[NSFW] When is the first time you heard this word?
The word is Fuck.
I first heard it from a girl named Sherry Orrie when I was in kindergarten. There were four or five of us sitting around a small table, coloring. We were all totally absorbed in making our Jumbo Crayolas stay in the lines when Sherry broke the silence.
“My brother got in trouble for saying a bad word”, she told us.
“What word?”, we all wanted to know.
“Oh. I can’t say it.”, she replied. “It’s too bad.”
Well, needless to say, this is where I became very interested int he conversation. What word was there that was that bad?
“C’mon”, we begged, “Tell us. Please?”
After about five more minutes of cajoling she rewarded us by whispering the forbidden utterance.
“He said ’fuck’”, she said in a breathless gasp that must have taken her great effort.
I started laughing. ”That’s not even a word”, I scoffed.
I learned later, after a slap in the face and a good tongue soaping, that it was indeed a word.
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34 Answers
I have no idea. My earliest memories of cursing were movies and my parents.
Talk about deja vu. That’s exactly what happened to me. But I was in 2nd grade at the time.
That was at the dinner table when my mother asked me to use my fork & knife.
I’d use my fingers see, cheeky little tw@ that I was.
From a childhood friend. I was maybe 12; he was probably 10—our families typically had a yearly fishing trip in the summer. I believe he cut his finger on a fish hook and out came “the F word.” I knew is was a “bad word,” but I had no real context for it. I was pretty naive for a 12-year old. That was long before cable TV and the Internet ;-)
10 years old when my mom yelled it at me when I was giving her a hard time about trying on new pants she had bought me! I think she was a bit pissed off!
Either late 1955 or early 1956, when I was 8 or 9 years old.
I heard that Clark Kerr was being considered for becoming the chancellor of UC, and I knew that the dude was a prude. I felt that if he became chancellor, cuss words would be forbidden on campus, and there would be no Freedom Under Clark Kerr!
I probably first heard it when I went to high school. It was a public high school, and I’d gone to a Christian school since Pre-K, so it was definitely a culture shock.
Neighbor kids when I was around 7 or 8 I think.
I was an only child and my family never used that word, but, in a family of 6 kids, it was bound to circulate sooner or later.
It was around 1967–68
My parents never said this word, at least not in my presence.
I did not hear this word, until I was nine years old. This word was taboo and never spoken in my family.
After I joined the Metro Police Dept., this word was as common as hello.
@john65pennington So was it “What the hello is going on here?” everyday at the Department? Lol. : )
First heard it in that Al Pacino movie Scarface. I think.
When I was 8. I made a friend who had an older brother, that’s where I heard it. I have an older brother, but I think he was too scared to say it around me or at home.
Mazingerz7538, this word was spoken by drunks and criminals, not us good guys. Well…....... maybe every once in a while.
Most of this word was deleted in our vocabulary, when the lady police officers entered their police career. It was respect.
Probably from an American moive when I was around 10 or so.
@Blondesjon Oh! Sure, there is – ok, then I heard it probably before that..certainly out of my brother’s mouth (he was older by 5 and a half years)...so I’d put it at around 6 years old then.
I don’t remember, but what I do remember having a nice conversation with our adult neighbor when I was seven and then as he said goodbye and turned to go inside I trailed with “Bye… fucker.”
I didn’t know enough to mean it. The word just came out. I got a bit of a talking to that night, but don’t remember if I was punished.
Not sure, really. Might have been when I was 8, at least, that’s the first time I remember someone saying it at school. Someone told me that it meant “sex”, but that meant nothing to me. It wasn’t until much later when I found out what it meant.
I can’t remember the first time I heard it, but I used it the first time when I was 10. Two really snobby bitches had played a horrible, embarassing prank on me, so later when we were in the cafeteria eating, I stopped by their table, double-handed squirted ketchup packets on their blouses, and whispered “fuck you”.
I’m not sure that I knew exactly what it meant, but I knew it was incredibly rude and that’s what I was aiming for.
I remember my stepmom and dad discussing whether they would perform in a movie or not if they had to say “fuck” in one of their lines. I seem to recall both of them saying they wouldn’t do it.
I have no idea. Probably in infant school.
From birth on. My dad liked the word a lot, as do the rest of the Germans in my family.
When my mom would go into a store to purchase things, me and my siblings (who are all older) would stay in the car. One time, I would say I was about 8 my brother started explaining to us what each bad word he could think of actually meant and how they should be used… it was very informative. ha
Probably at school but I don’t remember.
Probably since I was born. The first memories of the word are from around the age of 4. Living with my father and stepmother, they used the word without reserve.
It was written on a wall of a square next to our house where we used to play football.
It read: “Kut, lul, kont. Neuken is gezond.”
In English: “Cunt, cock, ass. Fucking is (good for your) health(y).”
Pretty early on, during a fight my mum and dad had, from dad’s mouth. I think I was about 3.
First day of kindergarten. Some other kid said it.
I had no idea what it meant. Just thought it sounded neat.
Went home chanting my newly-learned word.
My sister washed my mouth out with soap.
Does anyone know of anyone else who actually got their mouth washed out with soap!?
@Nimis My mom had a smart mouth as a kid and she apparently knows what every bar of soap tastes like because of it
When I was four years old, I heard it from my own mouth.
I had just learned the name song, the one that goes “Kris Kris, banana fanna fo fis, me mi mo mis”, and I was singing it over and over, with any word I could think of to use instead of my own name. My older cousin was watching me at the time, and when I sang “Truck, truck banana fanna fo fuck, me mi mo muck,” he informed me that I’d said a bad word. He didn’t say which one, so I sang it repeatedly until he told me.
I imagine infancy. Or at least after my BM started a “relationship” with the man she eventually married.
Goddamn man, I have no idea. I know I was around 7 or 8 though, because I remember that when I first learned it, I screamed fuck you to some car going by. My dad was not happy.
It must have been from a movie though, because we spoke French in the house, and so that word would never have come up. I seriously can’t recall…I only remember first using it on some poor random person in a car lol.
I have no clue. When I was 7, I was watching movies like Goodfellas. I think it took me a long time to learn what it meant. Before that, it was just a word. A naughty word.
When my nephew was like 4, he asked my brother “What does fuck mean? Is it a bad word? Why? Why can’t I say fuck?”. We just told him to not say it anymore. It was kind of random and we laughed it off. I think he heard it alot in preschool.
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