Agreed about the zombies. Mind you, I love all zombies. But the classic shuffling zombie will always have a special place in my heart. Zombies had to do a lot to get out of the gutter after Michael Jackson ridiculed them. (zombie movies near that video’s prime wouldn’t even use the word zombie, since it became associated with buffoonery, so they were called ’‘those things’’...which is a very pretty touch)
But they returned, mostly through Romeroesque influence, as haunting creatures that are so fucking slow you could just walk past them. But in the end…you’ll go mad, and probably won’t escape. They will get you… I think it’s art, and such a frightening concept. But the classic zombie has been ruined by sprinter ninja zombies.
It’s a genre of its own, and I like it for what it is, but I don’t like how when people think of zombies, they think of the modern zombie. As @atomicmonkey points out, most of those movies don’t actually feature ’‘corpses’’. A zombie is a corpse. Period. In the classic movies, a human will die before rising as the dead. I guess we all just want more action and speed, and I’m not saying it can’t be freaky, or has no ambiance or atmosphere. But it ain’t zombies. And neither are zombies who learn how to talk and use firearms. What the fuck?
Well…there was Bub. But that was slow, and had character. Corny, but awesome. The relationship between man and zombie; a lot more effective in the disturbance factor than some zombie using a missile launcher because hey! What the fuck could be cooler?
This reminds me about how Castlevania Lords of Shadow is every cool action game from the last and current gaming generations, but has nothing to do with castles or vampires.
The shuffling zombie is the epitome of awesome when it comes to walking corpses, and seeing the industry go today, it’s almost but a fuckin memory.
It hasn’t ruined the concept of horror for me, because horror is a lot of things, and I’ll like the shittiest crap that’s out there, because horror and I are soul mates. I accept its differences, and what it tries to explore. But I’ll mention this unsatisfactory zombie definition transition because I particularly love zombies, and their evolution is a blow to the heart.
There are still movies about classic slow zombies out there…but I barely ever hear anything positive about them. Eh.
I’m just bothered by how the root is neglected. I love Zombieland and 28 Days, I just don’t approve of stuff like that now defining zombie.
But maybe I take it too seriously lol. Horror always has a way to show every single bit of its cycle. In ten years from now, slow zombies will be the rage again.