Well, if I’m a troll, my name can’t be pronounceable. Something like Grtlksxrtsphrh’ob. I would be otherwise known as the bone muncher. My weapons are two tree trunks, cuz I’m a badass mountain troll. Some paladin would try to end my reign of terror, but he wouldn’t be able to, because I regenerate, and he just worships some god.
Or you mean an internet troll. I denno. I’d just keep my name. ^^ Or maybe adjust it a little…Fuckbeline, or like, Sym’s_A_Sin.
cheap_lying_no-good_rotten_four-flushing_low-life_snake-licking_dirt-eating_inbred_overstuffed_ignorant_blood-sucking_dog-kissing_brainless_dickless_hopeless_heartless_fat-ass_bug-eyed_stiff-legged_spotty-lipped_worm-headed_sack of monkey shit