Social Question

SpatzieLover's avatar

Would you be so bold as to ask your celebrity crush out on a date?

Asked by SpatzieLover (24614points) July 13th, 2011

I saw this story about actress Mila Kunis accepting a date to the Marine Corps ball in autumn. The Marine made his request from Afghanistan via the Net.

Would you do the same?

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32 Answers

MilkyWay's avatar

No frikkin way.

rebbel's avatar

No, i would not.
I think it would be way cooler if she asked me out on a date.

Blackberry's avatar

It wouldn’t happen anyway, so yeah, sure.

redfeather's avatar

Hell no. But I’m glad she accepted :)

atomicmonkey's avatar

I don’t think it would be that hard asking Anna Nicole Smith out. But I’d be very surprised if she said yes.

tedibear's avatar

Nope, because he is happily married. And so am I. And if neither of us were married, I would probably be too tongue-tied to ask.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@rebbel is she a mind reader? ;)

DarlingRhadamanthus's avatar

@atomicmonkeyuh, I would be surprised, too, if Anna Nicole responded, mostly because she is dead

rebbel's avatar

@SpatzieLover Julianne Moore? No, she’s an actress. :-)

DarlingRhadamanthus's avatar

Actually, my celebrity crush did ask me out…and we dated…and that’s how I was able to realize that sometimes crushes should remain crushes from afar. Let’s just say the public persona and the private one did not at all match.

I changed my crush to someone else. It is now Ross “the Intern” Matthews (and Salvador) two that are too cute for words lol

ucme's avatar

I tried another method on this babe. With limited success it has to be said.

Blackberry's avatar

@DarlingRhadamanthus Sooo, you’re not going to tell us who it was?

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

No way, but this story is too cute. My current celebrity crush is married, so it would be pointless.
It’s actually a local story, so our local news has been covering it closely. I think it’s adorable. I have always liked Mila Kunis, but now I like her even more.

DarlingRhadamanthus's avatar

@BlackberryNo…gentlewomen don’t kiss and

janbb's avatar

I’m sure that George Clooney would jump at the chance to date a bookish penguin.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@janbb you’ll never know unless you ask ;) although I myself am quite intimidated by the appearance of his previous models

Hibernate's avatar

I’d do it but since most of us are just normal folk it’s less likely to happen for us.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

I had the chance once. A friend gave the housemate and me free VIP tickets to a Harry Connick, Jr. concert. After the show, we had the opportunity to meet him. All I could muster up was to say, “I gave up a weekend in New Orleans to attend your concert. It was worth it.” (He was born in there.) At the time, he was already married, and to a Victoria’s Secret model, so I doubt that it would have done any good to ask him out.

athenasgriffin's avatar

Oh, no. I wouldn’t be able to speak to my celebrity crush.

chyna's avatar

Still waiting on John Cusack to ask me out.

DarlingRhadamanthus's avatar

@chyna….LOL! Oh, I absolutely think he is gorgeous…witty, clever, politically astute, handsome (but in a boy-next-door way), creative, sense of humor. He is definitely 1 on my current celebrity crush list (next to Ross/Salvador of course.) Good choice! I also think he one of the best and most underrated actors…but I feel that he has never sold out to Tinseltown and for that, I do admire him very much.

filmfann's avatar

Regardless of what she said, I would think less of her, so the answer is no.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

He probably did it on a drunken dare, and she accepted for the media buzz. Not only does she get her name back out there, she is seen as a good partriotic American, caring for our fighting men while she is at it.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central Precisely on both accounts…and it appeared to me she did it on a dare by Justin

Facade's avatar

Of course

aprilsimnel's avatar

No, he’s engaged. That wouldn’t be nice toward his fiancee.

KatawaGrey's avatar

I recently met this man and even if we were both single and he was not 37 years my senior, I would not be able to ask him out. I turned into a blithering idiot and nearly fainted afterwards.

zenvelo's avatar

I met my crush at the Whitney Museum, going through an exhibit at the same pace. She was so nice, and polite and intelligent.But she was with her boyfriend/co-star, and now they’ve had a baby, and are planning to marry.


Kardamom's avatar

If I ever saw Alan Rickman in the flesh, my body would implode upon itself and I would be left with a hard one by one inch block of Kardamom!

SpatzieLover's avatar

@Kardamom I’d be delighted if he just spoke words to me ;)

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