I just got stung by a wasp, I believe, on the inner corner of my lower left eyelid, about 3 minutes ago. I'm not a allergic but is there something I can do to keep the swelling down so I don't look like the Elephant Man tomorrow?
Ouch! I seem to have walked into the wasp and it got stuck under my glasses and stung me. Just glad it didn’t sting my eyeball.
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61 Answers
Aw! Nothing as far as I know. It’s been years since I’ve been stung, but it seems to me the swelling only lasts for a few hours.
Poor baby!
Benadryl helps with the swelling. Even though you are not really allergic, the swelling itself is a slight allergic reaction, so the Benadryl counteracts that.
“Apply ice to keep the area comfortably cool and to reduce swelling.”
“Antihistamines remain the mainstay of therapy. H1 blockers such as oral diphenhydramine (Benadryl) or hydroxyzine (Atarax) have proven useful in reducing the severity of the itching and rash. Oral steroids (eg, prednisone, methylprednisolone [Medrol]) can be added to the regimen if needed, depending on the extent and severity of the patient’s symptoms.”
Wasp Sting Treatment emedicine
Cleanse area with soap and water, then pat dry. Then apply a salve of equal parts baking soda and vinegar. Maybe some aloe vera if that doesn’t work.
Um…cut an X in it with a knife and suck the poison out.
Thanks guys. I started the ice as soon as I was stung but didn’t think of the Benadryl so I just popped a couple.
And, @Dutchess_III thanks, I’ll try that if the ice an benadryl don’t work.
@rOs You don’t think anyone would want to suck face with me? And I may try the baking and vinegar paste after the guys putting in my dog’s new fence leave. I don’t currently have any aloe in the house so I’m going to stick to things I already have until after I’m not practically blind in one eye.
It’s already started to look a little ugly but hopefully the quick work and good counsel of the Fluther Brigade will keep the ugliness to a minimum.
You can try a mixture of baking soda and water to make a paste. Apply it to the sting and it helps draw the poison out. Although given the area, swelling may be unavoidable.
Good lord, @lillycoyote Don’t be puttin’ baking soda and vinegar on your face and then ask someone to play suck face with you! That’s just rude!
Benedryl was a good answer, guys. Back in the day we didn’t have stuff like that, that I know of. We just had to go on and let it take care of itself. Really, the swelling doesn’t last but a few hours, I think.
@lillycoyote lol, if I was single I’d do it myself! Hopefully you won’t have to resort to such drastic measures!
Good thing I’m not still a wasp. And that’s all I got to say about that.
@CWOTUS WAS. Yes, good thing. I’m not feeling to kindly towards wasps right now.
@lillycoyote The Benadryl may make you sleepy soon.
After your nap, you may want to get some topical Benadryl and apply it liberally. I find I swell a lot without it. If you keep icing it tonight and first thing in the AM, you should look almost normal tomorrow.
Let us know your progress~
Well I think this has already been answered in a satisfactory manner.
Just leaves me to say that if it had happened to me i’d have been running around like a headless chicken. You have my sympathy, whether you want it or not ;¬}
Make sure the stinger isn’t still embedded. Not as big an issue as with bees, but if the stinger is still there it can still irritate and pump venom until it is removed.
We have lots of those little yellow bastards and they’re always getting me. What helps the most for me, besides taking benedryl, is to dissolve an aspirin tablet in a little water and apply that paste directly to the sting.
Don’t worry about looking like the Elephant Man.
The Elephant Man has a dick.
@filmfann Oh my god! What on earth did the Elephant Man’s dick look like? I’m not sure I want that image in my head but it’s there now.
He’s daid. I don’t think he has one anymore, so don’t worry @lillycoyote. How’s your eye?
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...How can you suck the poison out of your own face? Haha.
Keep it clean, and make sure the stinger isn’t in there!
Put ice on it.
And Benadryl helps with swelling, even if you’re not allergic.
Not much else you can do…
As already mentioned, benadrl would help along with some ice.
I would also try putting some witch hazel on a cotton ball and letting that sit on it for a while. Witch hazel is great for reducing swelling. Just make sure you don’t get any in your eye.
WELL LILLY!!??? How are you today???
Yah, did Dutchess suck your face?
Rarebutt…you just lurk about lying in wait to give me shit, don’t you!
Wassamatta Lilly? Too blind to see? You stuck in Fluther??
Thanks for caring guys, and no, @Rarebear @Dutchess_III did not suck my face.
Well, it isn’t pretty but it could be worse. It’s swollen and inflamed but it doesn’t hurt unless I touch it and as the good doctor would say: “then don’t touch it.” And if feel like I have a silicone implant in my cheek from the swelling but it doesn’t itch at all. I’m going to have another session with the bag of frozen peas and see if that won’t bring the swelling down a little bit. I decided against all the topical applications people suggested because it’s so close to my eye but I’ve been icing it down and taking benadryl.
And… btw, my skin doesn’t really have a green tint to it. That was the fluorescent light in the bathroom.
Duchess, to blind to spell correctly or is you just ign’ant?
Further, I am not a ign-ant or any kind of ant at all.
O ow! I looked at the picture…o man. I’m sorry I even made that joke! Poor baby…it’ll feel better soon. I won’t suck on it, but I can blow on it for you…
That’s o.k. @Dutchess_III I’m sorry I called you ign’ant. I was outside just a minute ago and crossed paths with another wasp. Damn those little buggers.
And thanks @SpatzieLover. It’s not so bad, it’s taking it’s toll on my vanity though. I need to run some errands and had to do the sunglasses thing.
Dutchass no, but you left yourself wide open for that one!
Just saw the picture. Ice and antihistimines. Motrin for pain.
@Rarebear Thanks sweetie. I promise to follow doctor’s orders. :-)
Beer for the pain. Rarebeast don’t know nuttin.
And if the beer doesn’t work, there is always JD.
@Dutchess_III Well, he does know a few things but I will say he’s not very open to alternative therapies like beer as an analgesic. He is a big fan of beer though, just not medicinally.
@WestRiverrat Sadly, out of Jack right now but I have a fresh six pack of Bass Ale in the fridge and some merlot. I will have to make to with that. I’m not going out again tonight, not with this mutant cheek attached to my face.
Lilly called me a big ant. WAAAAAAA!!!
@Dutchess_III Did I say that? I could have sworn I said you had a big ass. That’s what I mean to say, at least. Damn autocorrect.
It’s OK. I can tell you don’t feel good, honey. Big eyed honey. Poor baby.
@Rarebear I think slug bait is pretty much all Anheuser Busch Natural Light is good for.
Well. Hell. I can’t believe you let that slip @Blueroses! OK. I was in casual conversation with the Orkin guy when he came to our office to do his monthly thing. We got off on a discussion about slugs. When I was a kid in Seattle, after dark, there were slugs EVERY FREAKIN’ WHERE. I remember them clearly and I was only 4 or 5. But I’d never seen them since…until we moved to this house. God they’re GROSS. Anyway, the Orkin guy says “Best way to get rid of slugs is to put a pie plate of beer out. They love it. They will flock to it (have you ever seen a flock of slugs? Me either.) Anyway, the beer kills them.”
I asked if there was any particular beer I should use.
And that’s all I’m going to say. Except that this is a true story, cross my heart and hope to die which I probably will since @Rarebear is the Dr. on call.
I have heard of these solutions:
-juice of a lemon, I never tried
-baking soda paste, which didn’t work.
-Benadryl which worked.
Yes, Lilly. How is your eye today?
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Sometimes it comes in handy to check the date a question was asked, and to check the responses to see if what you’re suggesting has already been suggested, @VALE23
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