Social Question

Why not Capitalist Libertarianism!
Inspired by This question, why isn’t Libertarianism more popular than it is?! Last I read, it was the third largest registered party of voters in America (to only the Dems. & Repubs).
For the record, I’m not just a gun toting, second amendment advocate whose scared that “they” wanna take my guns away. In fact, it seems obvious to me that the NRA has been successful in getting LOTS of gun rights for Americans, except in those stubborn commie areas like Los Angeles.
I don’t do any drugs, but I think marijuana should be legalized and regulated locally. I don’t see how it harms anyone more than alcohol or tobacco, yet alcohol & tobacco consumption is huge business in America.
I work in “the business side” of the healthcare industry, so I should be all for healthcare reform; but I am not. When my premiums went up this year, in huge part due to Obama’s actions, I was PISSED. To me, that is socialism at its core. Everyone should have the right to SEEK and provide for their own healthcare, but to take more of MY money and REDISTRIBUTE it to others? Sorry, I just don’t think that’s right, although it will help my industry thrive even more.
So why the heck isn’t Libertarianism more popular today than it is? Why does it still seem that the main current out there thinks Ron Paul is crazy?
A huge part of the reason for The War of 1812 was that America was tired of the British continuing to drag us into war. Why are we so complacent about it now? People bitch about it, but a HUGE part of the debt WE ALL hold as a country is because of these uncalled-for war efforts. I don’t think Paul’s isolationist (right choice of terminology?) would be so bad for us today.
This is America! If I want to smoke weed, why can’t I?! If I don’t want to give the elite my money for war and healthcare, why should I?! The whole point our founding fathers came here and set up shop is so people could be free to do what they choose! Why does some of my money go to the US Postal Service and other embarrassingly inefficient and poorly run programs, against my will?!
Please share your thoughts for and against a more libertarian government. I am very curious to see how others feel on the issue!