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JLeslie's avatar

Parents: when your children misbehave do you get angry at them?

Asked by JLeslie (65917points) July 11th, 2011

Are you angry? Or, just annoyed, frustrated, at the end of your rope? Pick a term. What is your emotion in that moment?

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14 Answers

Sunny2's avatar

No, It’s a teaching moment, not a screeching moment.

ucme's avatar

I’m a picture of calm, an assured instigator of a quiet but firm disciplinary procedure.
Afterwards I go to my room & snap pencils in my teeth!! ;¬}

SpatzieLover's avatar

Most days, I’d say frustrated is the term best to describe my emotion. I could give hundreds of examples, but most would come down to that same emotion.

I’m with my son all day and all night. I have very few breaks. Some of the frustration is due to my needing a break, some due to his age, and some due to his inability to focus.

No matter what, I try my best though this is a major learning experience for me not to give in to my emotion. Due to my son’s brain type, he cannot register emotion and utilize his executive thinking at the same time. Some days, that means I need to tell him I’ll be walking away for a moment or two prior to discussing an issue with him.

I didn’t find this one in my JFY listing until now? That’s odd…was this asked now or Two Weeks ago as it says on the question?

Seaofclouds's avatar

Honestly, I’ve been a bit of everything… sad, frustrated, upset, angry… it just depends on what the misbehavior was. Now, regardless of how I’m feeling, I keep calm when discussing it with my son.

flutherother's avatar

Maybe not at first, but if the bad behaviour persists I will show them that I am annoyed and angry. I am not an infallible signpost pointing my children towards perfect behaviour. I am in a relationship with them and there are times when it is important my children know how I feel. I also try to set a good example.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Annoyed but not angry or frustrated. For me, angry would be in reaction to something I see as a deliberate disappointment or offense and the kids don’t do that. So far. Frustrated would be if they weren’t coming along with something presented them so annoyed works for me, annoyed and sometimes surprised by things they don’t know yet or see as important to them and me weighing if I should be the one to say/suggest anything or leave it to their father.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

It depends on the type of misbehavior. Sometimes I’m just annoyed. Other times, when they’re doing something that they’ve gotten in trouble for before (like leaving cups of water on the coffee table that get knocked over by the cats), then hell yes, I get angry.

sheepinarowboat's avatar

Anyone that says they don’t get angry or frustrated when their children misbehave is telling you a tall tale. How you respond to that anger or frustration is the important part. It’s not just anger that I feel many times. It’s also humor and sometimes embarrassment. Sometimes you have to turn your head because you don’t want your kids to see you smile. It totally depends on the nawneeness happening at the time.

Hibernate's avatar

I know for a fact that some parents do not really care when their kids misbehave. I have to agree that most times one has to turn around to smile but not all do it. Most of my friends can look at me and see I smile with my eyes while I frown. Gotta admit not all can see this or else this can be hard to explain to some.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

It really depends what they’re misbehaving about. If I’ve asked them something repeatedly and they’re ignoring all pleas and compromises, I do get angry but mostly because I’m probably tired.

dabbler's avatar

I’m angry at them whether or not they are misbehaving.

Just kidding, I don’t have kids. But there was a bit of the unpredictable in the home I grew up in.

Bellatrix's avatar

It depends on the situation of course and what it is they have done but mostly with my little people I remember getting frustrated on occasions. I remember hosing the garden a lot when I was trying to get my second child to go to sleep. All that controlled crying thing. I watered the lawn a lot because I couldn’t bear to hear her cry. However, there were occasions when I was very tired or stressed that I got angry too.

Sunny2's avatar

I guess I was very lucky in having two very well behaved kids. There was rarely anything to get mad at. I’d get annoyed when they started bickering. I told them that if they couldn’t get along, they could not play together and sent them to their rooms. The next thing I’d hear is the two of them playing together as quietly as they could, so I wouldn’t hear. Since that was what I wanted anyhow, I never interrupted them. When I told them about this after they were grown, they said they had no idea that was what I was doing.

Dutchess_III's avatar

When my kids were growing up, < 5, there were certain “misbehaviors” that I could count on happening fairly regularly. I found my self starting to react based on how I was feeling at the moment, and I recognized that it was bad. It was inconsistent. So one time I wrote those behaviors down and listed the appropriate discipline next to it. I would check in with that list, especially when I was angry.

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