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blueberry_kid's avatar

Are you afraid of roller coasters?

Asked by blueberry_kid (5960points) July 15th, 2011

I honestly LOVE roller coasters. They are the best things in the world. I am not afraid of them at all. I even rode the tallest roller coaster in the world. Pretty awesome. I would to hear your opinions.

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29 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Love ‘em. Wooden coasters metal rails. To articulation under-hung with loops.

FluffyChicken's avatar

I freaking LOVE them. I get a huge high (pun may or may not be intended) from them.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Not afraid, but I hate them. The whole inner-ear spinny thing just gives me a massive headache. I want to have fun on them, honest, but it’s just not a good match.

erichw1504's avatar

No, I am not afraid of any roller coaster, but I hate those old wooden ones, they give me a headache.

MilkyWay's avatar

I love them to death.

zenvelo's avatar

I like most roller coasters, but not the ones that jerk you from side to side so much it hurts one’s neck.

jrpowell's avatar

My dad was a mechanical engineer. He loved to talk about the weaknesses on the rides while we were on them. Scared the fucking shit out of me. I avoid them now.

sinscriven's avatar

I’m afraid of rollercoasters because i’m afraid of mechanical/human failure. I’m a fatty so i worry if I’m completely secured, and it makes me nervous knowing that my life is in the hands of someone who gets paid minimum wage.

ucme's avatar

Nah, i’ve never been into rides except with the wife.
I get dizzy walking around a corner I do.

tedd's avatar

I <3 roller coasters, which rocks cuz I live near Cedar Point.

But my g/f doesn’t like them…. >:O

incendiary_dan's avatar

I see no point in them. Waste of space and material.

And I think it’s entirely sane to no want to be flung around at high speeds with small amounts of safety devices.

tedd's avatar

@incendiary_dan The point in them is enjoying the human desire to go fast and be excited.

And safety hasn’t been an issue for coasters in decades. Do you know how many millions, if not billions of individual coaster rides there are a year, and how very few accidents there are?

erichw1504's avatar

@tedd Yeah, you probably have as much of a chance of being killed on a roller coaster as you do on an airplane.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Roller coasters are fun. I take more risks of getting killed driving home from work each day.

YARNLADY's avatar

No, but all that jerking and bouncing around just makes me sick. I never did actually enjoy the full size ones. I do like to take my grandkids on the kiddie rides.

aprilsimnel's avatar

I love roller coasters.

Say what? Roller coaster. oo-OO-OO-OOOH!

ZEPHYRA's avatar

If they paid me a fortune I wouldn’t get on one!!!!!! I would drop dead of a cardiac arrest the moment I got on one – even if it hadn’t moved yet!!!!

Porifera's avatar

Are you kidding me? I am beyond afraid, I am terrified just of the thought of it, it makes me sick and want to throw up….like, OK, 1 minute….brb.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Long time since I’ve been on one. I USED to like them, anyway.
Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet Emooooooooooooooooooo-shun.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I’m not afraid, but they make me physically ill, so I don’t ride them. Once in a while I may see one as irresistible and get on. It’s fun up until the point that I feel like my stomach is trying to claw its way out. :)

MissAusten's avatar

I love them, with the exception of the old wooden ones. They are just way too painful and hard on the neck!

A few weeks ago I went with my daughter’s class on a field trip to an amusement park. It had been many years since I’d been on a roller coaster, and I was so glad to discover how much I still enjoy them!

flutherother's avatar

I avoid them as they make me feel sick. Space Mountain was a nightmare I thought would never end.

Only138's avatar

I love to get wasted and ride the roller coasters. I live not to far from Cedar Point, and that place kicks ass!

nailpolishfanatic's avatar

Yes. I am scared of heights… but I still go on them and I scream all the way till its over. But I’ve never gone on the biggest ones like the wooden ones because I am just too scared of dying.

mazingerz88's avatar

Yes, afraid because my body can’t tolerate the G forces. Yet I so envy those that can since it’s awesome fun in my view.

Hibernate's avatar

First time I got some dizziness but after a few more times it was very cool.

I am not afraid but I wouldn’t try the one that just go up and down.

Bellatrix's avatar

Nope. Don’t go on them often. Like them when I do though.

snowberry's avatar

I don’t like them, not afraid, just do not like them. Being dizzy and jerked around just isn’t my thang.

downtide's avatar

Yes. I went on one once and I seriously thought I was going to fall out and die. I wouldn’t go on another if you paid me.

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