@TypoKnig: “Google must be paying you well, @tom_g.”
Are you seriously accusing me of being a Google employee? What the fuck?
@TypoKnig: “I think the problem with the fact that anyone can add you to a circle without your permission is that it feels more stalker-friendly.”
Right. Just like those pesky browsers like IE, Firefox, and Chrome that allow people to save bookmarks. Oh, and RSS feeds.
@TypoKnig: “It makes me have to be more careful instead of putting a line of security between myself and a potential stalker in the form of approval on my end.”
Everyone should own their web presence. Take responsibility for what you put out there. All I am saying is that the reason G+ is growing so quickly is because it allows people to own their shit. It allows me to determine exactly what I want you to see and what I don’t want you to see.
The “line of security” you mention is Google+. I really think there is some confusion here.
@TypoKnig: “This is fine for someone who is fastidious about all of the various settings and who can see what, but the average person has shown that s/he is not fastidious in that way.”
You may have a point. You and others here in this thread are sophisticated enough to be able to try use a computer, create a Fluther account, use Facebook, and try G+. If you can’t understand the basic concepts of internet privacy, I shouldn’t expect my grandmother to.
@TypoKnig: “So what Google+ brings is an exchange in privacy. Facebook keeps my information away from people whose faces I recognize and don’t want near me and puts it in the hands of people I’ve never seen and don’t care about. Google+ keeps my information away from the faceless corporate people who want my demographic information, but makes it easier for me to make a mistake and give my address to the guy trying to kill me. Which is more important?”
Huh? Are you saying that the ability for you to create a post that’s shared with “anyone on the web” should be removed because you might actually do this? What about the people that are conscious and want to make these decisions for themselves? What if I want an ‘anyone on the web” stream, my coworker stream, my “good friends” stream, my “ok friends” stream, my “C# user group” streams to me separate and allow people within those worlds to live in one or more circle? This is why G+ appeals to us geeks. We are being treated as adults. I see the concept of “circles” as Google admitting that users are smart enough to be able given the ability to do what they want with this. (note: This could be said about the Android/iOS difference too.)
@TypoKnig: “And the public post option has everything to do with this. On Facebook, a public post defaults to the security level you have set. So if your profile is not set to be open to everyone on the internet, neither is a “public” post. People switching over from Facebook might not realize this and think it just goes out to everyone in their circles, not everyone in the entire world.”
I have to admit that you might be on to something with the public’s ignorance. Maybe this will be a tool for tech geeks and the educated. I’m not sure how to gently introduce more complex topics to the general public. Google is certainly late to the game. They’re probably screwed. I’m not necessarily arguing that Google+ will crush Facebook. There are plenty of reasons that a better product will go unnoticed or unwanted. Apple has also figured out that the public are a bunch of dullards, so they have locked down iOS (I have an iPhone) to the point that you can hardly do anything. They figure that the public will screw themselves if given too much control or too many options. I prefer control and options.
I hope Google doesn’t cave due to misconceptions and public illiteracy. The reason I am liking the concept of G+ is because for years there have been tons of us who didn’t use Facebook for concerns that have (mostly) been addressed by G+.
And what the fuck? Can you keep your conspiracy theory bullshit out of the this thread? Check out the rest of my answers on other threads. I do not just let people say stupid shit. If you come on here talking about how your hairbrush is sending wireless signals to a public hairbrush industry blog, providing hairbrushing times and location, don’t call me a hairbrush industry employee for calling bullshit.