Choose a unique item from your wallet/purse/pocket/etc and explain why you carry it around.
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AshLeigh (
July 12th, 2011
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47 Answers
Before you say it…
Condoms are not unique!!!
Hmmm, this dollar bill is unique, because it’ll allow only me to spend it when I choose to. This card for a free car wash is also unique because only my car will receive this free wash lol. I’m a functional guy, it’s only there if I need it.
A green cloth cross. I found it in my mother’s items, so I kept it to remind me of her. Not that I need anything to remind me, but maybe really to feel close to her when I am digging things out of my purse and see it.
Measuring tape. It’s a small one with a picture of Sparty (my school mascot) on it. It might be a key chain? I don’t remember, I don’t keep keys on it. It comes in handy sometimes.
I use to keep a whistle/compass/thermometer all in one thingy. I wonder what happened to it? Now I have a compass on my phone, and the weather. Still, a whistle is not a bad idea.
My weed whacker…I never know when my MIL will show up and surprise me.
Hmmm…my wallet is boring, just the usual biz. cards, credit cards, ATM cards, cash, various little slips of paper from flyers on bulletin boards for yard services and housekeeping and pet sitting. And my new drivers license…YAY…five more years of no tests!
I DID keep a great little pic in my wallet for a few years after my divorce, it made me laugh, it was a photo of a sheep in a suit with a wolfs paw coming out of the sleeve. Soooo perfect! lol
I carry a GETS card, which is a government emergency card that gives me a code to grab a phone line during an emergency or disaster. I have to call in to a federal agency on whether the company I work for is open and available for business.
There is a £.01 in my wallet from the last time I was in England a couple of months ago. It is a reminder of a wonderful time, and so it is left there.
My guitar pick. You never know when you may jam with a friend.
I have a tiny functioning harmonica that I carry in my purse. I carry it around because it was a gift from a very good friend of mine and she was so excited about getting it for me and because… duh! ... who doesn’t want to have a tiny functioning harmonica in her purse?
I carry a Tide pen. I tend to get dirty a lot.
A copper nugget that I got from my girlfriend (has personal meaning).
I have a Mr. Bill fan club membership card.
And a bunch of guitar picks.
What about a double headed condom? Yeahhh…
Not totally unique but not very common these days either, an Obama metro fare card.
Did you know there are Bin Ladin condoms? Yep, I had one, I gave it to my bank manager last year, get the message?—He won’t forget me anytime soon!—haha
WALLET: A small pressed leaf that fell onto an open book that I was reading. I took that to mean I want to come home with you! Was my bookmark for awhile, then moved to my wallet.
PURSE: I keep a tiny (and empty) glass vial in my purse. Been collecting small samples of dirt from our travels or from places of personal significance to me.
POCKET: I used to keep this marble in my pocket. I just liked the way it felt rolling around in my hand. Used to give it to the SO when they travelled. Got lost on one of those trips. Even though there was no initial significance to that marble, seemed wrong to replace it.
I just checked, and my purse is pretty much empty. There’s a wallet, sunglasses, and some random papers and wrappers in there.
The most interesting things in my wallet are my Skywarn Storm Spotter identification card, a card stating that I’ve completed CPR & AED training, and a fortune out of a cookie that says “Traveling more often is important for your health and happiness.”
Pretty boring overall.
I have a communion wafer which I carry around in one of the plastic photo sleeves of my wallet. I do this to antagonise my Catholic mother.
One christmas a couple of years ago I was dragged to mass, and to my delight I was given TWO wafers by the tipsy Irish priest at Communion. I asked my mum if I should throw it out and she told me they used to perform this elaborate ceremony involved to dispose of a communion wafer that accidentally dropped on the floor during communion. Like they had to cordon off the area and cover it with a special cloth or somesuch nonsense. (I know, right?)
So now when we meet I show her my little communion wafer in its protective sleeve and pronounce it a miracle that it has stayed in such pristine condition living out its days in the back pocket of my jeans (It has crumbled to dust long ago.) I tell her I can see Jesus’ face in there and she always looks!!!
the most interesting thing in my wallet is my “Modern Toilet” business card. Greatest restaurant in HK and possibly the world.
@atomicmonkey I dropped mine in 4th grade. It rolled passed the priest’s feet and I went after it, picked it up and popped it in my mouth. I didn’t know what else to do.
@Jude that’s pretty funny, sorry. :) I went to a Byzantine Catholic Church, so there were no wafers. Never occurred to me that something like that could happen.
Two very small lockets of my little girls’ hair when they were each three-years-old. That’s when they were at their cutest (you know, the chubby toddler stage and sweet personalities). When their mother gave them a little haircut, I decided to keep a small locket from each daughter in my black leather wallet, for good luck and for the memories, alongside their photos. I know, gag me with a spoon you say!
@Schroedes13 When you were in HK, did you use the “Octopus Card”?
Pics of my kids, coz they’re awesome!
ya I loved my octopus card. I really wish major cities in Canada could create a system like that. It was so convenient.
They don’t have that in either the States or Canada. I was up in B.C. last year, thinking I could find one similar in Victoria, but no luck finding something like that. It’s soooooo convenient, easy to use, and economical. You can use it anywhere for almost anything, from condoms to dinner at a posh restaurant to bus fare. Lol.
ya I know. It was amazing to use that simple card to get around the city or at a convenience store. They has a similar system in the mainland, but it’s mostly for transportation!
An English ha’penny. It was given to me by one of the first civilians I cared for as a paramedic.
@Schroedes13 One thing I like about HK, and Yokohama (where my Mom was born), is that you can go from one place to another in the space of a few minutes by taking one of those cool subways, not like the subways in America. They go underground, in HK submerged in the sea in a tunnel, like a tube. And the subways are very safe and clean, especially in Japan. Crowded, but fast and convenient. I remember I had to get from one part of the city to another, and I didn’t need a car or a taxi. Just use my Octopus card and I was there in about 10 minutes!
I have a vintage circa 1930’s picture of a man wearing a suit with slicked back hair smoking a cigar, sitting on a Rolls Royce… in my wallet. On the back of the photo “Herbert” is written pencil. I found it at an antique shop a while back.
My Swiss Army knife. I carry it in my pocket anywhere and everywhere I go.
You never know when you might need it.
@Schroedes13 I’m not from the U.S so I’ve never been through TSA, but yes, I don’t have it on me through airports.
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It’s not unique, but maybe a little weird: I have a ton of loose pieces of gum (the kind that look like Chiclets) in the bottom of my purse. They spilled, and I just left them there.
I have a ’‘Coke Card’’, still in its case. Those were used way back, started in 1996 or so, and when you bought a Coke product and showed the card, points were awarded to your card. You could trade those points for swag, like backpacks and sunglasses and stuff.
They gave those out when a new Burger King restaurant opened up in Winnipeg where I lived, along with one free Whopper. I never used the card once, and its idea didn’t last all that long. But for some reason, I still own it. It’s been through about three wallets, but it’s still there, in its nifty little plastic case.
1996 was way back?
I was born in 1995…. :D:D:D I must be old, if 1996 was SO LONG AGO.
I have a Certifiably Insane Official License – I’ve had it in my wallet for years (and, yes, it’s a joke card).
On a more sentimental note: I have a small African (Kenyan) soapstone elephant that I usually carry in my jacket or jeans pocket. I’ve been carrying it around for about 10 years.
People were born in 1995? Sweet Jesus, that always trips me out.
Damn man, back in 1995, I was like…being a kid was so long ago. XD
@Symbeline I was 5 in 1995. There have been so many instances where I have met someone who looked like an adult or even older than me, and I’d ask them when they were born and they would say something like ‘95 or ‘96 and I instantly get really tripped out. It makes me feel old, even though I’m young :p
Yeah, yeah. Give it a rest. Some of us actually are old.
Haha, well look on the bright side; at least you look your age. That must suck for people who are the same age as you and you’re like, dude I thought you were like 32 or something. XD
@Symbeline I would guess you were pretty close to my age from looking at you. Not trying to flatter you.
@AshLeigh trololololololololol
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