Which Republican presidential candidate or potential candidate is the looniest?
It is hard to find the mainstream this year.
Mitt Romney thinks that he can criticize Obama’s health care and at the same time defend the nearly identical program that he initiated.
Newt Gingrich thinks that, despite a sorrowful marriage record, he can credibly defend family values among those for whom this is an important issue.
Herman Cain wants to block a mosque from being built in Tennessee on the grounds that it blocks freedom of religion.
Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin are members of the Tea Party. Among the issues that the party has raised is a strong opposition to phasing out incandescent bulbs and opposition to the first lady’s promotion of healthy food choices.
Bachmann strongly supports her husband’s Christian Counseling business, which uses Medicaid funds and which is on record for trying to convert gay men into heterosexuals. She also does not seem to have accomplished anything in her 3 terms in Congress.
Palin thinks that people will be able to ignore her resignation from the governorship of Alaska. She is also promoting a feature length campaign ad as a documentary.
Ron Paul has the standard libertarian stance of wanting to get rid of Social Security, Medicare and just about every other government organization. In any other year, he might stand out as a fringe candidate.
Rick Perry strongly denies global warming while his state is going through a record setting drought. His solution to this and other problems is to call for a supposedly nondenominational prayer event sponsored by fundamentalist Christian organizations.
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46 Answers
Obama’s the looniest of them all. Must have taken you quite awhile to come up with all those objections to nothing but Republican candidates! Heh!
Hey, be nice to Newt, he finds marriage as so sacrosanct he keeps trying to get it right!
Herman Cain seems to be the nuttiest in what I have seen. “No bills longer than three pages!”
@CaptainHarley The question was about Republican candidates to begin with. But please, tell us one crazy thing Obama has said. A policy you disagree with is not loony; the candidates mentioned above have actually made some outlandish statements that have people (including Republicans), shaking their heads in amazement that they have been electd to anything, let alone trying to be president.
As opposed to a current commander and chief who seems to believe that we can borrow our way out of debt?
Bachmann. Bachmann. Bachmann. Bachmann. Well, really I think she’s about on par with Sarah Palin in terms of looniness… but, unlike Palin, Bachmann actually has a shot at the general election, which makes her much, much more terrifying.
Definitely Bachmann, I can’t believe some of the things her and her husband have said. I was infuriated when I heard her husband was trying to pray the gay out of gay people lol.
The whole field makes me sad. Not a single president among any of them.
Bachman by a mile imo. Newt, Romney, Perry, they may be total opposite my beliefs and hypocrites in some regards, but they’re not crazy.
@YoBob Just face palm.
Naughty Republicans, naughty naughty Republicans! They should stop being so naughty!
But yeah, Michele Bachman is kind of a dipshit.
Pray the gay out? WTH? Sometimes I wonder what world some people come from.
Palin is a total nut job, period.
They’re all just white noise to me.
I would actually give a republican a second look if they got off that whole bigotry and religion thing, but they cling to it so much they make themselves appear quite out of touch with humanity.
I think Perry gives Bachmann and Palin a good run in the looniness category. I am eagerly waiting to see what happens at the Bubba Bowl prayer event.
FWIW, I live in Texas and have been subject to “Uncle Ricky’s” rule for several years.
He does NOT have my support as a presidential candidate.
It makes me glad I live in Britain where politicians and political parties are much more sensible.
I think I used to BE a republican. But they have become such a freaking embarrassment I’ve distanced my self from them as much as possible.
Bachmann. She represents almost everything I hate.
Donald Trump. I used to admire him but after that birth certificate fiasco, well…
@Blackberry I’m interested in knowing what you mean by bigotry…
@YoBob I am considering Perry. As a Texan, what do you not like about him?
You mean things like saying he had visited “all 57 states?” That sort of thing? :LOL!
Hey now @CaptainHarley, you can’t blame Barry on that one; that’s is what his teleprompter told him to say.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Barry Sowetoro is LOST without his teleprompter!
Anyone who thinks they can beat Obama.
@filmfann None of these current jokers can, that’s for sure.
Can anyone kidnap this guy and force him to run?
I like that he wears gloves all the time.
I’ve often wondered why, if we can ( technically ) still draft men into the Army, why can’t we draft the person we want for President? Have every voter in the Country vote for whomever they like, then have one or two run-offs for President, and whomever wins has to serve a minimum of four years. : )
@cletrans2col Democrats are bigots, too, if that’s what you wanted to hear lol. But I was referring to the gay issue.
@cletrans2col – What do I not like about Rick Perry?
It mainly boils down to arrogance, especially that which he displayed during the whole toll road/trans-texas corridor scam/fiasco. It’s not so much I object to using tolls to fund new road infrastructure. It’s just that there there were/are several quite smelly things about how this particular push for toll roads was implemented and Uncle Ricky played a major role in shoving as much of it down the throats of his subjects constituents as he could get away with.
Firstly, there was the funding. One of the more sensible proposals was for toll roads to be funded by bond money and the proceeds from use be put into escrow and when that escrow reaches a point where the funds have been re-paid and enough profit has been generated for the interest to provide for ongoing maintenance the toll road turns into a regular freeway. However, the tollways installed under Ricky’s rule will forever remain pay per use.
Then there is the matter of where the funding goes. I would expect the funds from the tolls to go into our general fund. However, as I understand it a foreign corporation (I believe located in South America) was awarded the contract to operate those roads (which will indefinitely remain toll roads) I can’t help but wonder how Uncle Ricky is tied to that little cash cow money trail.
Then there is that bit about trying, during the big toll road push, to turn existing roadways into tollways. This plan included almost every major thoroughfare in the city where I hang my hat. Don’t even get me started there!
And lastly, there was that nasty bit about proclaiming iminet domain for hundreds of small family owned Texas farms and ranches in order to make way for the failed Trans Texas corridor as well as other new tollway projects. In short: “Oh, sorry. I know your family has been running a farm/ranch here for 5 generations, but we want to take your land, turn it into a tollway, and ship the funds of to an unaccountable firm in another country. Have a niche day!”
As a the steward of a small Texas ranch, SCREW HIM!
Don’t forget the ubiquitous Ms Palin who thinks we were assisting the Brits with Paul Revere’s ride . . .
@CaptainHarley don’t you value the structure of our constitution, with its allowance for states’ rights? Your new president would probably be selected by California, Texas and New York.
Thankfully, neither Palin or Bachmann will win the nomination. The GOP has a history of selecting the runner-up from the previous year as the nominee, so it will be Romney.
I used to like Romney until he became our own John Kerry and flip-flopped on a lot of positions (what is it with MA candidates?).
@LostInParadise I do disagree with your OP statement on him though. Romney makes a legitimate point that the plan he signed as guv was a state plan not a mandate from Washington. This is a point that may stick with many voters.
@cletrans2col I agree. Romney will be the nominee, but the VP slot will go to a tea partier: either Bachman or Ron Paul. Doesn’t matter, though. Unless Obama is caught in bed with an 8 year old boy, he will be reelected.
@filmfann Bachman would be a repeat of Palin; she’s not gonna play second fiddle to anyone.
And I wouldn’t be too sure of Obama. No president has been re-elected with 8%+ unemployment and if Romney runs a diciplined, issues-oriented campaign (he’s the only GOP candidate in this race that can do that) he has a good chance.
Frankly the only one who stands a snowballs chance at the moment is Romney.
There’s no chance the middle of the electorate gets behind Palin, Bachmann, Paul, or another Bush (sorry Jeb).
Huntsman doesn’t have the name recognition, the pizza guy, gingrich, trump are all too big of a mess/joke to win it.
Rick Perry would easily be portrayed as a carbon copy of GW Bush (be it true or not).
@tedd Jeb would have more than enough money to fight an attempt to compare him to his brother.
@cletrans2col They wouldn’t even need to attempt though. Be he a polar opposite of his father and brother, his last name is Bush and he is directly related to both.
No sum of money can escape that.
Look at Michelle Baughman’s eyes. Look closely.
More like 99,000 volts of electroshock won’t stop her.
very manic, glittery, and scary.
Lights on but populated by aliens?
I hated her face when she said “If you turn 9–9-9 upside down…(shit eating grin), well, the devil’s in the details!” What a dork.
@cockswain While I dislike Bachmann, I do love the creative turn of a phrase, and I gave her high marks for that.
I remain unimpressed. I hope someone whips a bag of crap at her.
Even the Tea Party wants her to stand down. whew!
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