
TJBM hopes for part 23.
I do hope for a 23 I never thought it would stretch quite this far, but I am glad it has!
sorry to disappoint you @Paul I bow to your superior knowledge of the “The Jelly Below Me” questions. I didn’t think it would be that big of a deal :(
The Jelly below me kicks their shoes off as soon as they get home!
I do. It is one of those lovely symbolic things I do to say… home….
TJBM has a blanket on their sofa to snuggle up under on cold nights.
TJBM thinks the concept is the same.
False. pillows are for smothering, blankets are for snuggling
TJBM falls alseep on the couch often
Yup, I don’t like sleeping in my big bed alone
TJBM Could use a nice glass of Merlot
true…..leaving work now and may just do that
TJBM loves French wine
So true, will have a glass tonight of a nice Bordoux I have
TJBM would love to cuddle next to someone while enjoying their wine
TJBM will tell us their favourite brand of wine?
I am fond of Oyster Bay Merlot and Ninth Island Pinot Noir. If I want a white, I like Vasse Felix Classic Dry White Wine. I also like Brokenwood Cricket Pitch semillon sauvignon blanc. I like Moet champagne.
TJBM loves to spend a Sunday afternoon lunch with a lovely bottle of wine and some good cheese.
I don’t drink alcohol nor do I ever plan to.
TJBM thinks I won’t accomplish that feat.
You might! Depends on how determined you are. I like an occasional glass of wine.
TJBM likes Vimto.
Occasionally, it’s nicer than Ribena.
TJBM has been to Ireland.
False, though I’d like to.
TJBM adores the Irish accent
TJBM adores the Scottish accent.
TJBM has been to Wales
TJBM has been to the end of the earth
Not yet ;)
TJBM wants to go on a world tour…
True, nowhere with big arachnids though.
TJBM finds older TJBM threads just as fun as current ones.
TJBM will link me to the latest one.
True, thank you @Paul :)
TJBM likes history
What kind of history would I be making? If you call helping my daughter with her ancient civs project making history then yes I am!
TJBM is ready for Christmas.
Not yet.
TJBM hasn’t done their Christmas shopping
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