Social Question

Mainly for those who are liberal about sex: Does abstinence only deserve a second look?
I would like to start by saying, that I have always thought abstinence only was ridiculous, that there is no chance horny teenagers can control them selves. However, I have recently started not only to doubt my previous position, but have also started mounting argumental attacks against my previous position.
I put it to you, that abstinence only is really the only way to go. Now, I am not condeming pornography or masturbation or any of the other things that tend to go hand in hand with abstinence only. I am also not going to wast my time trying to convince anyone under the age of twenty to take up abstinence. However, I now think that it should be the done thing for those who are a little older, and a little more aware of the dangers.
If you have any kind of sex, even with protection, there is a chance that you could get something and ruin your life. Furthermore, if you have sex of any kind, there is a chance you will become paranoid of diseases and end up battering your mind with irrational fears. I now believe, that the unpleasent experience of getting and STD, or the fear of possibly having an STD far outweigh the pleasure. Even if you have sex for a few hours, and the entire time is awesome, the experience soon fades, leaving you with nothing but fading memories, and possible fears of your life being ruined.
I think sleeping around, even with protection, is a kin to bankers taking short term profit over long term security.
Is abstinence only not the best way to go?
Abstinence offers the lowest STD risk levels, It is also probably the more romantic option, and the easiest option too.
I am not suggesting people remain abstinent until marriage, but at least until a long term relationship shows up, and ideally until there is love in the equation.
What does the collective think on this one? Do I have a point, or am I getting soft with age?
Would you really preffer short term pleasure to long term peace of mind, a stable relationship, and love?
If abstinence still seems bad to you even when proposed as in this question, do you see a way it could work?