Bridesmaids: The Movie...did ring true for you in any way? (Details follow)
I went to see the film “Bridesmaids” and didn’t quite know what to expect. I found it to be really well-written and acted and it was clear that it had been written by a woman because it captured a lot of the “relationship nuances” that only women can understand. Indeed the movie had been penned by its leading actress, Kristen Wiig who delivers a hilarious and poignant portrayal of a maid of honour who finds herself feeling. pushed aside by the bride’s“new best friend” who takes over and is so much more adept at “party planning.” The story showcases the crazy-making that surrounds the strain that friendships go through when marriage looms for one of them. It’s basically a Judd Apatow (the producer) movie for women and from a woman’s perspective. And like “Knocked-Up” it delivers humor alongside pathos and an ending that changes the game for all. The supporting characters were equally well-crafted. I hadn’t laughed and enjoyed a movie like that in a long time. I absolutely enjoyed it from start to finish. I hope Wiig continues to write more comedic roles for women.
As I watched the film, I realized how much stress goes into the planning of a wedding (already covered in Reality shows like “Bridezilla”) but what was interesting to me was that it showcased how the stress also affects the “jockeying of positions” for bridesmaids and the costs, gifts, etc that bridesmaids are supposed to simply absorb as part of their role in supporting the bride.
Did you see yourself in any of the characters? Do you have horror stories of the bridesmaids in your wedding party? Or were you a bridesmaid forced to wear an awful dress that you could not well afford or was so ghastly you were desperate to change as soon as the wedding was over?
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14 Answers
I haven’t seen the movie but I have been a bridesmaid more than a few times.I had the gruesome dresses to prove it.
It is not an honor.XD
I will never do it again.
I couldn’t agree more with your assessment of the movie. I have now seen it three times, and I’m a fanatic in recommending it to people. I found all of the characters absolutely engaging, This has moved to the “top five” movie list for me. Wiig is incredible.
I have never been in a wedding party, so I really can’t address how I can relate to the role of a bridesmaid, but I can see where all of this can be a reality. Let’s just say I related to all of the characters in some way.
I’m planning a wedding. One of my top priorities is for the position of bridesmaid to be FUN for my friends. I don’t want to make my favorite people broke, feel ugly, and unhappy during the biggest party I’ll probably ever throw. I just don’t understand people who look at it any other way.
@picante….....Absolutely agree. They say in Hollywood it’s more difficult to do comedy than drama. Wiig’s portrayal is so multi-faceted and you can actually watch what she is contemplating doing next as the subtle emotions pass across her face before she starts to act on something. She is able to be “ha-ha” funny but still show the pain of her situation,too and that takes a lot of skill. I felt it was Oscar worthy. I really did. (Not sure when any woman has won for a comedy last. Diane Keaton for “Annie Hall”? I think? Someone correct me on this.) I think she is up there with Keaton..Lombard…and Judy Holliday. Definitely someone I hope we see a lot more of in the future.
For those that think this is just an Apatow-chick-flick…it isn’t. It has some very moving performances along with the hilarity.
PS…..I wanted to go see it again…but thought, “Oh well, once is enough.” But now that I see you’ve gone three times….I think I may go again, too! LOL
I heard the movie was good, and that men will like it also? Is that true? My bridesmaids really didn’t have any jobs, they wore whatever they wanted, wound up being black dresses, my SIL’s pulled one out ofher closet I think. Everyone looked great. It was my sister and my husband’s sister, his brother, and his sister’s husband standing with us, along with all the parents and my maternal grandmother. So, basically the closest family members, that’s it, no friends to deal with. My husband thought the crazy American tradition of telling people whatbthey have to wear and making them spend money on it was awful. When he said it I immediately thought, yeah, that makes sense to me.
I was asked to be a bridesmaid once, and I regret not doing it. I didn’t realize it was a big honor. I was young, and had to fly, stay in hotels, and rent a car, and wanted to give a gift, and paying for a dress and shoes also was cost prohibitive. I’m sure if I had asked my mom she would have paid, but I did not think to do it. When I turned her down she asked her parents and they weren’t willing to pay. I have no idea if I insulted them? But, they have never indicated I did, we are still close friends.
@JLeslie….I think that the cost that bridesmaids sometimes have to incur is really asking too much at times. Not everyone has the budget to accommodate a bride’s wishes and not thinking about that (which is a biggie) is what probably has strained many a friendship. I think what you did, @JLeslie…made a lot of sense overall. I realize that it is a bride’s “big day” and all that, but sometimes brides (in their frenzy for perfection) ask a lot of their friends (monetarily and otherwise) on what should be a day of celebration.
I am sure some brides are very considerate, too. Some pay for the dresses or find ways to make sure everyone is accommodated which is really nice, I think.
@DarlingRhadamanthus I gave her $50 or $100, can’t remember as a gift. The dresses were only $110, and then shoes too. I am thinking she maybe would have preferred I didn’t give her a gift and stood up with her? I was very inexperienced. I had only been to two weddings in my life before hers, and I never heard wedding talk in my family. I was totally clueless.
In a former life (I am not married now) I had a maid of honour who had been one of my closest friends growing up. What I didn’t know was what her reaction to my becoming engaged would do. She became really jealous that I was getting married. Instead of helping with the wedding, she became increasingly resentful and sort of just “closed down” and wouldn’t show up for appointments with me (to go choose flowers, see the caterer, help choose my dress) things that she and I would normally do together as buddies. In the end, one of my other bridesmaids (and I will never forget her kindness) stepped in and joined me at the last minute attending to the hundreds of things I could not do on my own. She wasn’t the official “maid of honour” but she ended up doing all the schlepping and she was in my mind the true “maid of honour”.
It was like walking on eggshells during that time with her on top of the fact that I had so much to do. I had actually forgotten all about this until I saw the movie last night. It resurrected all those old memories. My maid of honour was downright surly on my wedding day making cutting comments and not joining in the festivities. It put a damper on the wedding. It’s funny, you could see her reaction in all the wedding photos….all smiles…..and then she was the one frowning. (But this was a long time ago…...and now buried in that box that will not be reopened). We are no longer in touch, and honestly, it is for the best. (Not because of her behavior then….later we just drifted apart.)
@JLeslie….I wonder…did you tell her that you couldn’t afford to be her bridesmaid? She may have helped out. (If it was mostly cost that kept you away, that is.) I understand that you may not have known the protocol.
Loved the movie, Alex and I laughed our ass off.
@DarlingRhadamanthus Yes, she asked her parents to help me pay and they wouldn’t. Which honestly I think sucks, but I am not angry about it, just shocked. She didn’t have any money to help me, and it was a shotgun wedding, although they would have married anyway. He was still in law, and she had crappy insurance for the birth since she had just graduated college.
@JLeslie,...Well then….honestly… did what any person would do in that situation. I would also have declined under the circumstances.
I’ve never been part of planning a wedding. Never been a bridesmaid or bride. But I understood the message of the movie very well. I think it rings quite true – even for non-bridesmaids and brides…as family members or guests at wedding events.
I freaking loved the movie Bridesmaids! My partner and I saw it a couple weeks ago – it was absolutely hilarious. I’ll be purchasing the dvd for sure.
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