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Aethelflaed's avatar

How did they get these poached eggs to look like this?

Asked by Aethelflaed (13760points) July 11th, 2011

I recently had a restaurant serve me up these eggs. Look at how beautiful they are. How they have these little mountain peaks… Those are the most amazing poached eggs I’ve ever seen. But, I have nooooooo idea how they did that. None. Mine all turn out looking kinda gross (although tasty) and a lot of the whites leave the yolk and just become one with the water.

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15 Answers

YoBob's avatar

The trick is having an acid (vinegar) in the water. The vinegar makes the albumin (the white part of the egg) pull together instead of trying to disperse through the water. I’m guessing from the somewhat pointed one, that they poached them in a fairly deep pan and the water/vinegar was at a full boil when the eggs were dropped in.

lillycoyote's avatar

They also might make them using the sneaky little trick mentioned in this article: poaching them in plastic wrap! Just speculating there. But getting a poached egg just right is still an art.

YoBob's avatar

@lillycoyote – That would explain the pointy one. Never heard of doing it that way until now.

lillycoyote's avatar

@YoBob Yeah, the pointy one. That’s the one @Aethelflaed seems to be interested in but the rest of them look like regular poached eggs. I can’t imagine they cook some one way and some another though, unless they do one pointy one per plate for presentation.

Aethelflaed's avatar

@lillycoyote Well, the pointy one is the awesome one, but both did have that pulled together that I’m also interested in. So I’ll try both the vinegar and the plastic bag trick!

chyna's avatar

@Aethelflaed So cool that you took pictures of your breakfast!
I’ve never seen poached eggs like that either. Can you call the restaurant and ask?

Aethelflaed's avatar

@chyna My phone has awesome resolution, so now I take pictures of everything Yeah, that’s what I’m thinking of doing. But often that falls into one of those trade secrets things where they don’t want to tell you because it might loose them money.

chyna's avatar

Yeah, but in my case that would be silly. I would want to know, but would never get around to actually cooking.

YoBob's avatar

You don’t have to over do on the vinegar, just a couple of splashes in the pan of water will do it.

dappled_leaves's avatar

Poached eggs are so much more delicious with vinegar… yum.

longtresses's avatar might find detailed instruction in this blog helpful….

Aethelflaed's avatar

@dappled_leaves Lots of things are more delicious with vinegar. I just discovered pickles that have no vinegar. I didn’t even know they could do this. This is very sacreligious to me, and I think we need to bring back public stonings just for the people that thought it would be a good idea to have vinegarless pickles.

mazingerz88's avatar

I don’t know and this answer might be be modded but let me just say, after seeing that poached egg photo, I thought one of those newly hatched Alien facehuggers could pop out of that. : )

Lightlyseared's avatar

Practice. The guy cooking those eggs probably does 50 poached eggs a day.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Sorry. Those eggs just look scrotum gross!

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