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Jude's avatar

How could I prepare for this physical test (at the end of the Summer). Details inside?

Asked by Jude (32210points) July 13th, 2011

I plan on working with troubled youth next Fall and this is a requirement.

I am 5’2” (weigh 120 lbs) and I may need to physically restrain children and adolescence.

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7 Answers

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Go to work on a farm this Summer. Throw hay bales around all day and you’ll be ready for the kids. You’ll also end up with calloused hands that your s/o will hate.

YoBob's avatar

Good suggestion by @Adirondackwannabe. If you can survive a summer loading hay you will have no problem with almost any physical challenge that comes your way.

Suggest you take a martial arts class or two. I would suggest something like Akido that focuses on a more passive defense combined with pressure point and joint locks to maintain control.

SpatzieLover's avatar

Take up weight lifting. If you ease into it, you’ll have no trouble whatsoever lifting, pulling or pushing 100lbs by autumn.

Schroedes13's avatar

ya I’d start going to a local gym and start doing various squats and exercises with kettle bells to improve your lifting and carrying capacity.

And as YoBob said, think about taking up a martial art. I suggest judo or jiu jitsu!

blueiiznh's avatar

Go work at UPS or some other box handling job.
It has been proven that people who work to load and unload have the greatest workout going.
Then just stack those troubled little youths like boxes.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Get yourself some weights!!

Jude's avatar

I am going to practice by restraining my girlfriend. Should be fun. :)

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